chapter 9: meeting the scary cyborg loving father.

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Frisk pov.
We got back to cocoa mom place. I see her with boogie. Boogie: "it was surprisingly weird when we first met. She had no Idea where the hell she went" I closed the door. "Hey everyone! We are back!" Toriel smiled at us. Boogie: "sup you two. Me and toriel were just talking or toriel is just a great listener" I chuckled. Note book: "mom. We will be heading for hotlands next" hm? Sound like she already making plans. Note book: "I want to make more friends down here. And I really want to get to know frisk" I blushed. That nice of her. Toriel gave cocoa a hug. Even if she didn't speak I can see the caring mother in her eyes. She let go. Note book: "we will be ok" toriel nodded. She looked at me. "Dont worry! I'll make sure nothing happens to her!" I reach my arm out to boogie. He grab on and pulled him self up to my shoulder. We head for the door. "Byr toriel! Thanks for letting us stay the night!" We than left. Note book: "follow me. I only been there once but I remember the way there" I nodded. I than follow cocoa. Boogie: "it felt nice to be not hunted for once. To sleep in a room where your can nap. I love it" I nodded. "Agree! I also get to know her mother who was much nicer than I thought" boogie: "I guess she has a soft spot for her daughter. A true mother" I nodded. We than got to a path I never been down before. I than see someone infront of us. Boogie: "it asriel!" Shit! I grab cocoa hand and hide. Asriel: "cocoa! Where are you my angel!" He searching for cocoa. "I'm sorry that I have to do this cocoa. But If he finds me. He going to take me away and put my behind bars" she nodded. Note book: "I know!" She place her hand on the ground. I hear the sound of something moving. Asriel: "what was that?" He than went to the noise. "Thanks cocoa" we continue following cocoa. We got to a sign that says hotlands. It has bullets holes on them. Boogie: "what a great way to welcome us" I continue walking. Looks like we left waterfall. I than feel the heat. It hot alright. Boogie: "welcome to hot lands. Probably a place that could kill you with heat" yeah I looked over to cocoa. "Your good?" Note book: "hottttt" agree. "Let hope there something to cool us down. Or I'm going to sweat everything out" and I wouldn't want to see or stare at her being wet. Or I'll try not too. We walked over a wooden bridge. I looked around. "That a creepy building" I point to the big white building infront of us. Boogie: "that building is a lab. Belong to the scientist name asgore" scientist? Cocoa hidden behind me. "What wrong?" Note book: "scary" scary? Boogie: "there a elevator down there. If you want. We could go there. I think the star is here" after cocoa heard that. Her eyes Sparkled. Note book: "right! She works in hotlands! Can we meet her!!" I forgot she likes her music. "I would like to meet her too" we head for the elevator. We got to it. I pushed what looks like the button to open it. Boogie: "it should come down" we waited. This heat is killer. They don't call it hotlands for nothing. "Why hasn't it came down?" Boogie: "It must be shut down. Damn it" great. Note book: "I really wanted to see her" boogie: "anyone know some other way to go?" Hmm. "Maybe though the lab?" Cocoa hide behind me again. Boogie: "I never been in there. Maybe" guess that our only option. "Come on cocoa. Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens" she hold my hand as we head for the lab. I went up to the door and knocked on it. We waited. I try not to look at cocoa. She sweating alot. I shouldn't look. Her chest. It would be see able if we don't get inside. The door open as I see what looks like a robot. It looked at us with red eyes. It holds it hand out. Cocoa hidden behind me. It than fell to pieces. Wait. Is that a cyborg? ???: "not again!" I than see a monster in a lab coat ran over to the cyborg. ???: "looks like there some more work on it interfaces" he than looked behind us. And notice us. ???: "cocoa!!" He grab cocoa and hug her. ???: "it been long time! You have grown!" Who is this guy? Note nook: "h-hello. D-dad" dad? So this guy is cocoa father? And since we met toriel. That means this guy is asriel dad too. ???: "do not be so scared! I know that was wrong of me saying that. But I thought it was away to cure you. But I promise I will never do that!" He stand tall to show he means it. Note book: "ok" he place her down. "Hi. Um. I'm frisk. This is boogie" asgore: "my name is asgore! I'm the royal scientist of this underground! It nice meeting my daughter friends!" He sound nice. Asgore: "come inside! It much better than out here!" He welcome us inside. It very cols Inside. Which is great. I see a big computer. I see me and boogie and cocoa on it. Asgore: "ah yes! I been watching you both for awhile!" That creepy. Really creepy. Cocoa sat down. Asgore: "welcome to my lab! My job is to monitor the underground! As well as building cyborgs!" What? He showed alot of cyborgs. Asgore: "cyborgs are my most favorite to make! I watched alot of your movies on cyborgs! And I really wanted to make one! Lately alot of them needs improvements but I'll be able to make the perfect cyborg and ill not stop no matter what!" He said that so proudly. Weird. Doesn't the cyborgs end up turning on the humans? Or I'm I thinking of the wrong movie? "It um. Really weird but I won't judge. This place does smell like a robot place anyway" and it has the look of a evil lab. Asgore: "I'm also a doctor too! If you want to be healed or have a problem! Let me know and I'll do what I can!" Boogie: "if you have control. Hoe about reactivating that elevator" asgore: "oh that. I cant do" what? "Why not?" Asgore: "I gotten a message from lieutenant asriel to shut it off. Says there a human and a flower on that loose. And it you too!" Oh shit. "I um" asgore: "oh don't worry! He said that you have cocoa! And that you may have hurted her or force her! But all I seen was you just hanging out like kids!" I'm 19 bro. I'm not that young. But I guess I'm glad he didn't. "Thanks. I guess" asgore: "don't mention it! If you need me! Just find me up stairs!" He walked away. Really quick. I looked to cocoa who looks like she cooled down. "Your good?" Note book: "feel much better. By the way. He calls me my father since toriel accepts her self to be my mother. I guess it alright for him" he looks like he a big fan of cyborgs. And wants to create them. I would if he has movies or something about them. If I'm right about ones in my head. I want to know. "I want to see if what cyborgs he wants to make. I may know the movie" boogie: "just leave me here. I'll keep a eye on your girlfriend" ok. Note book: "what!?" Hm? Oh. "What he means girl friend! That means we are friends since we both are girls. Not the other one" she was madly blushing. She looked away. Note book: "ok. I didn't know that" well. Now you do. I went to where he said the stairs were. But I see a escalator. I step on it as it lead me up stairs. I got up stairs and see a shelf full of cyborg movies. I see one of robot man. Robot of the future. And deadly cyborg ninja. I see one of the movies I was thinking of. But isn't the T100 a robot? Or are they cyborgs? I hope he not going to make skynet. I looked around this area. I see him working on something. I watched up to see it. "What you got there?" Asgore: "I'm just improving there interface! I must make them just how the movies do it!!" He continue working. "So how was your first time meeting cocoa?" Asgore: "when we first met was when lieutenant brought her to me. I discovered that she was much more smarter than what her appearance was. But she had a problem. Something she has very I discovered it. She probably had it all her life called autistic" I heard of that. It makes someone harder to communicate to anyone. How sad. No wonder she couldn't look at me or speak. Make I feel stupid for bring her here. It like I'm forcing her. Asgore: "I would have cured since I found away. But asriel was too angry about that. But man. I havent seen him cared about anyone like that before. It was surprisingly scary since I would have died" he laughed. "I feel bad. I brought her with me just so I can befriend her. I didn't mean for her problem to get worse" asgore: "it won't get worse. It would just that she won't talk at all to anyone. But it very wrong of you to do it to befriend her. What if she doesn't want to be your friend" I didn't think of that. "I didn't think of that. I just wanted to make a friend. I guess I'm selfish" asgore: "that just want I think. Maybe she enjoying her self. From what I see. She has never smiled that much with anyone but lieutenant asriel. Something you done must have made her want to still come with you. She has every chance to leave. Maybe she wants to be your friend" maybe. She a cute girl and everything. Smart. And she can take care of her self. She enjoy drawing alot. It what she does. "I'll leave you be. Cocoa wanted to met the star" asgore: "ah! Yes! Since I shut off the elevator you can just go though my lab doorway and you should run into her first set! She might be busy but cocoa would love that!" I nodded I than head down stairs. Is trying to befriend cocoa really a good idea? Or am I just forcing it? I'll have to see. "Let go guys. He said we can leave out that lab doorway that will lead to the star sets of her shows" Cocoa eyes Sparkled. She than ran ahead. Boogie: "looks like she excited" I nodded. We head for the door that leads out of the lab.

Liquid: "done. Peace!"

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