Chapter 13

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People in nearby villages rushed to the Red Kingdom's main marketplace. They flocked in from early morning, the rich, the moderate, the humble and even servants. Everyone rushed to the Merchant's Market Day.

His men had to set up extra tents to stretch out the marketplace, so they would be able to display all of the merchandise. There was something of interest for each and every item.

The Merchant himself never attended the market, but he supervised every piece of merchandise taken out of the ships and waited by the docks to check the unsold pieces back into storage.

He delegated all of the market's trades to the First Man which made it the busiest day for him, tiring, yet the First Man was always up to it, always reliable and trustworthy.

Clothes, spices, ornaments, crystals, gems, jewelry, exotic animals and herbs, all were for sale.

The veiled man from the bar, walked around the market with slow steps and long glimpses, observing every detail, the number of tents, the market trades. The Merchant's guards whom he always sent to secure the market,

The veiled man was roaming around the market place, looking at everything, and just before the Merchant's guards notice him, he jumped on his horse and rode away swiftly. He kept riding at a fast pace through the woods. He seemed to have known his way through the woods pretty well, riding swiftly from one route to another, until he reached the Red Castle. He stopped his horse, took off his veil and cape, put them in a bag hanging on the horse's side. Then he rode his horse towards the Red Castle, this time at a much higher speed. He kept on, speeding, as he got closer to the Red Castle, up to the castle's front gate, still speeding. The guards saw him riding towards them with no intention of stopping and asking for permission to enter. Yes, because he didn't have to.

"The Minister, it's the King's Minister, open the gate," they shouted from atop of the walls. Instantly, the gate guards opened up and saluted the Minister as he passed by.

The Minister entered the throne hall. The royal guards saluted him. He walked all the way from the entrance until he stood in front of the Red King.

"Your royal Highness," said the Minister as he bowed before the Red King.

"Haven't seen you since yesterday!" said the Red King, "You weren't even here for the Merchant's reception,"

"I'd rather watch your back. I was gathering intelligence Sire," said the Minister.

"As usual," smiled the Red King.

"I am at your service your Highness," the Minister said in pride.

"What did you find out this time?" asked the Red King.

"He saved another ship," answered the Minister.

"I don't know why this worries you so much," said the Red King.

The Minister tempered his nerves a little, and answered after exhaling a deep breath.

"Sire, it means one thing, and it is the only thing that is of the kingdom's concern. It means that his fleet is getting bigger and bigger, larger than any other, no pirate can defeat him. No pirate can even dare to attack him. He is the strongest out there in the seas. The seas that are our weakness. Your Highness, you see him a friend, but I see him a threat, especially because he is not just a friend of yours. He is friends with everyone, even the Silvers, our arch army, your Highness." The Minister lowered his head and kept his eyes on the ground as he finished his polite outburst.

The Red King took a deep breath and exhaled as he looked to the narrow windows of his hall that barely let a light beam in. At that moment the Minister continued, "All that stands between you and the world is a strong fleet and the Merchant has the biggest one. The Red crown could rule the world for a thousand years...only if you finally get the Merchant to join us, one day he might finally agree but until that day comes...the Merchant, your a threat, Sire."

The Red King remained silent, looking at the Minister standing before him.

"You may now go, go now Minister,"

That wasn't exactly the answer the Minister was expecting to hear, but royal orders must be followed.

"Yes, Sire," the Minister nodded and walked out of the throne hall.

The guards shut the door behind him.

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