Fighting the bros

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1 more day till going to America...

"Technooooooooo!!!" Tommy screamed.

"What do you need tom?"I need to practice blocking! Tommy whined.

"Why today-"techno questioned

"It's the last day from home idiot"
Tommy answered

"Oh right I for got about that-"
Techno said with a bland face.

Wilbur appeared out of nowhere

"Yeah how the fuck could you forget?!" Wilbur exclaimed.

"Time flies by when I beat you"techno responded.

"Woooww.. real mature blade"

"Shush wil"

"You can't fight all you want but can I practice blocking with you today?"tommy stepped in.

"Yeah sure how about you and Wilbur against me?"techno said confidently.

"That seems a bit unfair."tommy said

"Yeah since you need more people maybe add Eryn then you could probably tie it"techno said proudly.

"Shut up techno! I know Eryn beats me all of the time and almost beat you but you don't have to rub it in that he's better than both of us-"tommy said with a little frown.

"Why are you so sassy today blade?"
Wilbur questioned.

"Why are you so annoying?"
Techno said with a sassy kind of voice.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT let's do this! Come on!"tommy once again stepped in there mess.

After some dodging and swinging
As tommy as the defensive fighter and Wilbur as the offence

And techno... being techno

They almost tied it but techno hit Wilbur and also hit tommy at the same swing and techno won.

"WTF, HOW!?"tommy screamed.

"Wth is this rigged somehow-"Wilbur questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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