Chapter 20

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Clouds layered heavily over the sea. The sun was gone and it was getting cold. The old Keeper stopped telling the story, stood up and walked to a small closet, picked up some wool clothes and turned to the sailor, "Put these on, you need heavier clothes,"

"But I have some already," the sailor reached for his bag, but the old Keeper tossed the clothes in the sailor's lap and said, "You'll need more, trust me, never hurts to have some extra warm clothes!"

"But what about you?" asked the sailor.

"Me?!! don't worry, I have plenty of clothes." the old Keeper said as he lit a small hand lamp and placed it on the wooden table in the middle of the room.

"Don't you get lonely here? How do you stand being here all alone?" exclaimed the sailor.

"The sea is open, and so is my door. Ships pass by, I meet some people. Believe it or not, I always have something to do. It keeps me busy from getting lonely. I fix things, I read, I write, I paint, I think, I always have something to do everyday." He stared out the window "But today," he sat back on his chair, wrapped a blanket around him,

"Today, I tell a story."

The MerchantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora