Chapter 23: Lost in thoughts - Age 24

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Cora's POV


I was looking at nothing in particular. I was lost in thoughts. I had so many things I wanted to research and so many things I still needed to do.


Maybe I should go to an adoption center after work?


Or should I ask Rose to join me? Maybe she'd want to go too?


I was pulled out of thoughts when Andrea nudged me a little. "Yes?"

"There you are," She smiled at me. "I thought we lost you." She chuckled.

I chuckled too. "Very funny."

"Where were you?" She asked. "You were gone for a bit."

I sighed. "I've got a lot on my mind," I looked down, at my hands. "Rose and I have decided to have a kid." I looked up at her and smiled.

Immediately, a big smile appeared on her face. "That's amazing news, congratulations!"

I smiled more. "Thanks," I sighed. "It's been a lot to plan and go over though," I nodded slowly. "I was thinking what to do next, I want this thing to get started, you know?"

She nodded. "You two would be wonderful parents," She put her hand on mine. "I'm so happy for you two."

I nodded. "Thank you, it means a lot to hear that."

"So are you going to adopt?"

I nodded again. "I put us on a list at an adoption agency, I thought about getting some more information so we could prepare well for the next steps."

"Yeah, that's a good plan."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"And you should have everything in the house for when the child arrives."

I raised my eyebrows. "Like what?"

"Toys, clothes, furniture... It does depend on the age though."

I nodded slowly. "I don't think we should get those items already, we barely got started."

She chuckled a bit. "I know, I'm just saying what you need to get before the child gets there."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"And definitely make sure to talk about it with Rose, it needs to be a thing of the both of you. A project of you two, something you both can work on."

"Yeah," I smiled. "I will. I hope she'll remember this time..."

She frowned a bit. "She still forgets things?"

I nodded. "She's forgetful."

Andrea chuckled a bit. "I have another friend that forgets things all the time!" She chuckled some more. "It's quite funny actually."

I nodded.

"Either way, you should talk about anything with Rose."

"I know," I nodded again. "I'm planning on doing just that tonight."



"Rose," I shouted through the house. "I'm home!" I walked to the kitchen, as I usually found her there preparing dinner for us. Today, however, she wasn't there. "Rose?"

I walked through the house. I didn't find her there so decided to go upstairs.

I walked to our room, as I thought that was the next logical location to find her. "Rose?" I entered the room and again found no one. I frowned. Where was she?

I walked around the upstairs but didn't find her in any room. Then, I got worried. I went back downstairs and went back to the kitchen. I don't know why, maybe I hoped she would magically appear. Unfortunately, she didn't...

I took my phone and immediately called her. I heard the phone go over but she didn't pick up. Come on, I thought, answer the phone.

I sighed and sat down as she didn't answer the phone. I didn't know what to do. Should I wait for her? Should I look for her? Should I prepare dinner? Should I call anyone else? Where could she even be? I was confused.


After 42 minutes, the front door opened and in came Rose. She entered and, when she saw me, she seemed surprised. "You're home already?" She went to the kitchen. "You're early."

I sighed and followed after her. I saw she was taking plates and putting them on the table, seemingly preparing everything for our dinner. "Where were you?"

She looked at me. "I was out, grocery shopping for our dinner." She then continued to unpack her bags and indeed, it seemed she had been grocery shopping.

I frowned. "Rose," I said while she was still unpacking. "It's nearly 9 pm..."

She looked at me again. "9 pm?" She frowned then. "I could've sworn it was nearing 6."

I looked down. "Did you forget again?" I gulped. "Did you forget about reality?" I looked at her. "Did you?"

She frowned. "I... No," She shook her head and continued unpacking. "I was just mistaken by the time, that's all."

I watched her unpack all the items she had bought for our dinner. She didn't seem to be worried about her 3 hours gap in memory. But I was. "Rose," I said after some time. "Are you doing ok?"

She looked at me. "Yes," She sighed and sat down with me. "I am, I'm sorry, I just lost track of time," She reached for my hands and held them in hers. "I just wanted to make us a good meal."

I smiled a bit. "Anything you prepare for us is perfect, you know that."

She smiled a bit. She looked down for a bit. "I thought about what you said last night," She paused for a bit. She seemed to think about what she wanted to say to me. She then looked up into my eyes. "Instead of adopting a child, why don't I get pregnant?"

I raised my eyebrows. "A-Are you sure? I mean," I paused for a bit. "It's a huge commitment."

She smiled before pulling my hands to her lips and kissing them. "I'm sure," She smiled more. "I'm committed to you and us," She nodded. "I'd love to get pregnant with our own child."

I smiled too. "It would be lovely indeed."

"So," She gulped. "Would you like that too?"

"I would," I then got up, to which she got up too. I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you," I said softly. "Thank you for being here."

She giggled a bit. "You're very welcome," She pulled back a bit. "I didn't know just being here was so special."

"You are special to me, Rose, you know that," I caressed her cheek. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you."

She leaned into my hand, enjoying the affection I was giving her. "You'll never have to wonder about that," She looked into my eyes. "You'll never lose me."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Promise?"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Promise."

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