Chapter 84. Retribution for the Shattered

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Third Person POV

Screams of rage overwhelmed even the raging inferno in the base. Sonya was in an absolute blood rage and swung wildly at Xin Zhou who dodged with ease. Sonya's Shattered Eye gave her increased speed and power, so much so that each swing of her friend's Libertador, the flames bent against the wind. The drones were even finding it hard to advance forward adn they had already past her.

Xin Zhou: You've gotten sloppy.


She jumps up, planting her feet into the roof and firing off several rounds of bullets enhanced with her power. Xin Zhou activates both his Shattered Eyes and a gold aura surrounds his staff. He then deflects the shots with ease. Sonya then hurls a giant spike of black and green lightning at him. This one he actually dodges. When it hits the ground, it was like actual lightning hit the ground. She then comes down, using an amplified version of her shock wave which creates a giant sphere of electricity upon contact with the ground. Killing all the drones within range.

Sonya: You took everything from me!

Xin Zhou: You knew the cost the moment you joined the army.

She then creates three orbs and hurls them at Xin who goes to block them. Instead, they go around and hover in place. Sonya then shoots one of them and causing an electrical explosion. The close proximity of them leads to a chain reaction. Xin Zhou gets blown away but upon landing, he uses his Audacious Charge and slashes her across the face where the Shattered Eye is. He then wraps the spear around her throat and grips the eye as it began regenerating. Sonya screams in pain as he began pulling it out of her.

Xin Zhou: I blessed you with the power to own the world and all you do is waste it. You are not worthy of it.

Akali: Let her go!

A kunai gets lodged into the arm ripping the eye out, forcing him to let go lest he risk taking a more fatal injury. He kicks Sonya down and turns to parry Akali's strike with her Kama. She was to slow and weak for him but Sonya foregoes resting in favor of attacking again. Shooting him in the ankles. They almost immediately start regenerating and he is just as quick to retaliate. He brings his spear up, parrying another one of Akali's strikes and kicks her in the face, then throwing his spear at Sonya. She rolls out of the way and throws another Lightning Spike. Xin Zhou grabs Akali before she could recover and holds her forward. Sonya had little time to do anything as the spike closed the gap.

Bane then came running in, tackling the two of them out of the way. The spike flew into the base and struck one of the support beams, causing a major collapse to happen. This caused a few injuries and deaths on both sides, more so Y/N's. Xin Zhou pulled himself up first and shook off the stars he was seeing. He looked over to see Bane holding Akali close.

Bane: I was hoping to keep the act going but seeing the situation for what it was, I had no choice.

Xin Zhou: Seems I underestimated your intelligence. No matter. You won't leave here alive.

Akali was unsure of what was happening and why Bane was suddenly on their side but she was sure that Sonya needed help. The two Shattered individuals were not fully regenerated and ready to throw down again.

Sonya: Get her outta here!

Akali: What?!

Bane: Don't need to tell me twice.

He then runs towards the destroyed gate, much to the confusion of everyone there. Akali immediately tried to pry herself from Bane but he wasn't having any of it. Sonya fires at Xin only for her shots to get deflected again. They then engage in melee combat and their blades clash. Sonya took time between swings to load another bullet into the bayonet. Xin Zhou activates his Three Talon Strike and goes for left right swing. Sonya gets hit by the left swing but parries the right. Xin Zhou then pulls back and goes for a uppercut styled thrust. The creates a large gash from Sonya's stomach up to her shoulder. She bit her tongue and sucked up the pain for a quick stab at Xin's chest.

Dark Savior (Demon Reader x K/DA)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن