Chapter 34: The cause of memory loss - Age 32

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Cora's POV

Since we went to the doctor's office to check out Rose's memory problems, things got on fast. I admit I thought things would get more clear after we visited the doctor. But it got all much more complex.

We first had to explain the problem. Rose told him how she lived day by day, medications she took, whether she drank alcohol, how she's been feelings emotionally, what her diet is, and how she's been sleeping... She had to give him a complete picture of her life.

After that, the doctor also asked some questions to determine exactly how Rose's memory worked and what (if that's the case) was not working properly.

And that was the first appointment we had. He didn't give us an explanation for his questions. He simply told us to come back later. He would need to look back on Rose's answers with a team of specialists. I was worried.

After 2 weeks, we got a call. We had to go back to the doctor's office. I expected to finally get some answers. Especially since we didn't receive any last time we went.

At this appointment, he told us he wanted to talk about the results of those questions. He told us his team and he were thinking there could be a problem with her brain or her memory. But it was too early to determine what exactly it could be. So he took some blood from Rose, to check her blood. Furthermore, he suggested Rose undergo a brain scan.

In the days leading up to the brain scan, Rose was restless. She was constantly thinking about everything that was going on. She had many questions about what was going on, and I couldn't blame her.

While Rose was focused on the nearing brain scan, I took on the responsibility to take care of Hope. I could tell Hope was also wondering about this entire situation but she tried to keep things normal.

When the day came, I made sure Dara and Naheed would watch Hope so I could support Rose for this appointment. I drove us to the hospital and watched how Rose was seemingly getting more anxious.

We registered her at the reception before we walked to the right hallway. Then, we had to wait our turn.

I sighed as I looked around the hallway. I saw some other people who were also waiting for an appointment. I wondered if they too came for a brain scan.

I looked back at Rose and saw she was looking down. She was squeezing her hands together, as if she was trying to comfort herself. "Hey," I said and put my hand on hers. "Everything will be alright."

She kept looking down. She let out a deep breath. "How can you know for sure?"

I looked away briefly before looking back at her. "We can never lose hope, Rose," I smiled a bit, trying to make her feel comforted. "Remember, they haven't told us bad news. They're probably trying to figure out what exactly is going on with you."

She sighed deeply. "Maybe," She looked at me then. "But why do I have a bad feeling about this?" She looked so sad. It was clear she had lost hope.

I gulped. "You're just nervous," I pulled my hand back and wrapped my arm around her. "We'll do this appointment together and then we'll know more, ok?"

She slowly nodded.

We then continued to wait a bit. After some time, Rose let herself fall into my embrace. She leaned against me and seemed to finally relax.

After the appointment, things went back to our new normal. Rose was thinking about the whole process while I was taking care of Hope. Hope often asked for Rose and what was going on. It seemed she was done acting normal. She wanted to know what was going on. I tried to explain the situation to her as best as I could but it's hard explaining something you don't know much about either...

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