The Library

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Hermione's POV

I went to go hug Aunt Cissa since it's the first time I saw her since she got here. "My sweet child, how you been" she asked. "Good. I have been studying a lot in the library with Susan and Ed" I said happily.

"Tell me what you have learned so far" she said eagerly. "I'm quite curious on elemental magic and grey magic" I said. This made Aunt Cissa look at us with a smile.  "I heard the book collection of the House of Black is quite extensive. It is said that the House of Black has many ancient books that date back before Merlin and Morgana LeFay were around" said Theo.

"Would you like to take a look at the library" asked dad. "Really can we go" asked Theo shocked by the suggestion. "Susan, Mione, and Ed why don't you lead the way towards the library" asked dad. "Is it because you don't know the way Sirius" asked Aunt Cissa with a smirk. We all laughed at the comment.

"I don't think you have ever touched a book from the library to begin with" said Uncle Remus. We laughed even harder. Dad rolled his eyes. I could hear him mumble 'very funny Moony'. We guided Theo, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Aunt Cissa, Uncle Remus, and Dad.

"The library is almost as big as a 2 whole classrooms" said Theo amazed. "You have to see the one of the main manor. It is almost bit bigger than Hogwarts library" said Aunt Cissa. My eyes sparkled at the mention of a library bigger than Hogwarts library.

I looked at the book I found yesterday that I was here on the table. The title of the book is 'Magical Bonds' is described the types of bonds like between soulmates, familiars, contractional bonds, and marriage bonds. I was going to ask dad what he knew about such bonds. "Dad what does it mean to have a contractional bond" I asked.

He looked quite nervous and looked at Aunt Cissa who looked at Uncle Remus. "Contractional bonds also known as magical basically work as a contract itself but it's made with magic. It's like the one that happened with the Tri-wizard cup. You put your name in and the ones chosen are required to participate because once you put your name in it's a contract" explained Blaise.

"I see" said Ed thoughtfully. "What about marriage bonds" Susan asked. "They are done my the parents of the two parties and they both discuss the terms that come with the marriage between the two parties for example money, more trading, or territories. It basically depends on the parents" said Pansy.

"They basically do these marriages contracts before the children are born or are quite small" finished Aunt Cissa. "Do you have a marriage contract" I asked curiously at the Slytherins.

"I don't have one that I know of thankfully" said Pansy with a cheerful tone. I looked to see that Ed had let out his breath he apparently was holding. I'll have to ask him later what it is about. Then I looked at the rest waiting for their answer. "I don't have one either" said Theo. "I have some but they aren't completed yet so that means I'm not promised to anyone yet" he said with a small grin on his face. I looked at Draco who seemed a bit down. Then I looked at Aunt Cissa and looked at him with dad eyes. "Draco does have one" she said looking a bit guilty. "With who" asked Susan curiously. "Astoria Greengrass" she said looking away.

"Draco is totally in love with her though" said Pansy with a smirk. "Pansy!!!" screamed Draco. While Theo and Blaise were laughing while Pansy was being chased by Draco and hid behind Ed. "Aunt Cissa what can you tell us about soulmates" asked Susan making everyone in the room quiet. "What exactly do you want to know" she asked with an eyebrow raised knowing she knows the general stuff of soulmates. She is trying to ask if we have to know our soulmates for them to be soulmates.

She is asking about herself. The name on the inheritance paper to be exact. She hasn't met him yet or who knows if she ever will. "Can you have a soulmate whom you know you've never met before" asked Susan. "Well yes. There is a probability that you could meet him in the future. But then again soulmates don't always mean to be lovers. It could mean as friends, protectors, family, or whatever you need them to be" she said with two fingers in her chin.

"People have different meanings for soulmates. Just look at your father over there freaking out" she said with a grin on her face. I turned to look at dad he had wide eyes. I already tell what was going on in his head. We were all laughing at him. "Did you meet your soulmate mother" asked Draco. We were all looking at her and I could see a bit of sadness in her eyes. "Yes a long time ago actually" she said looking at us with a small smile.

"What was he like" Pansy gushed. "Here we go again" complained Theo. "Come sit I'll tell you a bit about him" she said. Susan, Pansy, and I went to go sit at a nearby table. "Sirius you will need to have the boy talk soon" smirked Uncle Remus. "I think I do" sighed dad. "Why don't we boys explore the library while the girls have their boy talk" said dad. "Please" said Blaise as they left to another part of the library.

We all turned to pay attention to Aunt Cissa who was about to tells her story. "I was in my third year of Hogwarts when I met him. I was going to the library when I bumped into a sixth year guy from Gryffindor and knocked me onto the floor" she started. "NO WAY FROM GRYFFINDOR!!!" exclaimed Pansy.

"Shhhh. Let her finish, I bet there is something more juicy about this mysterious guy" said Susan. "Well when I looked up I felt like time froze when I looked into his eyes. It was so magical. He stretched out a hand to help me up and picked up my books also. He had red hair and beautiful blue-green eyes. He was Molly's older brother, Fabian" she said "I KNEW IT" yelled Susan.

"Then what happened" I curiously asked. "We started studying together where no one would see us in the library because my parents were quite strict. We would also exchange letters but it ended quickly because of my arranged marriage with Lucious but I still kept every letter he sent" she said sadly. "I heard from Ms. Weasley that he and his twin brother Gideon both died in the First Wizarding War" I said. "Yes fortunately I had gotten back in touch with him before he died and I could appropriately say goodbye in my own way" she said as a tear fell down.

"Do you still miss him or think about him" asked Pansy. "Yes, all the time" she said with a watery smile. We all went and hugged her. "But why did you ask such question Su" Pansy asked. She took out her inheritance document and handed it over for Pansy and Aunt Cissa to see. "So you haven't met him yet" Pansy asked. Susan shook her head. "And he is from this other land of yours then you might meet him the next time you are there" said Pansy. "That could be true but who knows when we will be back" I said.

"Then your only option is to remain patient and positive" said Aunt Cissa. "Do you know who your soulmate is Pansy" I asked. "No I don't know yet I just hope it is someone with a good heart, honest, and brave" she said dreamily. "I hope so too" Susan said.

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