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"Lance, I promise it'll be okay. A majority of your memory is back now right? You should know who these people are.." Hunk says, taking Lance's hand and tugging him out of his lion slowly. The team arrived on earth and after days of battle, they freed earth from the Galra. Lance looks around, seeing Keith approach he and Hunk made him relax.

"So uh..remind me their names please..?" Lance mutters.

"Nope. Sorry Lance, this is something you've gotta do on your own. They know the situation already, you just need to do your part now." Keith says, leading him to where his family was. "We'll be here waiting."

Lance purses his lips before walking into the room his family was in. A huge family of people turned to him. He looks around and sees a small girl, the first person he'd actually seen in a memory that had to do with family. "Nadia." He mutters.

The girls' eyes tear up as she runs to the boy yelling, "uncle lance!" She jumps into his arms. "You remember me?!" She shouts happily, stray tears running down her face as the family stared at the two of them.

"Ye-hah I do!" Lance exclaims, twirling the small girl in the air. "Wanna introduce me to everyone?" He asks, she nods and starts going from his mother all down to his nephew. Lance was happy he'd remembered at least one of his family members. It was easier for him that way.

Later that evening, he'd been invited to dinner with his family. Was that normal for families?- He didn't know. He basically forced Krolia and Keith to tag along with him seeing as they'd been his family figures while in space, and since he and Keith are dating. Though for Keith this was a bonus to his night as he'd already had something planned out for Lance later in the night, seeing his family would make it much better since now he could as for their blessings.

Lance, Keith, and Krolia all arrived to the house, all stepping in awkwardly. Lance was immediately attached to by Nadia at his hip, which he didn't mind. The sat around the table, the huge family introducing themselves and Krolia becoming friends with Lance's oddly sadistic sister Veronica. Soon, Keith had wondered off, Lance decided to shrug it off as Keith had asked to tour the house with Lance's mother. He probably wanted to get to know her. Or he wants Lance's mom to show him embarrassing photos and stories from when Lance was younger that even Lance himself knows nothing about..nah, maybe he's overreacting.

Later that night, Krolia had ended up falling asleep in the guest bedroom of the McClain household. Lance and Keith went on a walk together, hand in hand. They stopped at a small area with a large tree in the middle of a large circle of benches. "Wow,, it's beautiful.." Lance mutters, staring at the tree with it's pink flowers flowing gracefully in the wind. "You'd think that the Galra would've destroyed such beauty.." he stays sadly.

"Oh they did," Keith says, walking up behind Lance and placing a hand on his back. "But, Allura healed the tree and returned its quintessence for this occasion.." He finished, turning to look Lance in the eyes.

Lance was confused, turning his head to the side, "what occasion?" He asks. Keith takes a deep breath before taking ahold of Lance's hands. Lance's eyes widened. From his time in space watching romance films Pidge had stolen from Matt and stocked away, he had a hunch on what was about to happen.

"Lance McClain," Keith starts, "ever since I met you, you used to be someone who didn't even exist to me, someone who I could one-up at any time even unintentionally, but the day I actually took the time to talk to you. The day we found the blue lion, that day I found out who you actually are. Yes, you held the most idiotic hatred for me, and yes I used to think you were the most annoying person in the universe.." Lance raises an eyebrow in mock-disgust. "But now, I've realized you are the only person in the universe I've payed so much attention to. Ever since the first time we worked together as an actual team, the first time we formed voltron or even flew together, I realized how important you are to me. Yet, I could never bring myself to admit it."

Lance could feel tears welling up in his eyes, he squeezes Keith's hands tightly only for one to be pulled away.

"When you lost your memory, I almost lost all hope. I thought that maybe you wouldn't love me like you did before, clearly I was wrong. I'll admit I shouldn't have left like I did then, maybe if I didn't you'd have you memory still and we'd all be happy. But now, I've come to accept the fact that you losing your memory has brought us closer together than we've ever been before. Lance McClain, I love you, so much. I wanna spend my entire life with you. Will you marry me?" He finishes, pulling out a diamond ring with a amethyst gem in the center and holding it out to Lance.

"Yes! Of course I will you stupid mullet head!" Lance shouts, almost squealing with joy as he tackled his now fiancé to the ground.

"Seriously!? Why is it always my hair?!"

And that, my lovelies, is the end.

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