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It was later that day and I was resting in one of the small nooks along the wall of my room, laying in Camilo's arm reading a book as he draped his arms around me, holding another book just above mine as we both read in a comfortable silence. In the nook we sat in, there was a small window that was covered slightly by a tiny red curtain, the sun set glowing through the small gap in the fabric. 

"Hey baby?" Camilo asked as he gently closed his book a tucked it into the small book case next to us, "Do you want to go out for a date?" 

I smiled into my book as blush spread across my cheeks, "Yeah sure." 

I squeezed his arm before we uncurled from the hug and put the fluffy pillows back in place before I teleported back down to the floor of my room. The room stopped swirling and Camilo gently slid his fingers down my wrist and intertwined his hand with mine. We walked out of my room and into the hall before sliding down the stairs and waving to Casita before heading into town.

"So~ where we goin'?" I asked with a slight giggle.

I looked up at Camilo who smiled and spun me around for a moment in his arms, his curly hair bounced as we took a step, "I have a spot." he winked. 

I laughed letting Camilo lead me through the town and over a small brick bridge then up a dirt path and into a small forest around a higher mountain that encased the encanto. We walked all the way through the forest until the path was almost nothing, only small footprints engraved in the long grass. The trees spread out from a thick forest to a large open area lit with fireflies that flew around the circular area that was encased by the trees and bushes. Little flowers were dotted around the area bringing a small amount of colour to the green land and in the middle was a red and yellow blanket and a lantern glowing with a fiery light from inside the cracked glass. 

I smiled, hiding my face in the soft material of his yellow poncho, his other arm draping over my back as he rubbed circles with his thumb. He led me over to the blanket and sat me down, I rubbed the spiky grass with my palm as Camilo sat down. He took my hand and lay my head down on his leg, stroking his fingers through my h/c hair as a pink dust appeared on my cheeks and nose. 

"This is adorable." I giggled, a smile popping up on his face. 

He stared into my e/c eyes as I blinked at the slight breeze, watching his beautiful hazel eyes scan around my face. 

"Your adorable hermosa." he smirked as he saw my eyes widen before relaxing into his comfortable hug again. 

We stayed there, talking about anything we could think of as the sun set into a colourful array of oranges, golds and pinks then into deep purples before settling in the as black. Shining stars spirting up throughout the sky and the moon lighting up the area like the small fireflies that were dotted around us. 


Cute date chapter! It very cute. Enjoy! :D 
Words: 556

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