chapter 16: the end of a many years war.

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Frisk pov.
Hmm. I should get this. And this. I should have asked what brand of chocolates she wanted. But I'm guessing she only had one brand. I went to the check out and buy them. I must say. Did this place get bigger or has it been 4 years since I been here. I buy them and head out. I see soilders doing there morning routine. The monster soilders. Man it has only been 2 months and everyone already doing well. I end up being the army new commander. Second to sans. We were able to Met with the mayor of this town and her army that was there. Who would have thought a army was here. They accepted the monsters as they don't want to repeat the old war. And that how we are here. The city us guarded by both monsters and humans. As monsters are enjoying them humans. Introducing them and stuff. The thing about this job is I have to go to the meetings about problems. They are ok but there way to many. I would want to stay home and just hangout with cocoa. Asriel been watching us. Looking out for cocoa by the sound of it. Or is it don't hurt her or this will be the last time you live.a very protective brother. That cool. I never told anyone else about my past but boogie and cocoa. I don't want them to be burden. He my problem. I will make him pay for his action. All I want to do is wait. There will be a time and place to do that. I continue walking. I got to me znd cocoa place. Also boogie living with us. Say he my bodyguard at home. I open the door. I enter. There the lounge. The kitchen to the left. And up stairs is the bathroom and bed rooms. I believe cocoa is in the lounge. Watching TV or drawing. She plans to be a artist. I walk up behind her. I grab a chocolate bar and hold it to her. She notice it and turn around to me. "Hello!" She hug me as I hug her back. "I wasn't gone for that long cocoa" cocoa: "I....worry" she still trying to speak since she mostly a mute. "It all good cocoa. As long as I'm here. No problems will happen on my watch" Cocoa smiled. We shared a small quick kiss. She improving. Used to our relationship. Just need to stop my self from wanting to hug her so much because of how cute she is. She so adorable! I sat down with her. "Hey boogie. Here your one!" I hand him chocolate. Boogie: "you didn't have to get me one" I shrugged. Cocoa sat next to me. I grab my own and started eating it. "It feel great to just sit down and hangout. Alot of meeting are just talking about making sure of this. Who done that. Ect. It always the same. At least I can sit down and talk to you both" boogie: "cocoa been worrying about you. And she been reading books about relationships" Cocoa nodded. Cocoa: "" awww. "That cute cocoa!" I hug her."dont worry! This is my first time too! So I'll try and be the best girlfriend too!" She smiled. She has her hooded down more. Her hair is the same as mine. My God she so cute. I gave her another kiss. She didn't expect it. She blushed and cover her face with her note book. "So cute!" I chuckled. Boogie started chatting up. Boogie: "the flowers cocoa planted are doing well. Even with her plant magic. She knows how to take care of them" that sound cool. I would love to see her plant magic in her work. It help us alot of times. I looked to my left. I than see someone watching us at the windows. "Cocoa. Asriel is watching us again" she looked as he try to go back up. Cocoa: "hero!!" He was stop in his track. He drop down. I went to the door and open it. Asriel: "thank you" he walked in. Cocoa: "I'm...alright!" She giving asriel a tell off. Asriel: "I know angel. I know" asriel. You are a very caring brother. I wish I had one. Maybe I would have been saved. From getting sold. But I met these people. Amazing people. Now I want to live. With everyone. I take a bite out of my chocolate as I watch cocoa giving asriel the face of disappointment. It funny. I started looking though my phone. The website monster and humanTube. I was looking though videos. Monsters and humans. It enjoying to see two side have peace. Two war between two sides. Finally peace after so many years. I went back until I notice a ! in my messages. I pushed it to see. I than see his name. I froze. Did he knew I survived. No. There no way he knew. He watched me fall. Did he believe I would survived that fall. Too bad I already got rid of him out of my contracts. Don't know how I can see his message. What does it say. Even in death. You still belong to me. Fuck you. I would want to have sex with someone that I love. Which is cocoa. But she shy to do it. I won't force her even if she wants to because of me. I'll wait until she calm and ready. I deleted the message. Boogie: "you good frisk? You went silent" oh they are here. "Oh I'm good! I was watching videos. Is she done?" Asriel: "yes we are done" he was about to leave until cocoa step in his way. Looks like she not done with him. That cute. Man. I need a smoke. I would want to smoke but lately someone been hiding my smokes. I been looking for them. Boogie: "you look like you want something. Could it be this?" He show smokes. "So your the ones taking them" cocoa and asriel when to the other room as asriel try to show her was doing a good thing. Boogie: "something been on your mind for the last 2 mouth. Than I notice you had these" shaking them. "Yeah. Let say there is something on my mind. That I'm scared" boogie went to my side. Boogie: "Is it that guy you told us about" I nodded. "I feel like. He might find me. Take me. Kill everyone. I can feel it in my dream. Feel it on my skin. Like he here. Always been" boogie: "I know what that feels. Everything. Making sure not to die. Making sure to hid. Change your self. Or just not die. But that the only way to live. The only way to not let myself die. Is to run. To be safe. To survive by any means necessary. That how I thought of it. But you help me and show me that there will always be people. That are against those things. Always will be. You just need to give them a hand. And they will decide" I guess boogie would know. Boogie: "no matter what. You have others now. If something happens. We have your back" i smiles. "Thanks. I needed that. I guess those smokes will not be needed anymore" boogie: "I'll get rid of them. Go see cocoa. Sound like her and asriel are laughing" I nodded. I got up and head for the kitchen. Asriel was spinning cocoa around in a hug. They are real siblings. Cocoa saw me. Cocoa: "frisk!!" Cocoa was put down and run and hug me. Asriel: "she said that you looked worried. Is something
Wrong?" I shook my head. "Nope! Everything all good! It not her fault or anyone's. Just things that I was thinking and now it out of my mind!" I hug cocoa tight. Asriel: "if it something qith work. Let me handle it for you commander. Your the bridge between our people. Your alive is important as a friend. And my sister lover" Cocoa blushed. "Thanks asriel. But I'm ok. I always will be. Thanks for worrying. Now off you go" asriel: "off I go to where?" Me and cocoa started pushing him out of the house. "You have jobs to do. Don't try and escape out of it" asriel: "how did you know!?" We pushed him out. Asriel: "well bye!!" He knew that I will do something he doesn't like. Cocoa know it as well and Agrees. So to save that something. He must finish his work. I sat back down with cocoa. Boogie: "need to do anything?" I shrugged. "I just want to relax with everyone" I grab the remote and turn on the TV.

Liquid: "done and peace!"

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