Second Chance

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Remus POV

It's been a week since I sent the letter to Amelia Bones. Just then I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. Kreacher came in with a letter in his hand. "This letter came in for you" he said.

"Thank you Kreacher" I said. He nodded and then left with a pop. I looked at the envelope to see who is it from but it didn't have the name of the sender. So I opened it and read it.

I received your letter Mr. Lupin. I have also reviewed all of your memories. There is evidence enough to open up the case and get Mr. Black a fair trial. A piece of advice get a good lawyer and get reliable witnesses. In my next letter I'll send the date of the trial.

Sincerely Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones

After reading the letter, I ran down stairs. "Sirius! Sirius!" I yelled out. "What is it Moony" he asked coming from the dining room with the kids. "You are going to get a trial" I said.

"What do you mean a trial? How?" asked Hermione bewildered. "Well Moony sent a letter to an old friend that works for the ministry and has agreed to help Sirius get a trial. He can finally be a free man" I said happily.

"Congratulations" said the kids and went to hug Padfoot. "When is the trial" asked Molly. "Amelia Bones said she would work on it and will let us know" I said.

"Wait Amelia Bones as in the Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement" asked Hermione wide eyed. "That's her" Sirius said impressed. Just then there was a knock at the door. I went to go open it. It was Cissa and Draco but they weren't the only ones outside. Miss. Pansy Parkinson, Mr. Blaise Zabini, and Mr. Theodore Nott.

"Good morning Professor Lupin" Miss. Parkinson said. "Good morning to you too Miss. Parkinson. And please don't call me professor I'm not your teacher anymore" I said politely. The other two boys nodded at me in acknowledgment as I did the same.

Molly came rushing to the door and rushed them all in. "Welcome to Grimuald's Place" she said. "Thank you for inviting us Mrs. Weasley " said Nott. "Oh call me Molly dear" she said. We guided them to the sitting room where all of the other kids and Sirius would be at.

I walked beside Cissa. "We have important news to tell you" I whispered to her. "I do too" she whispered back. As we walked through the hallway that went to the sitting room Lucy came running with Sirius behind her and hugged Cissa. "Aunt Cissa you're here" she yelled happily. She then turned to Draco and hugged him. "You came too Draco" she said also hugging him.

"Hi Lucy" said Draco shyly. The three other kids looked at him quite surprised at how the little girl was affectionate with the blonde. "Lucy, I would like you to meet my friends" he said. He started pointing and identifying who each were. "It's a pleasure" she said shyly waving back at the teenagers. The kids smiled kindly at each other. "Oh my goodness she is so cute" squealed Pansy hugging the young girl. "Pansy get off her. You are being weird again" said Blaise. "Oh I apologize" she said backing up from the young girl.

Then Susan came towards us. She waved at the group of Slytherins. They waved back shyly and came to greet Cissa. They both hugged her tightly one on each side. "Aunt Cissa we missed you" said Susan happily. "I've missed you too my darlings" she said hugging them tightly. They then let go and walked up to the group of Slytherins. "Hi" said Susan a bit nervous."Let's go meet the rest and we can talk over there if you don't mind" said Lucy kindly. They all nodded and left to meet the others.

I then dragged Molly, Cissa, and Sirius to the drawing room while the children were getting along with each other. "So what did you want to tell me about" she said curiously. I handed her the letter from the ministry. She read it and then when she was done she went to go hug Sirius. "Congratulations cousin" she said happily.

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