Chapter 85. Loss Never Ends

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For every step I took, I saw another one of my followers. Dead by anything at this point. Though the screams had ceased for the moment, I knew I would eventually hear ones I didn't want to hear. As me and Eve continued through what I once called home, my heart began to shatter all over again. I find myself knelt to the ground, sweat and tears pouring.

Evelynn: Come on! We have to find the others!

There were no others...



They were gone...

I lost another family...

Just like so many years ago, I lost everything once again. My whole world had come crashing down around me. I couldn't stop myself from a full breakdown. I wept and cried out for any mercy. If there was a god out there, I wish you would answer my pleas! Too make the pain end and to let me be happy! I lost my parents...! My caretaker...! My friends... and a lover...! Eve refused to stop tugging on me until I looked up at her.

I bet I looked like a total mess. The one I looked like when I was a child. She wrapped her arms around my head and let me bury my face into her chest. I shouldn't be wasting our time here but the pain was too much now. All I wanted to do was mourn, but no matter how much I wanted too, how much I NEEDED too, I am never given a moment to breath. My thoughts are all jumbled up and I'm losing confidence in myself again. If it wasn't for them, Bokkie, Gumiho, Rogue and Eve, I don't know what I'd do anymore.

I don't want to humor those thoughts but I had nothing left in me.

Evelynn: Just go ahead... Let it all out... I'm here with you till the end.

Y/N: I should've... I should've never brought you four into this...!

Evelynn: Don't say that! You and I both know you needed us. Then AND now. Now more than ever.

I clung to her like it was the last thing I'd do with my life. I was beginning to think that it was.

"Y/N. Listen too me."

Y/N: Not now! Leave me to my pain!

"Remember my words. Pain and Love are both temporary, but can last an eternity. Look now to these women. They love you and will forever."

Y/N: Do not lecture me when you can barely lift a finger!

"You have every right to be sorrowful and angry, but hear my words. They love you and will do anything for you. They are all you have left and if you cannot live with the pain you are experiencing, imagine where you'll be if they die next."

My eyes widen a little. I slowly shift back to look up at Eve. She just looked down at me and smiled.

Evelynn: I'll never leave you. I promise. We promise.

"Luther will eventually find you and if they are there, they will forfeit their lives for yours. Can you live with that? Can you live knowing that the family you have been building will die directly after losing another one?"

No... No I cannot. I do not want to imagine a world where I lose the ones I care about anymore. Without them, I would be lost.

Y/N: What must I do...?

"You already know the answer. The real question is, are you willing?"

I know what I must do. I know that I am willing. It's just that... too say goodbye is the hardest thing to do. Especially when you know it'll be far to long before you see them again. I dry my tears and wipe the snot from my nose and lean all the way up. Now at eye level, I look to Eve's smiling face with one of my own.

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