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Peter ran as fast as he could and reached the road opposite the tower. He stood there for a while just staring at it. He recalled being here once before: it was a sunny day, he had a backpack on and he was incredibly nervous but now he just looked up at the tower as the rain thrashed down on his head. His hair was completely drenched and the rain drops dribbled down Peters face past his cheeks and onto the floor. It wasn't only rain that flowed down his cheeks but also tears. He had begun to cry. He had no idea why but tears pooled up in his eyes and ran down his face.

After a couple of minutes Peter crossed the road and into the tower. As he went up in the elevator water dripped all over the floor. The elevator opened and Peter having the amazing luck he did walked in with all the avengers in the same room. They all looked to see Peter drenched in water wearing only a t-shirt and trousers. The only lucky thing was that since he was drenched from the rain no one could tell that he had been crying, not that he was able to tell them why anyway.
"Peter your soaked through" Steve came over dragging a blanket off Bucky and wrapped it round Peter.
"I just didn't get back in time before the rain hit" Peter lied and hurried out of the room to his own bedroom.
"Is something wrong with Peter he seems a bit off" Steve asked as he watched Peter leave the room.
"No I think he just a bit cold from running home in the rain" Bruce said sipping a glass of water.
"Except that's not the case" Tony said getting everyone's attention.
"I was making sure the security system was working when I saw Peter stood next to the building on the opposite side of the road" Tony brought up the footage of Peter just stood there looking at the building.
"Why is he just stood there?" Nat asked.
"I have no idea" Tony asked a bit of worry inching its way onto his face.
"Maybe it had something to do with him sneaking out today" Wanda said.
"Sneaking out?" Sam asked.
"Yeah he thinks I didn't notice and believed him when he said he was going to a cake shop but I could tell he was lying" Wanda explained.
"Why was he sneaking out?" Clint asked.

No one had an answer for him they all just looked at each other.
"Well todays movie night Friday so we can drop some questions to Peter during the movie" Bucky suggested grabbing another blanket.
"Yeah I'll go if when Peter will be ready" Tony turned around and walked out the room towards Peters bedroom.
By the time Tony had reached Peters room Peter had gotten changed into Pyjamas.
"Ahh Peter your already in your pyjamas. You almost ready for the movie" Tony asked poking his head round the door.
Peter was zoned out.
"Peter" Tony said.
"Oh yeah what are we watching" Peter snapped out of his thoughts and stood up.
"Die hard" Tony said.
Peter pulled a face.
"I know Sam picked the film" Tony rolled his eyes and took Peter back to the main room where everyone had now sat down and had their drinks and popcorn ready.

Peter sat down in between Tony and Clint and began watching the film but no one was really paying that much attention as everyone was speaking to each other and Sam and Bucky were throwing popcorn at each tower from either side of the sofa.
"So Peter where did you go today?" Bruce asked Peter and Peter nearly coughed up his drink.
"I wanted to go on a walk" Peter said quickly.
"I thought you wanted to go to a cake shop" Wanda stated.
Peter went quiet.
"Yippee Kai yay mother-" Tony paused the movie and looked at Peter who had gone dead silent.
"Peter why did you feel the need to lie" Stephen asked but Peter still remained silent.
"Peter......Peter" Tony leaned forward to see Peter wasn't paying attention. He was zoned out and his eyes were focusing in and out constantly.

"Training begins now. Shadow take your position you need to be able to complete this for your next mission" the guard said pushing Peter forward into the centre of the mats. Peter looked around as four other men surrounded him and took attacking stances. They all began attacking him at once. He fought them off pretty easily breaking one of their arms and another's leg.
"Impressive Shadow this next mission should be a breeze for you" the guard said.
"But.." Peter began.
"But what Shadow" the man walked into the room.
"Nothing sir" Peter looked down at his feet avoiding the man's gaze.
"Perfect, then let's get you set up. This man isn't going to die on time without you" the man gestured for Peter to follow him and left the room.

"PETER....PETER" Tony yelled.
Peter snapped out his trance like state and bolted upright onto his feet breathing really fast.
"Woah woah Peter are you alright" Tony stood up next to him and put his hand on Peters shoulder.
Peter took a few deep breaths and thought of what he had just seen.
"I think I just need to go to bed and get some sleep. I'm just tired" Peter speed walked out the room.
"Somethings wrong?" Bruce asked.
"Somethings wrong!" Tony stated.

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