RC3. Feud

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Roses are red, violets are trash, all that matters; is the colour of your Crest.

One of the time, a nobleman had made a careless remark of uniting the Yorks and the Lamcaster, he had ended up in the doctor's yard, and after that incident, no one heard of Thomas Moore.

Noblemen had placed bets, by pairing the Duke of York and Lancaster as partners during a racing game, the two family heads had struck at the masterhead of the plan so hard that it sank the family into ruin, the Earl of Edinburgh was either trying to loose his family fortune or he had an ulterior motive.

Amelia's heart banged so loudly that she was worried that Harry could hear it. She had snatched her hand away frim his so fast that she hit her arm on the sides of the table.

She dared to glance at her father's face and the Duke looked-no, the Duke was murderous.


Harry's stomach turned.

Was it just him, or was the entire Britain trying to end his life? the duke of York would sooner pass a sword over his son's neck than join his hands with Lancaster via marriage.

The Earl was playing a game, a dangerous game that he did not like one bit of it.

His father, for some reason was glaring at him, and Harry realized that he had to say something. he couldn't risk anyone suspecting or even sniffing a whiff about his affection towards Amelia Lancaster..

The spotlight was on them, now, and he had to do his best to move it away, without suspicion, plus he had to do it in a way that the topic would not be of any interest to anyone in a long long time.

And he was inevitably going to hurt Amelia. But he had no choice. This was one of the many moments the duty of being a Yorker was thrusted on him without his consent.

God, he hated the British peerage.

He picked up his spoon calm, hoping that they couldn't see how his left hand trembled violently under the table.

"You make funny jokes, Earl. I would sooner die than have anything to do with a Lancaster, worse of tying myself to an offspring for life" he squeezed his face, a pure mask of disgust to the Nobles, to the Harry York, it was pain, his heart was dying and he was killing it himself.

He knew his next words would wound him more than it would, to any Lancaster.

"Besides, no one wants to wed a loose woman"

He heard it.

The soft, but sharp intake of breath. With his side vision, he saw that her chin was still up, and her face was void of any emotion. He couldn't have loved her more nor could he be ay prouder of her.

But in that moment, they could never be more of Roses of different colors than ever.

The pride and satisfaction on his father's face was too much to stomach, the Duke of Lancaster slammed his fists on the table. The women gasped.

"How dare you!" he raged. "My daughter is pure! and not loose! I suggest you retract your statement, Harry of York" the Red Duke snapped.

"He spoke nothing untrue, did he?" The White Duke injected.

"I refuse to be insulted this way!" Lancaster scraped his chairs backwards, "And for the insult on my daughters' virtue, White, I shall make sure you regret it, I-"

"Father, stop"

The dinning room fell silent, at the sound of the feminine voice that dared to stop the mighty duke of Lancaster halfway. Even the Earl of Edinburgh had a look of shock on his face, he had not expected the girl to speak.

"What?" her father asked, frozen halfway between standing and sitting.

"The Yorker just threw an insult on my honor, do you not deem it fit that I defend myself the least?"

"Yes, but, he insulted your honor, thereby insulting the family!"

"True. But I have a few things I would like to say to the White. May I be granted audience?"

The Lancaster was confused, but family image came first. He blinked, cleared his throat, lowered himself to his chair and waved her on.

Twenty eight guests, including the Whites, Reds, The King's Son and Brother stared on, wondering what the nice Red Rose girl had to say.

"From the accusation that the White Heir placed on me, it shows only one thing.."

The guests waited on bated breath.

"It simply shows how much of a coward he is, how much of a coward, they all are. The Whites I mean"

The white duke's face was fast darkening.

"No true man would pick on an innocent lady that has done him no harm nor showed him no ill will, but here he sits-" she gestured to him, "And accuses her of being loose. He has shown disrespect towards me without reason. It is quite unfortunate that I have no brother for you to duel with. I am quite certain he would have blown your head off." she finished calmly.

There was silence for an entire minute, as each person tried to digest what they had just heard and witnessed as thy tried to score the fight, but the faces of the Roses called the scores out loud.

Lancaster: 1, York: 0.

The Reds ahs won the first round, but the guest were assure of one thing; drama was abound.


"You didn't have to do that, Ross"

"And how was I supposed to lighten the dinner up? Make it seem less like a formal meeting?"

"So you rather it be lie a club brawl?"

Ross shrugged at his friend.

"I shall be a liar if I didn't admit that I enjoyed the little stunt you pulled out there. It was fascinating to finally watch the age old feud crackle to life" his companion stated, a small smile curving his lips.

Ross smiled. "Oh, but it was no stunt"

"What do you mean?- oh never mind. I think I like the Miss Lancaster. What did you say her name is?"

"Amelia. Amelia Lancaster. The heir to the Lancaster fortune- or whoever her father chooses to marry her to"

"I like her."

Ross laughed darkly. " I believe it is time we stop hiding. The Roses would be snapping and hungry for your royal blood now, ready to get their claws all over you"

"If they send Miss Lancaster, I shall be willing"

"Then I suggest you watch out for Harry York. Least he murders you in your sleep"


I am trying to get back I to regular updates, okay? Thank you for reading. Please vote.

So, what do you think of this book so far? As I have earlier stated, this book is a sad story, it centers on the pressure that the society puts on all of us, thereby forcing us to be people we don't want to be or hate be.

Instagram; Raldineviv



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