Chapter 40: The accident - Age 35

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Cora's POV

Today was a special day: Hope turns 10 today. Rose and I agreed that we would celebrate this day in the same way we celebrated her first birthday: a big party. We invited Rose's fathers, my brothers and their partners, and our friends. All that we had to do today was get things ready.

For breakfast, Rose had made Hope some pancakes. It was Hope's favorite breakfast meal, so she was really happy to get that. After that, Rose and I divided the tasks. I would get the birthday gift and she would get the cake.

I got to work and waited all morning for lunchtime. So when it was finally lunchtime, I went to the store for the birthday gift. I had an idea of what I wanted for Hope. Hope was also quite vocal, she made it pretty clear what she wanted.

As I was going through the aisles with toys, I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry," I then turned around and smiled. "What are you two doing here?"

Anthony and Miles smiled at me. "Probably the same thing as you." They said.

I nodded. "I'm here for a birthday gift."

"Same here." They said.

"Are you two getting a gift together?"

"No," Anthony started. "But Miles really had no clue what to get Hope, so I'm helping him out."

I looked at Miles. "Can't Harper help you?"

"I've thought about that too but she doesn't really know Hope that well," He shrugged. "She can help me next year."

I nodded.


Rose's POV

When Cora left the house for Hope's gift, I took Hope with me to my fathers. On our way over there, Hope kept on asking what kind of cake she would be getting. She knew very well we were on our way to get the cake...

"I don't know, princess," I said for the tenth time as she had asked me the flavor. "Your grandfathers chose."

She crossed her arms. "I want to know."

"You will," I parked the car then. "Tonight at your party."

We both got out of the car and walked to my fathers' house. We rang the doorbell. When the door opened, my fathers greeted us with a big hug. "Come in." They said.

"We're here for the cake," I said and saw Hope jump around with excitement. "If it's ready."

"It is," Dad then looked down at Hope. "But I'm not sure we should be giving it to this young girl here," He leaned down a bit to be on Hope's eye level. "Can we trust you with this task?"

She nodded fast.

"I don't know," Dad said and got back up. "It's a really important task," He then looked at papa. "What do you think?"

Papa chuckled a bit. "I think it's safe."

I smiled at them as they got the cake, which was hidden safely in a box.

"Here you go," Papa said as he handed it to me. "Keep it safe."

"I will," I smiled at them. "We'll see you tonight."


Hope and I got back home. I immediately put the cake in the fridge and then frowned. We have nothing to drink for tonight...

I closed the fridge and then looked at Hope. "Hope, I have to go to the store quickly," I said as I put on my jacket again. "Will you be ok home alone for a few minutes?"

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