Secret meetings never go well

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Peter flung on his clothes and trainers then grabbed his dark blue jacket it and zipped it up. He grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with a couple items he liked and left his room leaving it a mess.
As he walked to the elevator he tried to avoid any of the Avengers but it failed.
"Hey Peter where you going it's only 10 past 11" Clint asked breaking his conversation with Tony.
"Just going for a walk" Peter said keeping his head down and started walking faster to the elevator.
Tony left Clint and walked faster catching up to Peter and stood next to him, half blocking him from the elevator.
"Peter what's going on. You have been acting odd since you started going out and last night worried us" Tony asked sympathetically.
"Nothing" Peter tried to shimmy around Tony but Tony stepped with him to block him.
"Peter you know you can tell us. Did you remember something?" Tony asked.
"It's nothing I just want to fresh air" Peter rushed past Tony and into the elevator closing it before Tony could make it to him.

Tony turned around to look at Clint and some of the others entered the room.
"What's going on?" Bruce asked walking in talking to Vision.
"Somethings wrong with Peter" Clint stated blankly.
"What's wrong with him?" Wanda asked walking into the kitchen to get some food.
"I don't know but somethings not right" Tony said.
Strange looked at Tony's face and knew immediately what he was going to do.
"Your going to follow him aren't you?" Strange said folding his arms.
Tony remained silent which meant that was exactly what he was going to do.
"Then I'm coming with you" Bruce said out of the blue.
"What" Tony said.
"And me" Wanda said walking towards Tony.
"I guess that means I have to come too" Strange said last.
"No you guys don't need to come" Tony said.
"Without me you will do something even stupider than you are now" Strange said sighing.
Tony looked at them and realised he wasn't going to get no for and answer.
"Alright then. Get your shoes on because we are leaving now" Tony said putting a hat and sunglasses on.
"What's that" Nat chuckled coming into the room.
"It's my disguise. Whatcha think?" Tony gave a little turn.
Everyone burst out laughing. Even Strange cracked a smile.
"Whatever let's go" Tony clicked the button for the elevator and walked in with the three others who were coming with him.

Back with Peter he had began walking down the pavement. He had an idea of where he was going but couldn't think clearly. He kept seeing Tony's heartbroken face towering over Peppers body.
"Peter calm down. It's just a memory, it cannot hurt you" Peter whispered to himself to try and keep himself calm.
To get his mind off it, he thought of the other memories that resurfaced.
He saw himself in the same room for most of them with what he thought was training. He saw himself fight dummy's and people winning almost all off them. He would always see the same man. Whenever he had his missions he would see this 'guy' but he couldn't remember his name.
Peter thought it was odd that he had received a bunch of different memories but none of the avengers and from the way the avengers treated him they must have known him well and he knew that he had spent time with them so why hadn't any of those memories resurfaced.
He shook his head to try and break his thoughts then walked into the alley to see the mum was already there stood in the middle of the pathway.
"Peter" she said turning around to see him walking towards her "what's wrong when you called it's sounded urgent. I didn't think you wanted to talk to me".
"Last night I recovered some of my memories. Not all of them but a few" Peter said.
"Oh" the mum acted surprised.
"Are the avengers truly like that. Would they sacrifice innocent lives to kill someone?" Peter asked.
"Unfortunately yes, they aren't as nice as they act" the mum said.
"Am I an assassin?" Peter asked sincerely.
The mum went silent which gave Peter his answer. Peter was about to say something when he saw two people came out of the shadows. He stepped backwards.
"Peter don't be worried these are friends" she said.
The two figures came into the light. One of them Peter couldn't tell their face but the other he recognised.
"Your that man from my memories. You were the one who told me who to kill" Peter seemed shocked and upset.
"I am. However I may have told you to kill people but you didn't seem to object" the man said cutting Peter off who looked down at the ground.
"But ignoring that I hear you got some of your memories back" he said.
"I did" Peter looked back up at him.
"So you see who you are" he said his words echoing around in Peters head.
Peter said nothing.
"Come with us Peter. We can help you get all your memories back" the mum suggested.
"But what about the avengers. They have been taking care of me" Peter thought out loud.
"Do you really want to be with people who would kill hundreds of innocents to kill one man. Yes our group had killed people but only the ones who had done bad things and deserved it" the mum explained.
Peter was about to say something about Pepper when he was cut off by someone shouting from the end of the alley. Peter turned around to see Tony, Strange, Wanda and Bruce walking towards them.
"Peter get away from her NOW" Tony yelled angry.

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