chapter 17: getting rid of a nightmare.

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Frisk pov.
I'm walking around the human and monster army camp. I was told by asriel that there is some new soliders coming So I need to watch there performance. Honestly. I want to stay home. I want to spend more time with cocoa. Why do I have to work. I'm already missing cocoa. Where is asriel? He said he will be following me? Asriel: "sorry commander! I had to take care of something in the south camp" and that the confusing part. There way too many camps. I got lost alot of times because of that. "That ok. So tell me. Where are the new soilders" asriel: "right this way. We are also testing a new weapon too. We would like you to see" i nodded. We got to the testing and training area. I see alot of new soilders. Very young ones. Asriel: "alot of new soilders have join us. They want to defend the innocent and fight" the army has increased in numbers. Powerful weapons have been made. What makes it surprising is that I have control over it. Which I didn't want too. But San trust me. So I'll keep it for now. I watch as they are training. And the new weapons. Very dangerous but good thing there haven't been any problem to used them. But out of no where. I feel something. Like there is something going on. It a bad feeling. And it feels like it coming from home. Asriel: "is something Wrong commander?" I can't shake this. "Asriel. You know when out of no where you started to feel like something wrong. That you know where it coming from but you can't shake the feeling something happening?" Asriel: "yes. I do. When ever I work and leave cocoa home. I feel something is wrong. That someone broke into our house and attacked her. Or did something very. Wrong. My blood boils from that feeling" he right. So does mine. I need to trust this feeling. "Asriel. Gather your men. I need them at my place. Now" asriel: "ok. We will be quick commander!!" He than ran. I started running to my vehicle. I need to get home. Someone there. Someone I hate the most. I got in my car. I start it. I drive all the way home even if I'm breaking the rules. I need to get home. After awhile of driving. I got home. I can feel it. The bad feeling. They are inside. I got to the door. I took a deep breath. I open it. I look around inside. I hear laugher coming from my lounge. I walk to the lounge. I than see him. "You" he sees me. That scar on his face. It still there. Guy: "well well. Hello there Iris" that name. "The name frisk. Iris was the name you killed. My name is frisk" guy: "oh right. Yeah I forget" I see cocoa next to him. She scared. Guy: "so tell me. You surived the fall. And in that place. I'm surprised you did" someone walked behind me. Bad mistake. I grab his arm and put him in a arm lock. "We did this once. And you know what happens" I didn't want to show this side of me. The one he loves. Guy: "you still got it. I thought you would go soft" I push over to him. I sat down. He threw a smoke on the table. I crushed it. "I quit smoking" guy: "you did? But you were so badass when you smoked" I must now attack him. She right next him and would do anything to her. I must buy time. "So. Why are you here? To get me back I guess. After all. I gave you that scar to get away from you" he feels it. Guy: "yes. A scar fit for me. Giving to my one true love" oh great. He still think I'm into men. "Have you forgotten what I said? I'm not interested in men. After all. Girls have been the only thing I had in my mind" guy: "yes. I only wish I gotten to you sooner. None of this would have happened" he thinks I would love him? After all the shit I had to go thought! "You think I'll love you with all the shit you put me though? That i would want to be with you. You just as a bottom bitch as the girls you let die" he looks like he not happy with what I'm saying. Guy: "I'm trying to be nice. So I would like you to be nice back since I hear your the niceness girl alive. So why not show it" I put my feet up on my lounge table. "Cut the shit guy. You think I should be nice to the one that I was sold too. The one that made me go though hell. Have these scars that stays on my body forever. And your telling me to be nice. You can eat shit and die for all I care. You don't matter to me. You never will matter to me. Deep down I wanted to die but I lived. Now. All I want. Is for you to go and suffer. Like me. And every girl you killed" he broke the cup in his hand. Guy: "I own you! Your family Gave you to me! You should listen to me! You should be greatful that I kept you alive! But now" he pulled the gun. The one that I created to kill him. He found it. He point it to cocoa head. Guy: "you should have been nice. Now. You get to watch another one die infront of you" I sit back. Guy: "your. Not scared of her dieing?" Cocoa looked at me. She knows what I'm thinking. "You have. 5 seconds. To get away from her. Or you will never see your life" I hold up my fingers. He didn't believe it. He still have it. "5" they all ready them selfs. "4" they are laughing it off. "3. 2" i snapped. "1" Than incoming soliders entering the house. Surrounding them all. Guy: "what?" I got up as cocoa ran to my side. Asriel: "you were right commander. There was. A problem" guy: "what the hell is this?" I hold cocoa. "I'm commander of the monster and human army. And I knew you would be here. I asked my lieutenant to get here with his men as fast as he can" he looked at me angry. Guy: "you!!!" He went to point his gun at me but asriel shot it out of his hand. Asriel: "surrender. And your life will be spared. Face judgment for what you done. Even you" he point it to guy. Asriel: "your lucky my sister and commander is here. Or this will be the last thing you see" they got them to drop there weapons. They started leaving the place. Cocoa hold onto me. "I hope you didn't wait. Long. I came as fast as I can cocoa" she looked at me. Her eyes fill of fear. Cocoa: "so....scared...he...touch...won't...stop" I hug her tight. "He always been touchy. But now. He won't be seeing the next day. He going to be executed for breaking and entering. And for touching you" he can finally suffer for what he done to everyone. Cocoa: "Iris?" I was surprised. "No chara. The name not Iris. It frisk" she nodded. I kissed her as asriel got back. Asriel: "they are all inside. What your next order?" I looked at him serious. "Executed him. He took many lives and does not Deserve mercy. He done alot of crime and make sure that you check his houses. He probably have girls there too" asriel: "on it. Ir- I mean. Frisk" he left. They must have made a mess of the place. "Let clean up the place. It has the smell of boys" Cocoa nodded. We started cleaning up. They must have been lookers because there is alot of things on the ground. We grab them and put them away.
Nightmare pov.
A world like this where it a monster war. How strange. But the chara there is weak. Her plant magic maybe a problem. I don't know what it does. But I'll leave it there. There someone I been wanting to get. "Error" error appear out of her portal. Error: "yes nightmare?" I open a portal of my own. "Makes sure nothing happens while I'm gone. I'm getting a new Allie" error: "who could this one be? There outerdust. Killer fell. Dusttrust sprinkles" and many more. But there one that been on my mind. "It Xshift" error: "Xshift? You mean X? But X is not in there au" hm? Error: "X au was abandoned ages ago that she started doing up trouble. She is in the sans universe" what!? "She there!" Error was surprised. Error: "yes. She was captured and now Is locked in ink prison" damn it. This is a problem. If the sans get involved we are doomed. And I'm not making a deal with nightmare sans. "I'll worry about how to free her. All I ask is that you make sure that you get more info about cocoa. She looks weak but her plant magic will be a problem" error nodded. I focus on making a portal to sans universe. I must not run into anyone. I must get X to join us.

Liquid: "here you go and peace!"

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