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Briar and Y/n walked out of the how with other Narnians, Peter and Edmund. The duel between Miraz and Peter was going to begin soon.

Briar sneaks away and grabs her stolen palomino paint horse, riding into the woods. Y/n noticed Briar's absence a while later.

"Where's Briar?" She asked Edmund. He looked around worriedly, as he hadn't noticed her absence until Y/n mentioned it.

"No idea..." He mumbled.

Peter grabs his sword and walks forward, meeting with Miraz. They walk in a slow circle, facing eachother.

"There is still time to surrender," Miraz taunted.

"Well, feel free," Peter retorted.

"How many more must die for the throne?" Miraz asked.

"Just one."

And the fight began.

Susan and Lucy rode their horse through the forest. Susan turns around to see telemarine soldiers following them.

"They've seen us!" Lucy exclaims. Susan stops the horse and gets off. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, Lu. It looks like you'll be going alone after all," Susan replies. She sends the horse off, Lucy riding back into the forest. Susan gets her bow and arrow ready and takes down a few soldiers before she is knocked down herself.

The soldier preparing to kill Susan was knocked off his horse, dead, revealing Briar on her horse, holding a sword. She looked down at Susan.

"Come on, then. Let's get back to the how. Did Lucy get through?" Briar asks, helping Susan onto her horse. Susan nods and they ride back to the how.

Peter looks and sees the two girls riding over.

"Does his highness need a respite?" Miraz taunts.

"Five minutes?" Peter suggests.

"Three," Miraz says before limping off.

Peter walks back to his side just as Briar and Susan get there, getting off the horse. Y/n smiles, relieved Briar is okay.

"Lucy..." Peter begins.

"She got through. With a little help," Susan replies, looking to Briar.

"Thanks," Peter says to Briar. She nods.

"No problem," She says. Peter looks to the how.

"You better get up there, just in case. I don't expect the Telemarines will keep their word," Peter says to Susan.

"You too, Briar. You'll be safer up there," Y/n spoke.

"No! I'm better with a sword than bow and arrow. I'm fighting down here with the rest of you," Briar retorted.

"No. I'm not losing you. Go up there with Susan. You can still handle a bow and arrow well. Just go up there," Y/n retorts.

"No, I-" Briar begins.

"I'm not asking you, Briar. Get your ass up there now!" Y/n says loudly. Briar glares at her but goes with Susan, grabbing a bow and arrow on her way.

Y/n hears a yell from Peter and sees that Edmund shoves Peter's shoulder back into place.

Peter goes back to fight with Miraz. Y/n stands between Caspian and Edmund, watching anxiously.

Y/n fidgeted as she watched the battle. Caspian reached out to grab her hand to comfort her but she quickly pulled away.

"Respite! Respite!" Miraz yelled from the ground. Peter hesitated.

"Now's not the time for chivalry, Pete!" Edmund yelled. Peter lowered his sword and began walking away. Once his back is turned, Miraz grabs his sword and rushes towards Peter.

Broken {Caspian x reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon