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Third person POV:


Camilo and Dolores were sprinting around in a panic, searching all the rubble for a glimpse of Y/n as everyone else was trying to calm them down. After a few minuets, Félix managed to grab Camilo as tears spilled from the boys eyes.

"If you relax, we can all go look for her." Félix wiped one of the many tears that had dropped down Camilo's face and watched him as he took a shaky breath and nodded. 

Camilo rubbed his face clean and looked around, "W-we all split up, look everywhere." they all nodded before splitting off. 

Camilo and Mirabel ran off together yelling for Y/n as they sprinted all around the town, "Y/N!" Camilo had started to cry again but less heavy. 

Julieta and Pepa were running around the trees and hiding spots around the house searching.

Félix, Dolores and Isabela had gone further out around the mountains and Abuela was looking around the further forest. 


Y/n was sat with her head between her knees and her hands were ripping at her dust filled hair. She was crying loudly into her legs as her body shook franticly. All that ran through her mind was Abuela's words, "GET OUT OF THIS TOWN!" and Bruno's vision, her exact words in the flurry of sand flying around their heads.

Y/n shook even harder as blood dripped from her lip from biting it harshly for the past few minuets. The deep cuts that dug into her skin were stinging her body from the rubble that caused them. 

In front of her, was calm water that shone in the golden light of the sky, it bubbled at a tiny water fall forming floating rainbow bubbles over the water. It seemed so calm until you saw Y/n in her panicked state sat baling her eyes out. 

As she cried, someone slowly walked up behind her and sat next to her. They placed a gently hand on her back as she cried and sat in silence rubbing Y/n's back. After a while, they spoke, "I'm sorry." 

Y/n looked up to the person as her eyes widened looking at them, "Y-you?" 

They pulled the small girl into a hug letting them dry into their green clothes. They rubbed her back and just smiled calmly at them until she looked up again. 

They had green eyes and dark messy hair, green poncho and black shirt below. "B-Bruno?" Y/n cried. 

He nodded with a smile, "The one and only."

She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes with her sleeve before rubbing away the still dripping blood at their lip, "Bu-but you left?" 

"I've been living in the walls. Free food." he shrugged. 

They heard a gentle rustling of trees and bushes behind them and both Y/n and Bruno's head snapped up to see Abuela slowly walked towards them, her eyes wide as she walked over and saw Y/n and Bruno in a huddle. Y/n face full of tears and trickles of blood along with her arms and legs bruised with cuts and scrapes. Bruno looking tired and older than he did when he left. 

Abuela walked over and crouched next to them both, she pulled them into a hug and stayed their for a moment in silence, "I'm sorry..." she whispered. 

"I should have never said that... Bruno I-I missed you so much." she squeezed them tighter. 

More tears slipped down Y/n's face as she snuggled into Abuela's shoulder, "Come home, both of you." Abuela spoke. She felt two nodes into her shoulder and pulled back looking at one tear and blood stained face then another tired and starved face. 

Suddenly their was a golden glow wrapping around the three and a flurry of gold butterflies swarmed past them all as they stood, Abuela looked at them both with sorry written all along her eyes. 

Abuela grabbed each of their hands and started to walk back to their now destroyed casita. 


Camilo POV:

We had been looking for 2 hours now, no one had found Y/n and I was still clutching the bandages in my hand. Mirabel was running with me as we scanned everywhere in the encanto that she could possible be. 

I slowed down and sat against a rock, looking down at my hands and then placing my head in my palms, crying into my knees. Mirabel crouched next to me and gently rubbed my knee with her thumb, "Where is she?" I chocked. 

"I don't know Camilo... we will find her." she whispered. 

"What if we don't?" I tugged slightly at my hair. 

"We will... soon." she cried with me. 

We stayed like that for a few minuets until I felt Mirabel stand next to me and she grabbed my hand, standing me up. I rubbed my water covered cheeks with my arm before continuing to walk around and looking for my amor. 

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