Hermione is back

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Harry's POV

It's been a long time since we last saw Hermione. And today is the first quest. About 2 days ago I found out that the quest was to defeat a dragon. And I had to find a way to defeat a dragon without getting myself killed. Ron is still not talking to me but that doesn't bother me much. I wish Hermione was here to cheer me up and give me an idea to defeat the dragon.

I have to defeat a dragon and retrieve a golden egg. Each of the champions had to pick a dragon. Fleur got a Welsh-Green dragon. Krum got a Chinese Fireball dragon. Cedric got the Sweedish Short-Snout dragon. I got the Hungarian Horntail dragon.

I was the last to compete and get the golden egg.

When I saw the golden egg I tried to get it the dragon tried to hit me with it's multiple times. And I heard Neville yell "Harry your wand. Use your wand". And then I said "Accio firebolt". And then the dragon tried to hit me once again with it's tail. And I saw my firebolt coming towards me and the dragon was about to hit me again and I ran away and jumped on my broom. I was being chased by the dragon so I went towards the school so I could lose him between the towers. I thought I lost him and I continued forward and the dragon came in front of me and I fell from the broom and sled through the towers roof.

I landed at the edge of a window and my firebolt was at the top of the window. And the dragon saw me and it was trying to get close. I was trying to stretch as far as I can to get my broom. Then the handle I was holding on to broke and just in time I grabbed the broom to get away.

The dragon once again chased me and spitted fire. And my broom caught on fire and I went passed the bridge and bumped on the columns and fell. The dragon also fell. And I ended up with a broken arm.

Then I went flying towards the egg. Everyone was cheering. I finally caught the egg.

Next day I was trying to figure out how to open the egg. I was getting really frustrated when trying to open the egg. I kept on tryinng everyday until it was November.

Headmaster Dumbledore that morning announced that there will be a Yule ball in December 24. And that just 4th years and above will get to go or if the younger years get invited to go with a date.

Staring today we have to take dancing classes with Professor McGonagall. And I started talking to Ron again so we sat beside each other and the twins. Professor McGonagall said "Mr. Weasley, care to join me please". "Me" said Ron. "Yes" said Professor McGonagall while dragging him to the dance floor while the everyone started laughing. "Now, place your right hand on my waist" she said. "Where" Ron asked clearly uncomfortable. "On my waist" she said. Ron looked at me and putting his hand on the professor's waist. "Extend your arm. Mr. Flitch if you please" she said. Fred and George were making fun of Ron eventhough it was quite halarius Ron was quite embarassed.

The music then started and she said "One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three" she said. "Oi, you are never let him forget this, are you" I said to Fred and George. "Never" they said at the same time.

"Everyone come to together" she said and all the girls fast on their feet stood up while us boys kept seated. "Boys on your feet" she said and all the boys groaning. And Neville gathered up his Gryffindor courage and was the first to stand up.

That night Ron and I saw Neville dancing. I think he was asleep. He was pretty halarius.

The next day Ron and I were trying to get a girl to be our date for the ball. "Why do they have to travel in packs and how are you suppose to get one of them to ask" I said to Ron. And then all of the girls looked at us like they could hunt us down then we walked away."Blimey Harry you say dragons you can't get a date, you can "I think I can take the dragon right now" I said.

Weeks have passed and I still don't have date. And the champions and their dates have the first dance of the night.

The day of the ball came and I still don't have a date. And we still don't know anything about Hermione. I have asked Professor McGonagall if she knows anything about Hermione.

At night we were getting ready for the ball. I had my dress robes on and I was waiting for Ron. I went to our dorm and saw him staring at the mirror. A few days ago Ms. Weasley sent him some dress robes for the ball. They did look ancient but I said other wise so Ron doesn't feel bad.

So we went to the Great Hall. I stood by the entrance. Whle Ron went to get something to eat. Then I saw a group of people that were wearing weird clothes. I saw 2 guys and 3 girls. The one that caught my attention was the one that was wearing a blue dress. It was Hermione.

When she saw me she ran to me and gave me a big hug. I saw she was wearing a sword, a bow and arrows, and a cloak. The other people that were with her had weapons also. The boys had swords and sheilds. While the older girl had a bow and arrows. And the younger girl had a dager and a small leather bag that contained a bottle of liquid.

"Harry it is so good to see you again" she said. "I missed you too Mione" I said. Then Ron came back and he saw Hermione. "Bloody hell, Hermione where have you been these past few months" he said. "Months. I thought I have been gone for days not months" she said. "Who are these people you brought with you" I said. "Well Harry, Ron these are my brothers and sisters" she said with a smile on her face. Ron's and my mouth were wide open.

"Let me present you to them so they get to know you" she said and we walked towards them. She pointed to the tall blonde "That is Peter, my older brother" she said and Ron and I extended our hands for him to shake. She then pointed to the older girl with dark brown hair "That is Susan, my twin sister" she said. "Wait you have a twin" asked Ron. "Yes Ronald I have a twin" and we both extended our hands for her to shake and she did. Hermione then pointed to the younger boy "That is Edmund" she said and we shook his hand also. And then sve pointed to the younger girl "This is Lucy" she said and we both shook her hand.

"Have you seen Headmaster Dumbledore, I need to speak with him" she said. "He might be at the staff table" I said. "Ok, let's go" she said towards her sibilings, Ron and I.

We approached the staff table and Professor McGonagall ran towards Hermione. "Oh for Merlin's sake Miss. Granger you came back" she said and gave her a hug. "And for who do I have the pleasure to meet" she said. "These are my brothers and sisters Professor" Hermione said. "Oh my, it's a pleasure meeting the sibilings of my top student" Professor McGonagall said. "It is a pleasure for us to meet you Professor. Mione has told us a lot about you. And how you are the closest thing to a mother she has and we appreciate everything you have done for her" Susan said. "We would like to speak with you and Headmaster Dumbledore in his office if it's not at a bad time" Hermione said. "Of course dear, I'll just tell Headmaster Dumbledore that you wish to speak to him"

Professor McGonagall said and left to go get Headmaster Dumbledore. She came back with Headmaster Dumbledore. "It's nice to have you back Miss. Granger" he said. "It is good to be back Headmaster Dumbledore. I have something to tell you and Professor McGonagall, Harry, and Ron. Can we talk in your office Headmaster" Hermione said. "Of course dear, let's go" he said.

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