Who Knew a Slender Could Love?

Comenzar desde el principio

He crossed the river by stretching his limbs to impossible lengths then handed the woman the bouquet. She didn't say anything but instead she reached up and touched his face tenderly.

The sunlight washed everything in a golden glow, and they looked so perfect, despite him being a monster and all. He took her hand in his large one and they walked together into the woods.

I decided to follow. I followed quietly behind them, hiding whenever I could. But after a few clumsy falls and loud thud, I realized they couldn't see or hear me.

They stopped and he helped her into a tree and they sat together on the limb.

I watched as a hole tore open in his face and black liquid oozed out. Then he began to speak.

"My loveliest Elizabeth, I must ask you for the umpteenth time. Why do you not run from me? Why must you continue to shower me in your affection. Can you not see I am dangerous? I am death itself. Why did you give yourself to me? I am nothing but a beast. You deserved better."

The woman looked sad but it was soon replaced by a worried expression. "And I must say for the umpteenth time, it is because I love you. I really do. Man or beast, what does it matter? You're still able to feel. You still fascinate me. You still make me feel emotions I never thought were possible. You're everything to me."

I resisted the urge to throw up as he planted a kiss, on her lips. She was truly remarkable if she could love someone like him. Nothing but a beast.

"I have to tell you something." Her voice leaked with worry and she looked as if she was about to cry.

"What is it, my love?" The Slender Creature traced a long finger down her cheek.

"I'm... pregnant. I didn't think it was possible... but I am." Amidst her confession, she began to weep. He swore under this breath before embracing her.

"What are we to do? This is forbidden," he said. "This is certainly a predicament."

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." She cried.

"It's not dear Elizabeth. We can figure something out. We-"

A loud crash in the nearby bushes sent both of them out of the tree. Tons of men in hats with rifles came plunging out of the bushes.

"There it is! And he has that woman with him! Get him now!" The leader ordered, and soon bullets were flying and a man had seized Elizabeth shouting something about keeping her safe. I watched with tears in my eyes as she screamed his name, and as a bullet went through his hand then his shoulder. He screeched and let out a deafening roar and he ran as they shot after him.

"I'M SORRY ELIZABETH!" He screamed before his tentacles shot out of his back and he killed most of the men chasing him.

Why he didn't go after the men who had took Elizabeth away from him I never understood. I didn't even get a chance to fit the pieces together before I slowly felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, then back into consciousness, this time in the study.

I had figured it out. I knew who Elizabeth was. I was just surprised it took me so long to figure it out.

Sue was just awakening. She awakened with a fearful look in her eyes and she looked first at me, then at Slenderman. I knew she hadn't seen the same thing I had saw. That was impossible.

Now do you understand, child?

I felt a searing pity for the creature for the first time, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You were in love with my grandmother weren't you? Her name was Elizabeth. She went crazy and became mute one day after having my mother. You knew her! She was the lady from the dream. She never spoke of grandfather. And now I know why. But this all doesn't add up..."

There were still some missing pieces to this puzzle. My grandmother Elizabeth had died 10 years ago. My mother used to speak of her fondly. About how I got my middle name from her. I found it hard to believe that she had been in love with a monster.

"I have one question," I said, hoping the question would put together the missing pieces. "You probably knew where my grandmother was this whole time. You knew that she gave birth to your child, my mother. You knew that she still loved you for only heaven knows why and YOU KNEW she would go crazy without you! Then why? Why didn't you go after her?"

He stared at me with where his eyes should have been. I noticed that his hand was shaking. Whether it was from anger or despair I couldn't figure out.

I needed to let her go. It wasn't safe. She and the baby would've been killed. I wasn't good for her. She was the only person, only human, that made me feel emotions. I loved her yet I feared her just the same. So have you figured it out now? Why you're here. You both have my blood in you. You may not be direct spawns of me, but you have my blood. Slender blood. Blood that can kill, cure and do just about anything.

"I have one more question. This means that my mother is your daughter. Your real daughter. So why didn't you go after her? What stopped you? What is stopping you? And what does Sue have to do with all of this then?" My heart ached at the thought of my mother and how she kept all of this from me.

I did. But she has managed to get her hands on something very powerful. She hates me and was nothing like her mother. She knows of my sins and of my shame. She was able to repel me and keep me away from her with-"

"I'm bored," Jeff interrupted, and I glared at him and he returned it with more venom. "I'm leaving."

"What were you saying?" I urged him to continue.

It is best if you don't know. Jeff, take them out of here.

He was angry all of a sudden. Jeff grabbed both of us by the arms and despite our protests he began dragging us down a hallway then threw us into a room.

We landed with a thud on the floor and before we could get up he locked the door with a key on the outside.

"Ugly scar faced bitch!" I yell, kicking the door. But it was obvious this one wasn't going to budge.

Sue crawled into a corner and cried. I now understood what this had to do with me, but what did it have to do with Sue?

"Sue," I said gently and sat down beside her. "What did you see?"

She refused to look up and just scooted further away from me, making it obvious she didn't want to talk about what she had seen.

So my mother was a Slender. But I couldn't judge, so was I.

What really puzzled me was the fact that he had said "daughters" not granddaughters. Something was terribly off. I only wish I could find a way out for us. My mother and Kyle are probably worried sick. Wait.


Wouldn't he have inherited the Slender Blood? Or maybe it missed him. The confusion, anger and frustration I felt threatened to consume me. I knew I wasn't evil. I'd never become evil.

The only thing we could do now was wait for him to calm down and say what was to happen to us.


Well that's the update. And don't worry if you're confused now, I've noticed the major plot holes and they're there on purpose. All questions will be answered. The was just sort of a filler chapter.

And what about Sue's dream? >:) We may never know? Ah, Jk. I'll make a chapter about what she saw later on. Next update is Next Week Friday.

Have an awesome week :)

The Chances Are Slender (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora