Chapter 18: Mr. Qin is Back

Start from the beginning

And now, the thing that really attracted Su Bei was not the competition itself, but its winning prize—a wholesome 300,000 yuan, and it was after tax! For the current Qin family and Qin Group, 300,000 was not worth mentioning, but who knew in the future.

Su Bei planned to secretly save money. So even if the plot in the novel really happened, where Qin Shao lost his battle with the male lead and eventually went bankrupt, they would still have some money and would not be ended up living on the streets.


This time Dong Wenqi really wanted to cry.

"Su Bei, why don't you look worried. Are you really going to give the 'opening performance' to Song Xinyi?"

"No, no, you can't. If you give it up, how can you be worthy of me, who diligently voting for you every day? Also, the male god Xie and Su Xiaobao, who were busily soliciting your votes!"

In order to gather votes for Su Bei, Xie Minxuan and Su Xiaobao had reached the desperate level to even sell off their ultimate card: Su Xiaobao was selling his talent, Xie Minxuan his fame.

(T/N: This actually sounded funnier in chinese because the connotation is that the boys was selling their body to gather votes. But I don't know how to properly phrasing it.)

In the beginning, the promotion WeChat sent by Su Xiaobao was 'Whoever gave votes for Su Bei, I'll lend you my notes to copy', but later directly changed to 'Whoever gave votes to Su Bei, I'll help you copying notes.'

Xie Minxuan was even more exaggerated and directly created a voting campaign with instant prizes: Whoever helped gathering votes for Su Bei, 30 votes would receive a male god Xie's handwritten greeting card, 50 votes would receive a male god Xie's signed basketball, and more than 100 votes would receive male god Xie's 3-minutes video recording to cheer you for the exam.

Initially, Xie Minxuan didn't intend to be so exaggerated. But later, he inexplicably ignited his rivalry with Su Xiaobao.

Of course, their rivalry this time was to compare how much votes they could gather for Su Bei every day.


Listening to her deskmate's wailing, Su Bei saved the screenshot of the competition's information site before putting away her mobile phone and turned to look at Dong Wenqi.

"What kind of performance usually showed for the opening?" Su Bei asked seriously, taking her attention away from the red hacker competition.

"Well," Dong Wenqi tapped her finger on her chin: "Actually, there are no hard rules. You can choose any performance you are best at."

"Can I recite a poem?"

Dong Wenqi: "..."

Blame her, she just thought that since Su Bei surpassed Song Xinyi on the first place, then she would be able to make a brilliant appearance on the school founding anniversary, completely ignoring the fact that Song Xinyi was really a versatile multi-talent while Su Bei wasn't.

"Y-you technically can. Just, it seems to lack some grandeur." Dong Wenqi tried to persuade her friend.

Imagine on the day of the 'opening performance' highly anticipated by everyone. Su Bei stood on the stage and dryly recited, "Very quietly I take my leave..."

No! She didn't dare to imagine that!

"It's better to sing or dance, or else, to play a musical instrument."

In the Weiming Middle School's history, the 'opening performance' every year was basically chosen among these three. Song Xinyi herself danced solo last year. According to the intel she gathered, Dong Wenqi heard this year Song Xinyi had started rehearsing a piano solo.

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