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Sirius's POV

I looked at the picture she was talking about and it was a picture of my younger self. I felt time stop, my kids won't find out the truth like this.

"Why do you ask" I said. "He looks familiar" said Peter. My heart skipped a beat. " Should we keep going with the tour" Remus said just in time. They all nodded and we kept on with the tour.

Time skip to dinner

We all sat down at the table having dinner, when Peter asked "Who was that man on the portrait". Everyone went silent and Remus and I just looked at each other. Remus nodded at me which meant it was time for me to tell them the truth. "The man on the portrait was me" I said a bit nervously. I Sirius Orion Black, one of the Marauders, the casanova of Hogwarts was nervous.

The children looked at each other. "You are our dad aren't you" asked Susan and Hermione at the same time. Everyone stayed silent. "It is just a suspicion because we don't know yet" Remus said.

"How did you find out" I asked the girls. Everyone stared at me and started laughing. "What's so funny about my question" I asked. "Well Sirius you should know Hermione and Susan are very smart and are very observant" Ron stated. "So it's obvious that they would catch on especially with the looks you and Remus were giving each other" said Harry.

"Well you guys aren't very good at hiding anything" said Molly. "Very funny, so how do you think we kept our animagus secret for so long" I said. "Well if y'all didn't y'all would have ended up in Azkaban" Remus said in a cheeky tone. I glared at him, he was supposed to be on my side.

"Children it's time for bed" Molly told the kids. "We will keep talking about this matter tomorrow. But in the meantime you have to rest" I said. They all started to get up and said 'Good night' to everyone. Then Hermione came up to me and gave me a hug and said "I really hope you are my real dad" and then she left with the rest.

"Moony did you hear that? She said she hopes I'm her dad" I said getting emotional. "I hope so too Padfoot" Remus said. "Molly, could you do me a big favor" I asked. "What is it" She asked. "If those children end up being mine would you give me some guidance in being a good parent for them and Harry" I asked. "Of course but when the girls need some women advice just send them to me" she said. "Why? I have been around women so I might know what they might need help with" I said.

"It isn't the same. When a women has a talk with a man they restrain themselves so the man might not think it is weird. But between women it comes freely. What would you do when Susan, Hermione, or Lucy ask you about a guy they like or in pain that only women experience and you don't know what to do to help them" she said. "Well for they guy trouble, I'm not gonna let them date until I'm dead. And well for the certain pains I'll just call you or Andy and maybe even Cissa" I said.

"I can help too you know" said Remus. "You better because this is gonna be harder than anything we ever went through" I said. "How are you gonna find the way to prove that they are your children " Molly asked. "Could they do an inheritance test at Gringotts " I asked Remus. "It could work since it shows the tester's parents name and if they are related to anyone and the type of magic they possess" he said.

"Who will take them since Sirius is still a wanted criminal he can't go " said Molly. "I'll go" said Remus. "Well it's settled, we find everything out tomorrow" I said.

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