Chapter 9: I Don't Like This Place

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"Su Xiaobao, you are stinky."

Su Xiaobao: Did I force you to hug me?!

"As if you aren't stinky." Su Xiaobao gave Su Bei an angry stare.

The two went from N city to B city, getting squeezed in the bus, having to catch the train, and had no place to take a bath during the whole journey. It would be strange if they were not stinky. Su Bei seemed to understand a little bit why Qin Shao looked disgusted when he saw them. Especially because they also looked dirty.

Looking at Su Xiaobao's grey, smudged face, Su Bei couldn't hold it and laughed loudly. When they got off the train, Su Bei deliberately smeared their face with dust, afraid that in case when they were still didn't find their father, they met another wretched man like the director on the train.

The novel mentioned that Mr. Qin had a clean habit and hated dirtiness. At first Su Bei never planned to met their villain dad with this appearance, but unfortunately she couldn't cope up with the quickly changing situation. Before even going out of the train station, they got caught by the police and then Chen De directly took them to Qin Shao's company.

It seemed that their first meeting with Mr. Qin didn't work well- Su Bei shook her head and sighed inwardly.

"Behind that door should be the bathroom. Su Xiaobao, quickly go wash yourself."

"Mm." Very cooperatively, Su Xiaobao took the clean clothes handed over by Su Bei and entered the bathroom.

By the way, Su Xiaobao also had a clean habit, and still pretty severe one.


At dinner, Su Bei and Su Xiaobao were called into the villa's side hall by Uncle Fu. This was the place where the housekeeper usually eat. When they arrived, they saw three dishes and one soup already served on the dining table, plus two sets of newly added tableware.

"Sir likes quietness, so the villa's worker all will leave after they finish their work. Beside Sir, I'm the only one who live in this villa." Walking towards them, Uncle Fu also gave the siblings more advice: "Starting today, you two will eat with me here. This area is the side hall, the kitchen is there...."

"You two..."

"My name is Su Bei, this is my twin brother, his name is Su Xiaobao." When she saw Uncle Fu didn't seem to know how to address them, Su Bei introduced herself and Su Xiaobao.

"Xiao Baobei? Little baby?" Fu Bo smiled. He secretly wondering, so their surname was 'Su'? Among people who had relationship with his employer, it seemed no one was surnamed Su.

"Who gave you the name?"

"Grandma Wang." After a pause, Su Bei added another sentence: "The woman who raised us."

After reading the novel, Su Bei knew that this Jingyuan villa was Qin Shao's primary residence, and the villa's housekeeper was also one of his trustworthy subordinate. Therefore, when facing this kind-hearted old man, Su Bei didn't hide too much.

"Alright, now sit down and eat."

The three of them sat down at the dining table. Uncle Fu's eyesight wasn't very good. But at this moment, under the lighting and at a relatively close distance, he carefully examined the two children sent by Chen De this afternoon. At one glance, they looked decent.

When he took a good look at the already clean and neat siblings, Uncle Fu's eyes lit up. Then the next second, as if to confirm his own eyesight, his eyes suddenly widened. That because Uncle Fu discovered something that surprised him : the two children and Mr. Qin were somewhat looked similar.

"You are looking for Mr. Qin?" After took out a glasses from his pocket, Uncle Fu questioned the twins with a probing tone.

Su Bei nodded, "We came here to find our Dad."

Because his mind already made up some speculation, the word 'Dad' he heard from Su Bei's lips didn't made him greatly shocked. At least not as great as Chen De.

Uncle Fu wore his glasses and looked at the two children.

Similar! How similar!

Especially Su Xiaobao, he looked like the exact copy of a young Mr. Qin. The facial features of Su Bei probably looked more like their biological mother, but her eyes were very similar to Mr. Qin, especially the color of their iris, which was almost exactly the same. A light brown colored iris like this was rare.

No wonder when Chen De brought the two children over, his explanation was so ambiguous, as if he was hiding something. So this was the reason!

Mr. Qin actually had two children this big! If he didn't see them with his own eyes, Uncle Fu couldn't believe it.

"So, the father you are searching for is Mr. Qin, right?"

"Yes.", Su Bei nodded: "Although it is difficult to explain, Mr. Qin is indeed our biological father."

Unlike Qin Shao and Chen De's suspicion, Uncle Fu has not experienced so many malicious schemes of business world. So, without even waiting for Chen De's investigation, he more or less already believed Su Bei's words.

Of course, since he still had to be prudent, Uncle Fu decided to wait until Mr. Qin returned home so he could ask more detail. However, his expression when looking at Su Bei and Su Xiaobao already changed.

Although he previously looked at the two children with some pity, it was only a normal sympathy towards strangers. However, after knowing that these two children were most likely to be the flesh and blood of Mr. Qin, Uncle Fu's eyes on Su Bei and Su Xiaobao clearly showed an elder's care towards his juniors.


Uncle Fu then proceed to questioned Su Bei and Su Xiaobao's life experience. Except for her dream and the real reason she took Su Xiaobao to find their dad, Su Bei hid nothing from Uncle Fu. After listening to the siblings' story, the housekeeper felt distressed for them.

"Did the Sir knew these things?" Uncle Fu asked.

"He knew." The police at the station already told Chen De's everything.

"What did he say?"

"Qi–Dad didn't seem to believe me." Su Bei lowered her eyes and answered in small voice.

A man like Qin Shao was hard to figure out. Judging from Qin Shao's expression today, it was actually difficult to tell how was his mood after the sudden emergence of two children. However, Su Bei could still feel that from Qin Shao's subtle expression and tone, he actually did not have high acceptance of them. Moreover, he also did not believe her words.

However, it doesn't matter even if he didn't believe it. After reading the novel, Su Bei understood Qin Shao's character pretty well: although it was too exaggerating to say that he completely didn't care about his family, Qin Shao was indeed a person without personal affection.

Therefore, from the beginning Su Bei has never expect him to give them fatherly love. After the result of paternity test came out, it was enough if he was willing to provide them with the basic resources they needed until they grew up.

The figure of Su Bei, who was deep in thought with her eyes dropped, became a pitiful sight in Uncle Fu's eyes. "Don't worry, wait until the Sir came back, then you could talk with him." He consoled the girl.

Su Bei's eyes instantly brightened: "When will Dad come back?"

"This... Mr. Qin has some work to do, so he won't come back tonight." Not just tonight, Mr. Qin seemed to be going to a business trip for several days.

After Uncle Fu finished speaking, he saw a disappointment on Su Bei's face.

"After he finished his works, Mr. Qin will come back. The two of you could stay in this villa and put your mind at ease. If you need anything, you could either find me or Xiao Chen, he was the man who send you here today." After Uncle Fu comforted Su Bei, he looked at Su Xiaobao, who was sitting silently at the side with his gaze down. He then raised his hand and patted the young boy's head.

The usually prideful boy blushed instantly.

My Whole Family Are VillainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora