(Fluff) A Hero and a Giant : Jotun Loki

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"Everyone point at the party pooper!" Thor taunts a finger at Carol, making her jaw tense up and her fist crumple into a shaky fist withh pure rage. Mjolnir on her stomach, "Maybe next time, you should pick on another planet."

"You'll regret this," Carol growled, her menacing voice making Thor gulp. But he wouldn't present that to everyone, wouldn't he?

"But I'm enjoying this oh, so much," He puts his two fists on his hips, his chest puffing out as he smirked atop of her.

"You won't enjoy it once she comes," With a tug of her lips, Thor's brows furrowed. His once prideful figure turning into a confused one, "Just remember my warning, don't say she looks pretty."

"Who's pretty?" Loki inquired, his giant height didn't seem to interfere with the environment as his blue presence joined Thor's Asgardian one, "Is this pretty lady like you-" His speech was cut short when he suddenly felt a huge force on his back bringing him afloat with another being. Causing him to shout in suprise.

"Damnit, Y/n. Wrong one!"

You didn't hear her protest when you brought the giant over somewhere far, somewhere alone where you pushed him to the ground, "Leave this planet!"

"Woah, okay...Wow," The blue giant gawked, making your head tilt to one side with one fist still hung in front of him. He managed to study your features with a quick flash, "You are one pretty-"

"Lets not start with flattery, Jotun," You spat right after he groaned from your punch, "I'm not into being kissed with compliments so you could get your ass back home without a scratch."

"Would breath-taking suffice?" He gave you an awkward grin, making you somehow slip out a small smile, "I suppose so. Are you enjoying this, breath-taking girl?"

"Are you Thor?"

"What? No, of course not. Is that a problem?"

"Oh, no, no.." You laughed, an awkward presence situated in the air, "I'll just..get off of you, then," You levitated away from him, keeping distance.

"Do you have a problem with Thor, perhaps?" He inquired once he managed to stand tall, you had to levitate a bit higher to reach his view.

"Well, you guys are kind of destroying the planet- and invaded it. Carol and I are responsible to keep this place safe, you guys aren't making it easy," You set your hands by your hips.


"Right, I forgot," You lent a hand, "I'm Y/n."

"What a lovely name."

Your cheeks turned red.

"Laufeyson, God of Mischief. You can call me Loki," He brought your hand to his lips, gently brushing the to your knuckles. This wasn't helping your already burning cheeks, "I do believe I'm lucky not to be punched again."

"You are," He laughed, "Not many can kiss my hand. Consider yourself so," The corner of your lips curled upwards.

"Maybe I can ask Thor to leave the planet.."

"That would be appreciated."

"Well," He cleared his throat, "Maybe you can show your appreciation someway else?" He crossed his thumb on your knuckles left to right, "Maybe a date?"

"That would be-" Your scream cuts off your own sentence when you felt yourself being taken off your feet. Loki's disappointment of your hidden answer made him groan as you found yourself being in another heated fight.


Once the fight lasted, you felt accomplished once you and Carol decided to help the guy with his mother. It was funny how desperate Thor had become just to stop himself from being scolded. Your heart swells even more when you saw a certain someone standing by the chalkboard with his arms behind his back.

"I was wondering when I'd see you again," Loki smiled as you levitated to meet his height, "I haven't got your answer. I think it was- Ah- help me!" He reanacted your scream.

You playfully slapped his chest, "I didn't need anyone's help. And you're wrong, it was mainly a shriek of suprise," You crossed your arms, making him laugh.

"I still don't know your answer."

"I'd be delighted."

"That's great!" His face lit up, clearing his throat right after as he lent you a bouquet. It was slightly crumpled, probably squished from his large hands, "Ah- you see.. it wasn't easy picking the right bouquet to hold."

Once you finally had it in your hands, you adjusted the flowers, "I think its lovely. Besides, I don't get that much flowers from going out in space. Well- I don't get normal flowers," You stammered, looking down to prevent him from seeing the faint pink dusted on your cheeks.

"Right," He trailed, rocking over his feet, "I'm guessing we go somewhere fancy?"

"Anything casual would do," You took the courage to face him. To keep his confidence up, you pretended not to notice that faint red that was visible because of the blue. Since you probably looked the same, minus the blue, "Oh!"

You took something from your pocket, lending him a communicator.

"It's my pager. Fury, Carol and I have our own, but I like to keep an extra. Just in case."

"I'll treasure it well," He smiled, seeing the small trinket not even the size of his hand, "Though..maybe I won't be able to keep it that well."

"I'm sure it isn't that brittle," You waved your hand in dismissal, "Just press the small button on its side and it'll send me your coordination. I'll be there in a swift."

"And what if you don't come?"

"I'll be there before you could say a word."

"We'll see about that," The side of his lip tilted up, thought it slowly fell into a warm, genuine smile. You felt your heart swell.


"I have to go-"

"Come on! We have planets to go to."

"It's alright, I'm hoping you would keep your word," You smiled, "I'll see you by..maybe tonight?"

"I'll be there," You replied, before going to run after Carol when she decided to have a head start for that new planet you were researching.


Hey, earth girl. *F-boy face*

I've been wanting to write this for while now.


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