(Angst) A soul for a soul

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You grinned excitedly inside the jet, beside you was the man who loved you, dearly. He held your hand through all the flashy colors, roaming throughout the universe.

"This is a long way from Malekith," Loki spoke up, making you smile as you squeezed his hand.

The ship stops when you hit the surface, revealing a sandy, but- gorgeous place, though it also looked deadly.

You had met a man, his skin red and his eyes looked dull. His body that reached his legs looked like it was bound to disappear by the second.

"Loki, of Asgard," The red man spoke up, his voice ghostly, it ran shutters down your spine, "Son of Laufey," He said.

Loki tilts his head in confusion, in response, he moved you behind him by your waist. His hand covering you protectively.

"And Y/n L/n," He spoke up, his eyes reaching for yours, "Daughter of (father's name)" He made your eyes widen.

Instead of staying cowered behind your lover, you had moved beside him to glare at the ghostly looking man, "Who are you?" You ask.

He shakes his head, "This isn't about me," He answered, making you and Loki glance at each other with uncertainty, "I suppose you are here for the soul stone?" He asks.

Loki nods, squeezing your hand as if he was seeking comfort. You felt the fear in him, you heard how his heart was pounding in his chest.

"Consider me a guide, to you and to all who seek the soul stone," The red skinned man informed.

You smiled through the uncomfortable feeling grasping your chest, "Good, tell us where it is and we'll be on out merry way," You answered.

"Ah- if only it were that easy," He tuts, going forward inside the cave. Which led you to a beautiful sight.

At the end, it looked like a wall was surrounding the place. Colored a mesmerizing shade of purple, at the edge was a cliff. A sharp one, with one slip you could easily fall.

"What you seek is in front of you..as does what you fear," The red skinned man spoke up from behind you, it made you gulp.

"The stone is down there," Loki assumed, looking off the cliff as you hummed in response.

The Red skull nods, "For one of you, for the other. In order to take the stone..you must lose that which you love. An everlastong exchange. A soul for a soul."

You glance at Loki, who took a sharp breath as his hand twitches in yours. He felt his heart fall, it was either him or you.


You sat upon a log, your hands clasped together in a position for prayer. Your mind racing with thoughts, each a different idea. Your hand fidgeting with the bracelet on your wrist.

"How are you, lovely?" Loki asks, sitting beside you as he ran his fingers through your hair as an attempt to comfort you. And to comfort himself, but you only frown in response, "Maybe he's just making this up, there must be another way."

You shook your head, "No, I don't think do," You argued, sighing softly as you leaned into his touch.

"Why? Because he knew your father's name?" He asks, well- it was sort of like that. Your father was unknown to many, it would be impossible for him to venture out here.

You tilt your head side to side in contemplation, "Sort of.." You muttered, "But, Thanos left here with the stone and without his daughter, It's not a coincidence," You said.

Loki nods, "Yeah.." He shutters at the mention of Thanos, and at the thought of losing you. He already had plans for the future, had it had to be ruined?

You crack your knuckles, "Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes," Loki states.

You stood up, staring at the edge of the cliff as you felt the prying eyes of the Red skull, or so he named himself.

You point a hand to the cliff, "If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," You said, watching as Lpki stood up and went beside you.

"Then I guess we both know who it has to be," Loki responds, making you turn your torso to face the man.

"I guess we do," You smiled as he pulled you close to him, giving you a short kiss, his forehead leaning onto yours.

Loki sighed, "I'm starting to ponder- we have different ideas, my love," He spoke up, his eyes not daring to open. He didn't want this moment to end, he didn't want to leave you.

"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing: Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back," You retort, leaning away from his touch to cup his face.

His eyes open to face you, "You're not going to leave me right now," He shakes his head.

You tilt your head, "What, you think I want to do it?" You ask with a smirk plastered on your face, "I'm trying to save your life, darling," You roll your eyes playfully.

"Yeah, well I don't want you to," He removes your hands off his cheeks, replacing them with his hands, intertwining tightly with yours, "You know what I am, what I've done, how are you not getting I deserve this ending?" He asks, his eyes starting to gloss.

Your hands reaches to wave through his locks, "I don't judge people on their past mistakes, and other than that- I love you."

He sighed, feeling your hand reach his cheek, leaning into your touch, "Maybe you should judge..maybe you shouldn't love me right now."

You shake your head, fighting off tears, "I can't do that," You answered.

"I love you too, I hope you remember that," He said, making you chuckle quietly, kissing his forehead, "You win," He whispers, your lips still on his forehead as he kicked under your feet to toss you off, "I love you," He said.

"Not this time," You electrocute the man, making him fall tot he floor as you quickly scurried yourself up. Tunning to the cliff, only to be thrown to the side by Loki's magic.

He bolts to the cliff, jumping, his eyes shut as he readied himself for impact. But, instead, he felt you catching him. The places switching, oh, how he wished this was just a nightmare.

"Damn you, Y/n," He hisses, holding you by the hand as you had no bother to make your grip on his tight.

You felt tears cascade your cheeks, "Let me go, my love.." You whisper, "Live for me," You answered with a crack on your voice.

He shakes his head, "No, don't do this," He pleads, his own tears staining his cheeks, "Don't- you promised you'd never leave me."

"I'm sorry," You choked out, barely a whisper as you used your feet to throw yourself off.

"No!" Loki shouts, his hand feeling empty as he couldn't feel your hand anymore.


The Avengers sees Loki's dull face, but beside him was- wait- where were you?

"Loki, where's Y/n?" Steve asks, but Loki could only let his tears rush down. Natasha's stomach dropped, Clint's face fell.

Tony grabs his shoulder with a shaky hand, "Where's- where is she?" He asks within a whisper.

"It was supposed to be me," Loki answered, a sob stopping him from speaking any more words.

Clint came forward to comfort the broken man, leading him to his quarters. Sending him comforting words as the Avengers talked outside. Expressing their grief each on their own way.

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