"No, you're not fine you're shaking and where is your inhaler you sound a little wheezy," he reluctantly dropped his hands looking around for my purse. "Maybe we should turn back around and go home."

"I said I'm fine," I snapped harshly pausing his search for my purse Brooks looked over at me hurt flashing in his blue eyes before he masked it. He pulled back his jaw clenching as he stared wordlessly at me.

Instantly feeling guilty I reached over grasping his large hand in my smaller one. " I'm sorry but I'm fine, really," I reassured him giving his hand a light squeeze.

He didn't look convinced. Why would he? A minute ago I was on the cusp of a panic attack and now I was claiming to be fine I wouldn't believe me either.

He looked like he wanted to say something his eyes were swimming with questions but my eyes were telling him to let it go. I wasn't ready to talk about why I freaked out with him yet I couldn't bear him looking at me with pity in his eyes.

I like the way he looks at me now like I'm just Gen, not the sad broken Gen who could've barely pulled herself out of the bed four years ago. Like the way my family and Mia or anyone else who knows my past looks at me sometimes.

He blew out a frustrated breath before squeezing back my hand. "Are you sure, you don't what me to carry you back home," he asked one more time.

I nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." An awkward silence settled between us both of us not knowing what to say.

"So are we going to this place or what? So I can prove you wrong," I said breaking the silence and attempting to snap us out of this awkward silence we found ourselves in.

It had the effect I wanted, as Brooks chuckled I could see the tension leaving his shoulders.

He looked down at my hand that still rested on top of his a strange look entering his eyes. Just as I made a move to lift my hand he snatched it lacing our fingers together causing my heart to jump in my chest.

Our hands remained laced together for the entire drive.


"I hate admitting this because it will just feed into your already gigantic ego." I narrowed my eyes playfully at Brooks who had a smug smile plastered on his face his eyes locked on mine from across the booth. "But you were right this is the best I've ever had," I admitted albeit reluctantly but I can admit when I was wrong.

"I told you," Brooks said popping a salty French fry in his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"I know it was you," said a voice I looked up just in time as a middle- age man came to stop in front of us with a wide smile plastered on his face. The man glanced over his shoulder at a pretty woman standing a few feet away from us and a slightly embarrassed smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, honey, I told you it was him," he said excitedly to the woman who I assumed was his wife before bringing his attention back to us. He shot me a brief smile before refocusing on Brooks.

"You're Brooks Heyward, my name is Matt I'm a huge fan," said the man stretching out his hand towards Brooks for a handshake.

Brooks took Matt's hand giving it a firm shake before releasing it. "Nice to meet you, Matt."

"Sorry for bothering you but I just had to come over and congratulate you on a great game last night. I've been following you since you started with the team during your freshman year. You have great things in the future especially since you enter the draft next year."

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