Salazar Slytherin's Locket

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Nobody's POV

It was the Saturday morning that Hermione woke up and found a note on her night stand. She took the note and it read:

Dear Miss Granger,

I would like to inform you that we will have a meeting later on the day about a particular locket. We will meet at my office at the same time as the last time.

Regards Albus Dumbledore.

Hermione then got ready for the day and then went down for breakfast. Hermione was the first one up so after breakfast she went to the library for light reading.

In the library she found a book about the early wizarding families to exist. The book was called "Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy". She read about the Peverell, Abbott, Flint, Gaunt, Black, Greengrass, Lestrange, Longbottom, Malfoy, Nott, Olivander, Parkinson, Prewett, Shacklebolt, Slughorn,  Weasley, and the Potter families.

When she finished the book Hermione remembered she had to finish some homework for Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, and Ancient Runes. She went to her dorm and got her things to get ready to do her homework. When she was about to leave to the library, she was stopped by Peter.

Peter's POV

I woke up quite early today, I looked up to see Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean still asleep. So I got up and got ready for the day, and when I was done I went down to the common room to go to breakfast. But to my suprise when I got there I saw Hermione with her bag in tow.

"Good morning Mione" I said. When she heard my voice she jumped up and turned around. "Good morning Peter" she said a bit annoyed. I gave her a smirk and asked "Where are you headed so early". "Well if you must know I'm going to the library to do homework" she said.

I gave her a knowing look which she caught on. I was worried about her because she had to destroy pieces of a mad man's soul. And even worse some of his followers are still out there that are willing to kill whoever gets in the way of their leader no matter who it is.

"Peter I know you are worried, to be honest I am too" I saw fear in her eyes. I didn't want to make her more anxious knowing how my sister gets. "Would you like to accompany your dear brother for breakfast your highness" I said which made her giggle. "Well I would be honored your majesty but I have homework to do" I was a bit disappointed since I haven't had much time for sister-brother bonding since we got here.

Nobody's POV

The day went by fast for Hermione, she spent most of the day in the library doing her homework and some more reading on the history of magic. It was finally the time when Hermione would go to Dumbledore's office.

When she got there Dumbledore told her that this place they would go to would be dangerous and that when he gave her an order she would complete it without question. She agreed, so Dumbledore apparated them to the entrance of a cave.

There Dumbledore took a knife and cut his hand which drew some blood out and put a few drops into a cup in order of payment. They were allowed into the cave and they found a lake in where there was a small island in the middle of the lake.

Dumbledore saw a chain so he pulled it and saw a boat that would take them to the island. When they got to the island Dumbledore tried to get through a barrier but saw a vial with a potion in it. He made Hermione promise him that no matter what if he wouldn't drink all the potion that she would make him drink it. She accepted the deal.

When Dumbledore started drinking the potion he felt a pain that was going through his body. He started begging Hermione that he couldn't drink the potion anymore so she forced the potion down his throat.

Dumbledore then claimed the locket. They then went back to Hogwarts. Dumbledore looked closely at the locket and said "From what I remembered the locket is suppose to be bigger and have Salazar Slytherin's signiture" so he opened the locket to find a piece of parchment inside. It said

To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


Then Hermione realized it was a fake. Dumbledore then told her that they would find out who R.A.B was and that it was better for her to go and rest.

She went to Gryfindor common room and saw Peter waiting for her. Hermione told him everything that happened. Soon they bith went to bed. She had to help Harry get ready for the 3rd quest that wasn't very far away.

But she would find a way to figure out who was R.A.B.

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