RC2- Roses Are Red, But Some Are White

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Chapter 3: Roses are Red, But Some Are White.

Harry York hated himself.

He hated the helplessness of his situation and despised the fact that he was powerless to do anything.

"We have a ball to attend tonight Son, I reckon you get yourself ready"

"I am in no mood for balls tonight father" he replied curtly.

"Well, you better get in the mood. The King's son, Prince of Wales and his brother, Duke of Northumberland are going to be present, and we need to win them in our favor before the disgusting Reds get to him first. If you have plans of rising in the court son, you have to play the games of politics"

His teeth clenched as he nodded.

"To be clear, we are going just to be faster than Lancaster?"

"Don't you! Mention that name here" Lord Bach, the Duke of York snapped.

"Sorry father"

After a while, when he thought his father was not, as usual, going to respond, replied.

"Why, yes. We want to have a heavier arm swing now, don't we?"

"Of course we do" he consented.

"Good. So dress your best son, we are going to meet royalty"

"Your father says you have a ball to attend tonight" her mother informed her, while her father grunted in consent at the head of the table.

"A ball?" Amelia asked, "What ball?"

"It is hosted by the Earl of Edinburgh. The King's Son and Brother are going to be present" her father informed.

Amelia's hand curled around the soup spoon. She knew where he was going, she was going to be used as bait, a dance here, a walk in the garden there, a stolen kiss and her father rose higher and higher in favor in the court.

"Surely," she started, "there is no need for my presence as it is a man's business which a woman has no place in" she quoted her father, who raised a brow at her.

"Don't be silly child. Of course you have a role- an important role if I may add, to play."

She took a sip of soup that tasted like bile.

"What role-if I may ask, father?"

"You are to be the bait. Obviously" her father replied callously.

With great care, she placed the spoon back on her plate, her appetite gone.

"Of course. The bait." Her voice bitter.

The Lord Lancaster laughed.

"What else did you think? Silly child"

In that moment, Amelia's heart burned with hatred for the man who produced her.

It was a dinner party.

Although a private invite had been issued, the Earl of Edinburgh was notorious for his private, lavish balls that only the few that were considered elite were invited.

If one's family didn't get an invite to his ball, it automatically showed your position in the court hierarchy.

The Lancasters and The Yorks always got. No matter how powerful a Nobleman was, one was always wary of pissing off two of England's most powerful families and igniting a spark in a generational age feud.

But Stanley Ross, the Earl of Edinburgh, was also known for his lack of respect for age old traditions, and when the attendees of the party had been ushered into a vast dinning room, the two warring had realized too late how far the mischievous Earl could take things.

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