RC9- Confrontation

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Roses Are Red, Duties Are Ropes,

Can One Escape, The chains of Society?

RC9- Confrontation.

"You ungrateful chit! I have given you everything yet you choose to whore yourself to that White Bastard?!" Caden Lancaster raged.

Amelia's lip thinned as her back remained ramrod straight.

"If there has been any whoring Papa, you did it. Shoving me into the arms of men you wanted something from. If there has been any whoring, you were the pimp."

Her face snapped to the left with a force that could break her neck but didn't. Her body tensed in icy shock. He hit her.

Her father just struck a blow to her cheek. She didn't..he wouldn't….

Yes, she had always known that Caden Lancaster was by no means a kind man, but she had never expected him to hit her. He didn't..not until..

She stood up, stumbling over her feet, her eyes surprisingly dry.

"Papa. You struck me." She whispered.

The disgust in the eyes of the Red Rose did not falter.

"You...is your hate for the White so strong that you strike your own daughter?" She asked cooly, her cheek throbbing unbearably.

"No daughter of mine would think of the Whites in such a despicable manner!"

"You mean no daughter of yours would see the White for what they are. Humans, not crests"

He raised his hand again.

"No need to result to such uncouth behaviour, father, I assure you, another strike will not diminish what I hold for Harry York."

His fists clenched.

"You will marry the prince, and when he ascends, you will become Queen and that is final."

"Even death will not make me choose a man that isn't Harry York."

"Rest assured daughter—"

The butler stumbled into the drawing-room. 

"The royal carriage has come, My Lord. The prince requests to see Miss Lancaster."

Her father nodded and waved him away.

He stepped closer and grabbed her hand in a bone-crushing grip. His hot breath scalding her face.

"Listen to me you stupid girl; you shall go outside and do whatever the fuck the Prince wants, bed him if you wish as that is what you excel at. Whatever you do, make sure to return here with a bloody ring, signifying your union. Anything else and I shall send you to the grave myself."

Amelia Lancaster did what she was good at.

She smiled and bowed, like the faithful daughter she was not.

She would sooner die, than shackle herself to the very thing that would give Caden Lancaster what he desired most.


"Amy—may I call you that?—you look especially stunning together." The Prince crooned.

She flicked him an annoyed glance. He said the same words every time they met. Frankly, Arthur was a fine man, if she wedded him, she would be the envy of every woman in England, she would lift her family higher than possible. Amelia looked through the window, blotting out the Prince.

But she did not want that. She did not want him.

She wanted Harry York and why the bloody hell did no one understand that?



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