Memories lost

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The next day
Tony woke up. He felt groggy. As he sat up he looked next to him to see Strange still sound asleep beside him and smiled. He blinked a few times and reached his hand up pressing his hand against his cheek to see that it was wet. He had begun to cry. Ignoring it he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He looked as if he had barely slept. The eye bags we noticeable and his eyes looked slightly red at the edges.
"Tony were did you go?" Tony heard Strange from the other room. He couldn't tell if it was his sleepy morning voice or him whining.
"I was washing my face" Tony walked out the bathroom to see Strange lying in the bed, most of his face covered by the bed sheets.
He looked like a baby playing peekaboo.
"You look comfy" Tony smiled feeling a nice warmth in his stomach.
"I'm tired as hell" Strange sunk into his pillow.
"Well get up we need to have breakfast then see if there is a change in Peters condition" Tony's voice cracked mid sentence but covered it up nicely as he went to his drawers and grabbed some random clothes on the top of the pile and sat on the end of the bed putting them on.

Strange rose from his warm covers and scooted over until he was a few inches from Tony.
"Honey you need to stop stressing so much, we have the best healthcare possible and we have a Bruce" Strange hugged Tony from behind.
"I know, just my nerves" Tony gave a small smile and Strange gave him a kiss on the neck before rolling off the bed and locking himself in the bathroom.

In the lab
Peter laid silently on the lab bed. Nothing new happened. He remained the same as he did when the Avengers brought him in.
His body may look calm but Peters mind was something else.

Peter looked around. He was encased in darkness, nothing could be seen in any direction. Peter walked blindly forward calling out for any sort of noise.
"Hello. HELLO" he yelled as loud as he could but nothing changed until the area began to slowly light up. Nothing could be seen from any direction.
Peter began freaking out. He was scared and was on the brink of tears when he heard a quiet ching. He swirled around to see a figure in the distance. Once again he called out to it but the figure refused to turn around so he ran as fast as he could towards it.

By the time he reached the figure he was out of breath.
"Hey, where are we" Peter had no idea he was in his own mind and just wanted to leave.
The figure turned around but seemed to multiply. The figure turned into 2 then 4 then 6 and so on. As soon as the now 'figures' began visible so now Peter could see all their faces.

Back in reality Bruce had just wandered into the lab and everything was fine until he heard loud beeps going off. He turned round to see Peter vitals had just gone off the charts. He rushed over to look at them and with wide eyes rushed over to the other end of the room and opened a case.
A few moments later Tony rushed in followed by Bucky, Strange, Wanda and Vision.
"What's happening?" Tony sounded stressed as he ran to Peters side. His head was hot and sweaty and his breathing had quickened and was hoarse as he was struggling to breathe.
"I don't know. One minute he was fine and the next his vitals just spiked. There is no medical reason for why this happened" Bruce held Peters hand still and injected a medication into his arm to help calm his vitals. It sort of worked but his breathing was still struggling.

Peter was breathing fine but he felt a tightness in his chest and didn't know why.
At the front of the people were Tony and his mum stood side by side.
"What's this?" Peter was confused as everyone's faces revealed each other showing the Avengers and everyone he had a connection to.
"Do you remember?" his mum said with a blank expression.
"Remember what?" Peter asked as he saw the back row of people slowly fade away.
"Do you remember?" his dad then asked tilting his head sideways as another row of people disappeared.
"What's going on?" Peter kept his eyes on everyone as one by one they each faded making no noise or any sort of expression until only the front row was left consisting of his mum and Tony.
Nothing was said, they just stared each other down until the mum and Tony looked at each other and the mum faded away leaving only Tony who turned his head back to look at Peter.
"Mr Stark please, what is going on" Peter just wanted to know and he was trying to keep his voice from cracking.
Tony looked him straight in the eyes and said the same three words.
"Do you remember?".
""Remember what, I don't understand" Peters voice broke and it almost blasted into full out tears.
"DO YOU REMEMBER!?!?" Tony yelled.
That was all that was said and then he too began to slowly fade away.
"Wait no. Please don't leave me" Peter begged but Tony showed no emotion and disappeared into the air.

"Is he any better?" Bucky asked leaned against the wall looking at Peters who vitals were stable but still a bit on the high side.
"I believe so, but I will do some more tests to make sure that-" Bruce began but couldn't finish as Peter bolted upright.
"Oh my god" Wanda was startled.
Peter looked around. He was hyperventilating. He looked to see everyone's surprised faces and noticed he was in a lab with an IV in his arm. He yanked it out and hopped off the table away from everyone.
"Woah Peter calm down you just woke up" Bruce headed to Peter but he backed away against the wall with a frightened expression.
"Kid it's okay your mum can't get you" Tony slowly walked towards him.
"GET BACK" Peter yelled holding his arms out.
Tony stopped in his tracks.
"It's okay we are only here to help, your mum lied to you" Tony said.
Peter pulled a confused expression.
"Do I know you?" Peter asked.
"What" Tony pulled the same confused face.
"Peter do you know who we are?" Strange asked worried stepping next to Tony.
"No. Who are you?".
The four of them looked at each other then back at the scared boy against the wall.
"Oh no" Bruce said.

Damaged and LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora