A Jotun's Worst Nightmare pt. 1 (Fluff??)

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"Keep your back straight," A ruler poked your spine, making you voluntarily arch your back to perfect your posture, "Have your chin up, look confident," Then, the ruler went under your chin to raise your head, making you face the wall, "Lastly, don't look so miserable,"

"Thank you for giving me almost 100 reasons why I'm not fit to do this mission," You went back to slouching after reviewing what you had to do, "It's so..boring!"

All you were informed to do was to catch everyone's attention, look elegant, and keep their eyes away from your partner who's personal mission was to steal the tesseract, much more challenging than your task.

Your mentor rolled their eyes, giving you another lecture of how being a spy isn't aways about the thrill, or the adventure, but to finish things and bla..bla..bla. 

Everything they said just went off like a blur. What really ticks you off is that you had to pretend to be an Asgardian. A Jotun's worst nightmare.


While Loki sat on one of the tables, hidden from their festive dances and grins, Thor was living his life, just excited to be crowned king, something he always wanted. 

His elder brother could see the pain in his face. Even if Loki had trained himself to hide those emotions, you could never hide such things to a loving sibling. So, Thor dropped his dance with a maiden, and sat with him. 

Loki scoffed, "What is it?" 

"Oh, I was going to ask you the same thing. Did you really think you could hide your bitterness from me?" 

"I don't know why father would throne you king when I'm more capable to lead," Thor sighed, looking down. He felt hurt, like usual as he talked to him.

Loki was often cold, he knew it was just an exterior, just as Frigga said, but sometimes his words were knives cutting his skin. 

Instead of walking away, Thor clasped his hands and smiled once again, displaying his determination, "I know, you haven't found a maiden to dance with yet," 

"Haven't I just told you why I'm-" 

"Has no-one caught your eye?" He interrupted, "But these visitors all look so sharp! I thought you liked that?" 

"Yes, but I'm not so focused on that," 

"Come on, there must be something to bring you some sort of joy in your dull life," Loki squinted with annoyance towards his joyous brother, "Like them, over there.." 

He turned his head to the direction Thor was pointing towards, seeing a figure that stood out from most Asgardians, wearing formal clothing fit for high class, and a face that made heads snap to admire beauty. 

Loki couldn't see his brother's smirk, or how smug Thor looked to see his eyes travel to where you were headed, just as your mission planned. 

"If you don't decide to make a move quickly, I just might talk to her myself, brother," Loki joked, and it was delightful to hear for the blonde. Thor was always happy to see Loki enjoying things around him. 

"Eh. I dont suppose it would hurt if I let you have this chance," 


"Seems like I have attracted one of the Royals," Your lips twitched upwards when a raven-haired fellow made his way to sit in front of you, "I am quite alluring, don't you agree?" 

He looked down with a sheepish smile, facing you once again after taking a second to chuckle, causing a wiggle in your chest, "You took the words right out of my mouth," 

The communicator in your ear beeped, signaling your partner's succesful entrance inside the castle. Otherwise, meaning, the first step in this mission, completed. 

"Which realm are you from? I haven't seen you before.." He inquired with knitted brows, "Are you companions with my mother, perhaps?" 

Your mind came up with a quick response, you hoped this excuse would suffice for his curiosity, "Oh, no. My friend is high class. She was kind enough to invite me," 

"Who is your friend?" 

"She should be here by now.." Your eyes wander across the magnificent ballroom, pretending to look for your 'Friend', "Maybe she's late. It's a negative trait of her," 

"I see," Loki nodded, "On the bright side, you have the opportunity to meet me," 

Your laugh was mesmerizing to him, and your grin was hypnotizing, like an enchantress. The way you cover your mouth with your hand to be proper, and the crinkle at the end of your eyes, you were such a treasure among the crowds to him. 

Two beeps. Your partner is close by the tesseract, it was a shame how easy this was, "How out of character for you to look on the bright side. Being the.. pessimistic prince. Only from rumors, I've heard," 

"Those rumors are ridiculous..I'm only pessimistic 90% of the time," 

"Atleast we have something in common," 

It suprised you how genuine your laugh was through his jokes, and how long it was taking for your partner to take the cube. If they took longer, you might think to stay with the prince. 

Loki was..not so bad as the rumors say. He's charming, a lot of stories, and load of ways to make you smile. It's a shame your communicator took three beeps. 

Wait, It was just one long signal. 

That would've meant..."Stop them!" 

"I apologize, unfortunately I have to cut our conversation short," You stood up as your partner starts running towards the exit, "My friend just arrived," 

"Pardon?" He took your wrist. 

Loki flinched, taken aback by the chilling reaching his hand, and blue skin breaking through a spell. 

He immediately let go of your wrist, "I meant, It's my time to escape. Thank you for sharing your charm," 

You bolted out of the golden gates of the castle, still, with several guards following behind. Yet, you still escaped alongside your partner, leaving Loki feeling embarrassed, and betrayed. 

Pushing his hands down his pockets, rolling his eyes as he thought, I should've let Thor have them. Although, feeling something rough, crumpled paper, opening it revealed.. 


Sometimes I just don't know what to say at the end of these imagines, so, pretend that this is a cool sentence.


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