You could say I'm a better teacher than you

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"Wednesday at 1:45pm"


Wilbur screamed.

"NO YOU SHUT UP WIL" Tommy answered.

Tommy heard footsteps near his door.

"Want any help?"

"With what..?" Tommy said confused.

"With your homework-"

"Oh right yeah- wait do you even know how to do math"

"YES tommy I'm no idiot"

"Will you are an idiot"

"Shut up"

"Fuck you"

Both brothers start giggling

"Alright alright let's get started with this" tommy said still giggling.


3 hour later

"FINALLY DONE" tommy said while stretching his arms up.

"Well you could say I'm a better teacher than you." Wilbur said referencing to chapter 3.

"Nope I am the better teacher"

"Yeah yeah dream on"
Wilbur said.

Right as the brothers were about to leave Tommy's room-

"hey guys-"
Techno walked in

tommy said shaking.

"Sorry I'm not used to it"
Techno exclaimed.

"Jeez what did you want anyways"
Tommy questioned.

"I just wanted to ask you to train with me if that was okay?" Techno said smiling softly.

"I mean give me 15 minutes and I'll be out there." Tommy said.

"Alright I'll be waiting." Techno replyed.

"Could you really beat techno,like I can't even beat him and I'm his TWIN"
Wilbur said with no confidence about tommy winning.

"Oh shut it will if I can beat you I can beat him." Tommy said with


"What ever you says toms."


A few minutes later

Techno was waiting for tommy to come outside for a while now and he wondered if he was sleeping.

But right as he wondered that he heard footsteps near the glass door and be could see was tommy.

"Hey tech sorry for the wait I had extra homework to take care of but I'm here now"

"Alright just grab the armor, shield and the sword"

"Hey did I miss anything yet?" Wilbur popped from the side of the door.

"Nope tommy just got here"
Techno said.

"Good I wouldn't miss this for the world"

"I smell bullshit,but okay"tommy said with a frown.

"Alright I'll do the count down" Wilbur said to ease the mood.





Tommy getting a hit at the first swing

Techno block his second swing though

Techno hits

And he got it

He swings again

And tommy falls to the ground.

Tommy whispered.

"Did great tommy want another round?"



This keeps up for an hour or so

Tommy hits techno making techno almost fall from his position

But techno cought it by his left foot and techno swings his sword

Tommy kept blocking until he fell down.

tommy said.

"How are you this awful"techno said with a sarcastic tone.

"Ouch-" tommy said out loud.

"I was joking,you did great tommy you Improved alot since I fought you"
Techno said smiling.

"Thanks techie"tommy said hiding a smile.

"Y'know I'm gonna beat you both someday" Wilbur stepped in.

"In your dreams will"tommy said with a jokingly tone.

"Shut up"

"Fuck you"

"Boys get inside already it's 6:40!"

"Alright mom!" All shouted.

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