Koga: ok, let's go find my brother and stop him!

Bolt: and were gonna die trying!

Sylvia: I want to see Braixen die trying.

Braixen: somehow I saw that coming.

Tom: also, we have got to fix that brain of yours, Bolt.

They all walked in the forest, in search of Wafu to put a stop of his rain of terror. Meanwhile, in the forest is Bewear who now woke up from her long nap and as she got up, she felt something wet on her private. She touched it and she realized she's been rap, in her sleep. And boy, she is pissed as Hell.

Bewear: (somebody's going to die tonight.)

Back at the group they kept searching and searching while still in pain, but they still have to find Wafu.

Sylvia: uhg! We've been searching for what feels like an hour and we still can't find that stupid frog!

Koga: look, I know we're in lots of pain, but we still need to find him, before he-

He didn't finished his sentence when a Midnight Lycanroc pinned him to the ground and she is not happy.

???: where is she?!

Koga: w-what?

???: where's my sister!? I know you're hiding her!

Koga: miss, calm down.

???: if you won't tell me, then I'll force you.

Before she could slash him with her claws, she was grabbed and pinned down by Sylvia.

???: let of me! He has my sister!

Sylvia: he hasn't kidnapped no sister. And how would you know?

Tom: wait, dose this Pokemon Shiny and have muscles?

???: yes, even though he doesn't look like him I still recognize those eyes and smell. Could be related.

Koga: that's because... that's because I'm his younger brother.

???: I knew your related! Tell me where she is! Or my name isn't Mebh!

Pheromosa: look, how about you explain what happened to your sister.

Mebh started explaining how in an hour ago she and her sister was attack by a Shiny Greninja with green eyes, sharp fangs and muscles. They tried to fight him off, but he's to strong, and he kidnapped her sister. When she's done telling her story, the others explain Koga is not like his brother and they planned on stopping him and get him out of Alola. Mebh understand this and they teamed up.

Koga: ok, let's go before- UKH!!!

He was grabbed by the neck by Bewear, the same Bewear Koga rape, and she has a serious anger and killer look on her face.

Pheromosa: umm.... anyone want to explain to her?

Koga: *choking noise* make... it... quick!


In a rocky area we see Wafu and a Midday Lycanroc name Robyn, who is Mebh sister and she has been rape. Not going into details but let's just say it involves almost breaking her, looking breaths, and tongue down the throat and coveredin c*m.

Wafu: that was nice, but now it's time for round five.

Mebh: hey you!

He turned around and saw Mebh and everyone else.

Wafu: well if it isn't my brother and his weak friends and the pup. So tell me, why are you here?

Sylvia: we've come to kick your ass!

Mebh: and save my sister!

Sylvia: that too.

Wafu: ha! Now that's a good joke.

Koga: I have a proposal. A fight, lose and you'll leave Alola forever...

Wafu: and what happens if I win?

Mebh: if you win... you can do whatever you want with me, and the Braixen.

Braixen and Greninja: wait what?!

Sylvia: ha! Nice.

Wafu: deal!

Mebh: good... it's all you now, Bewear! Fuck him up!

She shouted as they all took a big step back, leaving Wafu confused? He turned around and saw Bewear running towards him like a speeding train.

Wafu: h-hold up! I'm supposed to fight this one? Not you?

One fight later

Tom: Bewear wins!

The fight is over pretty fast and Wafu is on the ground covered in bruises and bleeding.

Pheromosa: that is one tuff teddybear.

Mebh: sis!

She quickly went to her sister and in hope she's ok, and thankfully she's okay.

Mebh: are you okay sis?! We kicked his ass to the curb!

Robyn started waking up and she's glad to see her little sister again.

Robyn: I'm... I'm okay. Thanks for saving me, sis.

Mebh: I didn't do it alone, I had some help. But I'm so happy you're okay, sis!

She hugged Robyn while crying tears of joy.

Braixen: also back there did you really have to used me as a bargaining chip?

Mebh: it's the only way to agree to this deal. I saw how he was looking at you.

Tom: ok, so now that that's all done. What do we do with Wafu?

They all turned their attention to Wafu, only to found out he's not there anymore.

Braixen: wait! Where did he go?!

Mebh: be careful, he could attack us again.

Koga: no... I don't think we won't be seeing him again.

Sylvia: how would you know?

Koga: I know my brother and he always keeps his end of the bargain.

Robyn: wait... he's your brother?!

She shouted in fear and finally sees Koga's right eye. She tried to run but still hurt by Wafu's rape, they tried to explain but she's to scared to listen, calling him a monster and a rapist. With no other choice everyone went to they're separate ways, going back home after a long day and night dealing a evil Greninja in Alola.

To Be Continued...

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now