RC5. Bad News

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There is always this one moments that feels like a decision would change the entire course of life.

For Amelia, a woman who had no say in public, it had only taken something as fickle as a 'feeling' to change her life and her future.

The royal carriage never stopped coming. If it was not obvious that the Prince had taken an interest in her before, it was now.

Her father walked like a god. He should. Considering the fact that he may become the father of the next queen of England.

Her mother fluttered around happily. She should. She now had a lot to brag about during those terrible tea parties she hosted.

Arthur looked at her with stars in his eyes as he told her his plans for her.

She could remember it like it was yesternight.

Well, technically, it was yesterday.

He wanted a 'them'.

A union between both of them.

"It would make her family more powerful," he had said; "and he loved her too" he had added.


"Couldn't let her go. He couldn't let another man have her".

He never for once asked her what she wanted, what she thought of it. He spoke like he knew her life was in her father's decision.

It was. But it didn't hurt to ask her consent, no?

At this point, she would have preferred to wed Lord Delaney instead of the handsome prince.

"You would look divine on a crown Amelia, a real Queen!"

She didn't want to be Queen, damnit! She just wanted Harry York.

Talk about things she couldn't get.

She wondered how Harry was feeling.


Harry was taking the news badly.

He brushed his horse with shaking fingers, while swiping angrily at the tears that spilled as his heart broke over again.

It would never end would it?

They would never be together, would they?

Even if this Prince ended up not marrying Amelia, there would still come another Prince charming that would sweep her parents off their feet and cart it to the altar.

Why couldn't it be him?

Why couldn't he go boldly and ask to court her?

Because he knew Amelia would never agree to it. They both knew that the moment he stepped into the Red house with an intention for their daughter, he would be shot on spot.

His horse whined.

Harry took a deep breath, steadying his hands before picking an apple off the saddle and feeding it to an animal.

"And I believe Arthur has found his Queen. Unless you have a say in it."

The words of the noble man echoed in his heart.

He needed to see Amelia.


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