Chapter 5 - Friendship -

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"Lance..Lance wake up." Keith said as he shook the boy in his bed slightly. Lance groaned, throwing his forearm over his eyes to hide from the light in the room as he stirred awake. "C'mon, we've gotta change and go to the dining area." Keith said, standing upright.

Lance moves his arm and opens an eye, staring at Keith's adorable bed head. He had a hint of drool down his chin, unruly hair, and his shirt fell off his shoulder slightly. Lance could feel the giddy feeling rise in his stomach as his face starts to flush awkwardly. He quickly gets up and stumbles out of Keith's bed. "Th-Thank you for- for uh letting me stay here last night! See 'ya later Keith!" Lance exclaimed, rushing out of the room and straight into his bedroom.

As his door shut, he hurled open his closet and got out an outfit. It was his usual grey and dark blue long sleeved shirt, green and orange jacket, and blue jeans. He rushed into his bathroom, quickly fixing his messy hair and washing his face. He put on his shoes and left the room, Keith soon following close behind him.

"Good morning Lance, you're up early again! Glad to see you don't sleep in anymore." Allura greeted as she took her seat beside Coran. Shiro nodded, agreeing with her. Lance merely chuckled, wondering if he used to upset them by not getting to the dining room in time.

"Now that I think about it, Lance hasn't been late to anything for quite a while. Since he got hit by the ion cannon if I'm correct." Pidge stated, adjusting her glasses as Hunk sat a make-shift space equivalent to waffles in front of them and the others. Keith walked in just as Lance took his seat beside Pidge.

Lance chuckled, "Yeah! It was sort of a wake up call I guess!" He lied through his teeth, causing Keith to send a glare at him. Lance gulped, how is he meant to bring this into conversation?? 'Oh hey by the way guys, you found out quintants ago but I lost my memory when the ion cannon blasted me and y'all forgot haha funny right?' Of course he couldn't just say something so crazy while people are conversating!

"Lance has something to tell you all." Keith interrupts everyone's conversations. Allura sets her cup down and looks at Lance.

"Lance if this is another one of your stupid jokes or flirts, we aren't looking forward to it." She says, closing her arms on the table. Lance gave a strained laugh, scratching the back of his head while mentally cursing Keith for exposing him so soon.

"Haha yeah so, back on Jubilan a few quintants ago.." he starts, gaining everyone's attention. "When I got hit with the ion cannon, I guess I ended up losing my memories due to head injuries?" He admitted, slightly questioning himself. "Allura, I had said I didn't know you, but you looked genuinely hurt and upset so, I lied. The ruler of Jubilan knew and promised to say nothing of it to you, but yeah. Also, the training thing we did, you all found out then too! You just forgot..-" Quiznak that was a lot to get off his chest. He felt so as relieved to finally be free of keeping such a huge secret. It was beginning to weigh on him.

"Lance you should've said something," Allura stated, standing up from her seat slowly. "I'll go and try to extract your memories from the red lion. They may have gotten trapped in the-"

"He doesn't want his memory back, Allura." Keith says, looking Allura dead in the eyes. Hunk's breath hitches and he looks down at his lap, curling his hands into fists. "He said he'd tell you, but he doesn't want his memories back, especially not all at once." He reasons, watching Allura slowly sit back down.

Shiro wasn't pleased at all. "Lance! How could you be so selfish! This is Voltron at steak! The whole universe counts on us and we need your bond with the team and the lions to be strong enough to form voltron!" He scolds causing Lance to flinch back slightly. He hasn't liked being around Shiro at all since he woke up, but now, even after he got his consciousness and body back, he still scared the shit out of Lance.

Allura sighs, "okay. It's Lance's body and memories. He decided what's best for himself. For now, let's just focus of letting him get to know us again. How does that sound Lance?" She says, looking at the blue paladin and giving a small smile.

"It sounds great Allura, thank you." Lance says, Shiro backs off, but still occasionally glances at Lance every once in a while.

Soon, breakfast had ended and everyone headed to the training room. It was time for 'team bonding', according to Allura. Lance still had yet to figure out what the bayard he's using is and how to use it, but he's sure he'll manage.

"Alright everyone! First pair will be Pidge and Lance, after that Hunk and Lance, so on so forth." Coran announced from where he was watching. "Simulator begin; mode easy."

Two bots appeared out of nowhere, startling Lance and causing him to back up against Pidge's backside. "You'll be fine Lance. I've got your back dude." They say, activating their bayard.

"Right.." Lance says, focusing back on his opponent. For a while, he'd managed on going just by dodging and swerving attacks, not actually fighting back at all. Until he turned to check on Pidge that is. Pidge had looked away for a mere millisecond when the bot came rushing toward them, weapon in hand and ready to strike.

Lance got mad. He gripped his bayard before pointing it towards the bot and closing his eyes tight. Just then, he heard a gunshot and a slick 'slice' sound on each sides of him.

"Training sequence complete" had sounded through the room.

Pidge had taken down the bot behind Lance with their bayard by slicing it in half while he'd taken down the one behind them with a sniper rifle that his bayard had turned into.

The team cheered from the observation deck, smiling and laughing like maniacs. Pidge whooped and threw themself onto Lance who caught them swiftly. "We did it Lance!" They cheered, throwing their bayard and holding onto Lance tight as they laughed happily.

"Yeah we did!" He let out, a bit of hesitance pondering in his voice, happy nonetheless.

Next, his match with Hunk came along, he and Hunk took both bots down in mere ticks. Hunk cheered loudly, overflowing with excitement and adrenaline. After that, he and Allura had taken down the two bots with slim-to-no difficulty, but their communication with one another definitely needs work.

Then, he and Keith were fighting along side each other. Lance had been eagerly waiting for this moment. He battled his bot as Keith sparred with the other. He took his bot down with a few mere shots before looking at Keith, who'd just taken his down as well before seeing a third bot running to Keith ready to strike him. "Keith look out!" He shouted, clasping his eyes shut and throwing his bayard straight at the bot. What? Closing his eyes seemed to help well so far.

The team stared in silence as Lance and Keith panted beside each other, one in absolute shock and the other with his eyes shut tightly. "Training sequence complete." Sounded through the room. Lance opened his eyes to see his bayard had formed into a sword and had impaled the bot, holding it against the wall before it disintegrated along with the other two bots.

"What..the..FUNNY?!?!" Pidge shouts, censoring what they wanted to be a cuss word since Shiro was currently present. What? He knew their dad really well and they weren't taking any risks.

"Now that, my dear paladins, is what we call a strong bond between two friends." Coran stated, arms behind his back.

"But..they're RIVALS!!" Hunk shouted in pure shock, jaw dropping far enough to reach the floor. "And since when does Lance, the sharpSHOOTER use a sword?!" He exclaims, gripping his hair with his hands tightly.

"Calm down everyone, we should be glad. It's just showing that Lance is working to have a friendship with not only Keith, but all of us paladins." Allura states, smiling slightly as she watches both boys struggle to pull Lance's bayard out of the wall. Damn, that throw must've been aggressive.

"Yeah, she's right everyone. Lance is bonding with you all so you can form voltron! This is great! We'll be back on our feet before we know it." Shirk chimes in. The team nods, snickering as Keith falls back while trying to pry the sword from the wall then Lance easily pulling it out and smirking evilly at Keith. 'He fooled Keith!' They all thought simultaneously.


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