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Third person POV:


The glowing golden door swung open and Camilo ran with Y/n inside, dragging her by her hand.

A large fluffy rug in the centre of the room, at the back in the middle was a double bed with purple and gold drapes hanging from the tall ceiling that stretched very high up, a small reading corner the same as what's in Camilo's room, white dresser already holding all her clothes. A hanging chair with more white drapes hanging over it with small fairy lights. Around the walls leading all the way to the ceiling, was small nooks that could only be reached by teleporting up to them. One was a small cosy bed with thick covers to keep warm, another had golden fairy lights with books scattered across a fluffy ground, another had records and record player in. Each nook was little, done big enough for just three people to squeeze inside, some were bigger for four and other only could fit two. It was all very cosy but still a huge room, Y/n walked with Camilo hand in hand around the room when she looked up to all the hiding areas along the walls and looked at Camilo.

"Do you think I can teleport with people?" She asked.

He smiled even wider at the idea, "try."

Y/n looked up to the small nook that had some snack draws and tiny sofa inside big enough for four people. When the room span around and she was now in the nook. She looked to see her hand still intertwined with Camilo's as he had come with her.

"Yes!" She smiled. Y/n looked down to the rest of the people at the bottom who looked up at them with a smile when she saw Antonio trying to find a way up to them so she let go of Camilo and teleported down to him. She placed a hand in Antonio's shoulder and teleported back up to the nook with Camilo.

"That's so cool!" He giggled.

Y/n grabbed both their hands and teleported down to the others when Abuela came over and placed her palms on the base of her chin, "a gift, just as special as you."

Y/n smiled happily when Pepa ran over and hugged her.

"Mama! Don't squeeze her to death!" Camilo laughed running over.

"You two seem awfully close." She winked at Camilo making him laugh uncomfortably.

Y/n looked over to Dorlores and saw her smiling cheekily while staring at them she then winked at her and Y/n blushed looking at Camilo to hide it.

"What do we tell the town?" Fèlix asked.

"I will announce it later." Abuela stated.

Y/n looked at Camilo with fear clear in her eyes, "W-will it be a festival?" She asked.

"Yeah! Just so we can show of you room." Abuela looked away to Pepa and started to talk to her as a rainbow formed over her head.

Camilo stepped closer to Y/n and gently and secretly grabbed her hand, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.

As he did this, Fèlix looked over and noticed their hands he smiled at them before walking closer and pressing his hand over Camilo's shoulder.

"Cutest couple." He whispered.

Camilo's head snapped towards his father with wide eyes, before seeing the happy look in his face and calming.

"Thank you." He whispered back.

"Ok well we will leave you two get used to your room." Fèlix rushed everyone out leaving Camilo and Y/n behind.

Camilo turned to Y/n with a huge smile plastered on his face. He looked down at her face and leaned in. Y/n hopped onto her tip toes as their lips connected when the door opened and neither of them noticed, staying their for a few moments.

"Umm... sorry to interrupt." Isabela walked inside to see them mid-kiss. 

Y/n and Camilo jumped almost a metre away from each other and stared at Isabela as she just laughed, "The town is coming so clean your rooms." she spoke quickly leaving. 

"I HATE YOU!" Y/n yelled after her. All they heard was her laugh, Y/n baled up her fists and started to march towards her door when Camilo grabbed her arm and pulled her back into a hug where her back was to his chest. 

"Please don't kill my cousin." he giggled. 

Y/n sighed before bending her head down and admitting defeat, "fine." 

"And you need to get ready for the party preciosa." Camilo untangled himself from the hug then gave Y/n a quick kiss on her cheek as he ran out the room and to his. 

Y/n smiled at the door where Camilo had just left before turning to her dresser and searching in it for something to wear when she found a long white skirt, the same as Mirabel's, but with golden accents running over the cuff. Y/n looked back at the dresser and dug through it a bit more before finding a matching white shirt with more gold along the shoulders and top.

She changed into it quickly and then fixed her h/c hair, letting it down after brushing it a few times. Y/n then took a small gold necklace from a box above the dresser, a gold star hanging from the chain, she carefully clipped it around her neck.  

"COME DOWN!" Pepa yelled from the stairs. 

Y/n took a quick look in the mirror then nodded to herself taking a deep breath and flattening the front of her skirt. The room swirled and she appeared next to Pepa, she made a loud screech and covered her mouth with her hands as lighting sparked around the room. 

Pepa looked at Y/n still in shock before sighing, "I forgot you could do that." she wheezed a laugh in fear, "You ready?" she asked. 

"Yup!" Y/n nodded with a deep breath smiling at Pepa. 

"Could you get everyone please?" Pepa asked pressing a hand over Y/n's arm knowing how panicked she was. 

Y/n nodded and the disappeared. Quickly she arrived in Isabela's room standing on flowers she could see her fixing her hair on her bed, "Isa! Let's go!" she smiled. 

Isabela squeaked then looked over, "When did you come in?" 

Y/n then teleported in front of her making Isabela jump back, "I hate that you can do that." she sighed. 

Y/n then teleported to everyone else's rooms, scaring them all with her silent appearance as she did.  


I hope teleportation is a good gift for this! Please give me any feed back in the comments (don't be to mean! 

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