RC4: Mask Off

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Roses, Chapter 4


Roses have thorns, to hide their vulnerability.

"Now listen child, I am proud of what you did in there. Although it was no place for a woman, I am still proud that you had the guts to stand up for yourself. But do not forget the main reason we are here"

"To enjoy the Earl's gracious ball?" she purposely misunderstood.

"Heavens, No!" The duke sighed exasperated on how easily distracted his daughter could become, surely this was York's plan all along. To drag her into an argument that made them forget their true purpose of being here.

"Then why are we here father?"

"To win the Crown Prince's favor. He is soon to be King afteral."


"Yes. Now, I shall introduce you to him and my dear child you shall charm him, because our future in the court rests ion your delicate shoulders."

"Ah" she replied again.


"You did good" his father said after unfortunately finding him, not hiding by the musicians with a drink in hand.

"Did I?" he replied bitterly.

"Yes. Not minding what that bloody Red said. If she wasn't female, I shall have half the mind to snap her neck into half."

Harry's grip on the glass tightened, as he managed to have a grip on his tongue. He could risk coming to her defense after he had cut her apart, now could he?

"The Lancaster shall be making their move soon, but we ought to be faster." his father said, changing the topic. "you should move and discuss politics or whatever the fuck he wants to talk about Harry, just ensure you get in his head. We can't afford to lose the Crown Prince. Silas is a grumpy old bat" he muttered the last, considering the fact that he was referring to royalty.

"Of course. I shall go make you proud."

"Not me son, the family. It is always the family. You do this for the family"

"Certainly. Anything for the family."

"Here they come" his father announced as he saw the Prince and their host, Ross emerge from a room that didn't exist till now.

"You should go over-" his father started.

He saw the way the royal heir's eyes were fixated on Amelia that was fast approaching with her father in tow and the way the Edinburgh Lord's eyes roamed before resting on him.

There was a spark of something mischievous, dark and something else he couldn't discern.

Harry felt a prick of unease.

"Oi Harry York! Come over here!" the hall paused, an Earl couldn't speak to Yorker like that. The nobleman grinned before adding the line that would bail him.

"The Prince demands to speak to you"

His father all but kicked him forward. They didn't have to grovel for attention, they had been noticed without effort.

But, as Harry saw Amelia approaching the duo from the opposite side of the ball room, he knew that this night was going to burst open stiches that were already mended.


"What are you doing again, Stanley? Do you want to create another scene?"

"No. But even if I was trying to, the most shocking revelations would be out"

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