The White Witch

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Hermione's POV

The next day we all woke up at 7:00 to start training with our weapons. So we did and by each passing hour My archery was getting better and better. I was as good as the other archers at camp. And so was Susan. Lucy was getting better at aiming at her targets and shooting them with her dager.

Then I went to practice with my sword with Peter and Ed. I was gaining strength on my arms by swinging it and hitting a wooden dummy. Then we practiced riding horses. Peter was riding a unicorn and Edmund was riding a talking horse and I was also riding a talking horse. Mr. Beaver came running towards us and Ed's horse got scared. "Whoa, horsie" Ed said. "My name is Fillip" the horse said. "Sorry" said Ed. "What's wrong Mr. Beaver" I asked. "The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan" he said. All three of us looked at each other. "She is on her way here" he said. Then we heard a voice that said "Narnians, the queen of Narnia, Imperess of the Lone Islands".

We went running to the center of camp and we saw her, she was sitting in a throne that was being carried by minotaurs and giants. Everybody made a fuss of her being here.

She was wearing a white dress, she had a pale complexion, and her hair was blonde and it was in some type of bun. She was put down on the ground and stood up and she looked at us. Especially at me and Ed. "You have a traitor in your domain Aslan" she said. And it made everyone gasp. And we looked at Ed. "His offence was not against you" Aslan said. "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built" she said. Aslan roared and said "Do not sight the deep magic to me witch. I was there when it was written". "Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property" she said. "Try and take him then" Peter said while pulling out his sword and so did I. "Do you think that meir force will deny me my right. Little king" she said. Peter slowly put his sword down and so did I. "Aslan knows that in this I have blood as the lord demands. All of Narnia will be overturned. And perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table." she said while pointing at Ed. "As it is tradition. You dare not to refuse me" she said while looking at Aslan. "Enough, I shall talk to you alone" Aslan said. He turned around and went inside the tent with the witch behind him.

We waited a while for them to come out of the tent. The witch came out looking at us and then went towards her throne. And we turned to see Aslan for answers but then Aslan said "She has rennounced the claim on the son of Adam's blood" he said. "How will I know your promise will be kept" the witch said. Aslan roared startling the witch. And she sat on the throne. Everyone was laughing at her. And her servants picked up the throne and left the camp. We hugged Ed because we were so happy that he wouldn't be killed. Everyone came and hugged Ed. Lucy and I noticed that Aslan was sad. I could feel it and see it in his face. He looked at us and then went inside his tent.

At night I saw a shadow of what looked like Aslan. So I woke up Susan and Lucy. "What's wrong Mione" Susan asked. "It's Aslan" I said. They both stood up from bed and we all followed Aslan into the forest. Then we saw light and Aslan was heading that way. Then I realized it was the witch's army. They were all cheering for Aslan as he walked towards a stone table. Oh no. I already figured out what they are planning to do with him. They plan on sacrificing him.

When he approached the stone table the witch stood there with a knife in her hands. "Behold, the great lion" the witch said and everyone started laughing. Then a minotaur approached him and and then looked at the witch and she nodded at him. Just then the minotaur knock Aslan over and landed on his side. "Why doesn't he fight back" Lucy asked. "I don't know" Susan said. "Bind him" the witch said. I could feel tear coming out of my eyes seeing how they are hurting him. They tied his mouth and his legs together. "Wait" said the witch. "Let him first be shaved" she said. Lucy, Susan, and I were crying because we couldn't stand to watch how they tourtered Aslan. I consider him as the closest father figure I can have.  Then we saw a dwarf cutting his mane and when he was done with the first piece he held it up in the air and everyone cheered. Then everyone came running to him, they stepped on him and cut his mane. We were uncontrolably crying at Aslans suffering. I saw a tear falling from Aslan's eyes. I couldn't help but cry even more. "Bring him to me" the witch said. Two ogres dragged Aslan onto the stone table towards the witch. Everybody was cheering. Then the witch extended her arm out and everyone stopped. Then they were grabbing their torches that provided light to clasp with the ground again and again. And everyone started cheering again. Then the witch had a knife in her hand and then kneelt down and said "Now Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think that by doing this you could save the human traitor" she said. Lucy, Susan, and I looked at each other. "You are giving me your life and saving, no harming. So much for love" she said and got up. "Tonight, the deep magic will be our peace" she said and everyone cheered. "Narnians, tommorrow we will take Narnia forever" she said and everyone cheered. "In that knowledge, dispair" she said and everyone was cheering and claspi g their torches on the ground faster. "And die" she said and stabbed Aslan. We cried so hard but we had to be quiet so no one would spot us. We saw how he stopped breathing and saw the light in his eyes turn off. We hugged each other. We heard everyone cheering. "The great cat, is dead" the witch yelled. She called the minotaur and said "Prepare your troops for battle". 

We waited for everyone to leave and when they all left we ran to the stone table and took the ropes off of Aslan. We sent a letter to Peter saying that Aslan is dead. And that the war will be later that day. And that we will join you when we can. Then we layed on Aslan's lifeless body and when we woke up it was when the sun was rising up. "We need to go" Susan told us. As me and her got off the stone table and we were heading to help Lucy off. "It's so cold" she said. We were walking towards camp but when we step on the first step of the stone table the ground shook and we stumbled and fell. Then we looked back at the stone table where Aslan was but he wasn't there. "Susan, Lucy" I said. And they looked towards the stone table and saw nothing. We walked towards it and nothing.

Then at the sight of the sun rising we saw a figure. It was Aslan. "Aslan" we all said in unison. And we ran towards him and gave him a big hug. He then laughed. "But we saw the knife, the witch" Susan said. "If the witch knew the true meaning of sacrifce she might interpreted the deep magic differently. But when a willing victim that has not comitted any treachery is killed in a traitor stand the stone table will crack. Even death itself will turn backwards" he said. "We sent the news that you were dead. Peter and Edmund would have gone to war" I said. "We have to help them" Lucy said taking her dager out. "We will, dear one but not alone" he said. "You two climb on my back" he said to Lucy and Susan. "And you Hermione I have an understanding of you being able to change into an animal" he said. I went wide eyed. "How did you know. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know what animal I'll be" I said. "Try dear so we could help your brothers" he said. I nodded and I transformed into a lion. My sisters looked at me happily. "We have far too go and not a lot of time to get there. You might want to cover you ears" he said and then roared.

We headed to the White Witch's castel and when we got to the main entrance I transformed back to my usual self. Then we walked into a room that was full of statues. Lucy ran to a statue and said "This is Mr. Tumnus can you please help them" she asked. And Aslan breathed upon him and then he was not a statue anymore. "Can you free the rest" I asked and he nodded. It took us a while to unfreeze the creatures. And we made our way into the battle field with our weapons in hand.

When we arrived Peter was fighting the witch so I took my chance to fight her with my wand. "Peter go help our people I'll take care of her don't worry for me I got this" I said. I turned to the witch "I see you stabbed my brother but you will end up worse" I said. "Ah, I see another witch. The girl from the prophecy, so called the brightest witch of her age" she said. "I am the brightest witch of my age" I said annoyed. "Show me" she said. "Gladly" I said. She tried shooting me with a freezing spell and I blocked it by saying "Protego" and it sheilded me from the spell. "Bombardo" I yell. And it created an explosion. The White Witch was on the ground. Then I went to see how Ed was. Lucy was giving him some of her fire flower potion.

When I turned around I didn't see the witch. When I turned around she had two swords and tried to attack me but I did almost like a backbend to avoid the swords. I tried to take out my wand but I couldn't find it so I took my sword. And I swung the sword towards her that made a scratch on her arm. She then blocked my attack and made me lose my sword. I fell to the ground but before she could end me Aslan jumped on her and attacked her.

I went to see how Ed was. I hugged him as hard as I could and all of us had tears in our eyes. Then we saw Aslan and he was unfreezing creatures that were turned into statues. Lucy looked at her wild fire potion. She went around healing the wounded. We helped on what we could. But the best thing of all is that we won the war.

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