chapter 2: escape

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Frisk pov.
I slowly open my eyes. Something hurts. I looked around. I'm in the room? How did I get here? I feel the pain. I looked to see bandages on my side. I was shot by something. I got up. I try to move my arm. But I feel something around it. I looked to see cuff around it connected to the bed. Where am I? How did this get here? I'm on a bed. It comfortable but right now I need to figure why the hell this is on my arm. And where i ended up now. I than see the door open. I see someone walked in. Papyrus: "your awake! Good! Good!" Is that? A Walking skeleton? He wearing a dusty robe. He holding a plate? He place it and went to lift up my shirt to check the bandage. "Hey!!!" I stop him. Papyrus: "I'm sorry! But I need to see how your wound is!" He than lift my shirt. I covered it near my breast. This is embarrassing. Papyrus: "ah! Yes it healing nicely!" He let go and grab the plate. Papyrus: "you should eat! It good!" I looked at it. Is that. Dust? Why is there dust on this? Papyrus: "go on! eat!" I pick up the fork. I got some spaghetti. And I ate it. I started koffing. The dust got into my throat. It not good but I have to fake it. "It good!" Trying to stop my self from koffing. Papyrus: "I'm glad! Eat up! It will help you! Now I need to clean ! This place is so dirty!" He than left and slam the door. I think I heard a lock too. So. I'm trapped. I try to force it off my arm. Nothing. I looked around. To see if there anything I can use. I see what looking like a key. I try to reach for it but it on the table away from the bed. Damn it. If only there something I can use. I looked around for it. Than I see boogie come out of the ground. "Boogie?" Boogie: "yo. Your good?" I nodded. "Just trying to get this thing off. The psycho has me stuck to the bed" boogie: "yeah. He really unstable. Lucky he busy with clean. Here. Let me help you her that off" he used a vine to grab the key and went to unlock the cuff. It taking awhile. Boogie: "it hard to use Vines to unlock things" I trust him. He on the run too. He unlocks the cuffs. "Thanks" boogie: "you might need to look around. There might be something you can use" I nodded. I got up. I than looked around. This room must have something. I looked under the bed. Looked inside drawers. Looked everywhere. I only found a long branch. Who the hell would place this here. Anyway it time I leave this place. I went to the door and open it. I didn't open. "I knew I heard something lock. Damn it" boogie: "I'll try and get it open for you. After that. Look for the way out of here" I nodded. He went underground. I looked at photos that look really old. They look like a family. I can't really see who but it looks like it. I place it down. I sat on the bed. I waited for boogie. Wonder what taking him long. Just like he said. It hard to unlock things with his vine. I just want to get away from him. I hate psycho. I don't want to ever see them or go near one. The door open. Boogie: "he coming! Hide!" What! I crawled under the bed. I see him open the door. Papyrus: "it unlocked!" He looked inside. Papyrus: "she gone! Where did she go! She still need to recover! I must heal must heal!!" He than left. I crawled out. Boogie: "he going to be looking for you. Find the way out. I'll let you know when he coming" I nodded. I left the room. I made sure to keep a eye out for papyrus. This place looks small so the exit should be somewhere. I walked around making sure not to run into papyrus. I see locks. That must be the exit way. If only I can step over the stairs bar but for somereason there a force stopping me. I went into the lounge. I see him! I guess I can't go there. I went back and looked around. I see another room next to mine. It unlocked. I walked in. This must be his room. I looked around. Maybe there a key here. I searched all around. Under his bed. In his drawer. On his desk. Where would he keep it? I than see a little box. I open it to see a photo and a key under it. The photo looks old. I was able to see someone but not the others. I place the photo in the box. Boogie appeared. Boogie: "he coming!" Damn it! I hidden under the bed. I hear him enter. Papyrus: "human? Are you in here! You must let me see you! If you don't! That wound could get worse! I'm a medic! I save lives! I can save lives! I'm not a killer! I didn't mean to shoot those monster!!" He started searching for me. Like he really wants to kill me. I can see him holding what looks like a gun. But it glowing. I wondering what it is. He left. I got out from under the bed and went to the door. He not outside. He must be somewhere. I went to the lounge. He In there. The other key must be in there. But I need him out of there. I went to look for boogie. "Boogie? Where are you?" He pop out. Boogie: "what up?" I kneel down. "I believe the key is in there. But papyrus is in there. I need help getting him to leave" boogie: "ok. Leave it to me" I hidden in the room as I listen out for papyrus to leave. I hear him rushing out. I got out of the room and started searching though the lounge. Up. Down. Under stuff. Behind stuff. In the fire place. I can't find it. I went into the kitchen and started searching there. I searched everywhere but I can't find it! Where is it! Is there something secret here! I looked to the dust he had in a corner. Wait. Could it? I went over to it and started searching it. I move my hand in it. Come on where is it! I than feel something. I grab it. Yes! It the other key! I ran right to the locks and unlock them. Papyrus: "no stop!!!" Oh no! I open it and ran down the stairs. It a long hall way. I continue running. Papyrus: "stop!!!" He right behind me. I turn the corner. I continue running. I see a door ahead of me. I head for it. I got it open. Papyrus: "please! Wait! I'm sorry!" What? They were kneeling. Papyrus: "I'm so sorry. I never realized what I have done until it too late. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just. My head. I don't know how to say it. Please. Don't leave. Your wound could reopen. I don't want that. Just. Let me heal you. I'm a medic after all" he sound. Calm. Not crazy. Or nuts. Maybe. I can trust him. Buttons appeared. Hug him or leave. I don't know if I should. But I always forgive those that hate me. I chose hug. I went up to Papyrus and hug him. He hug me back. Papyrus: "you. Forgive me? I'm. Glad you did" I never hug anyone like this in years. Didn't know how. Papyrus: "don't worry. You will be ok. Your in save. Hands" I feel something against the wound. No! I moved just ask he shot. It hit the bandages making the wound open. I hold onto it. Papyrus: "oh no! I shot you! I didn't mean too! I didn't want too! I'm a medic! So don't worry! You will be ok!!" He point the gun at me. It looks like he trying not too. But those unstabled to listen. Than a Vince came out and hit his arm. Knocking the gun away. Than more vines grab Papyrus and started holding him. Boogie: "run for the exit! Don't stop!" I got up and started moving. Holding onto my wound. I went though the door. Papyrus: "dont run! It will only make it worse! I didn't mean too!!!" I got to another door and got it open as a flash of light happen


I got out. I still continue running. I feel the snow under my shoe. The wind blowing at me. Looks like I'm somewhere but I can't see it. My eyes are getting blurry. But I still keep going. I ran into the bushes. I continue running as my eyes slowly closes. I got out and fall onto the ground. I can't move anymore. This is it. This is where I will die for real. I looked ahead of me to see someone. I can't see them fully but they are there. They were about to run away. "Wait" I try to say with the strength I got left. "" I than went unconscious.

Liquid: "another one. Thanks for reading. Peace!"

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