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A tall, orange haired male entered the room and he felt the cold draft of the wind from the open window. A familiar orange haired male sat in front of the window roughly the same height as him.

The other turned towards him with a teary face. The first male went silent "Fundy..." he sighed, the second male stared at him eyes wide. "I killed him, I killed my father," he wailed.

Fundy clenched his fists, tears running down his face. "No..." Fundy muttered sadly, "Fundy..." the first sighed. "I don't deserve to be called an alpha Callum, " Fundy said, covering his head. "That's not true, Fundy, you're the best alpha I've ever met. And I've met alot, I've never seen an alpha care more for their pack like you do," Callum said, rubbing his hand on Fundy's back in a soothing manner.

"Do you really think so?" Fundy asked, "yes, yes i do, and you're almost completely healed you can go back, you can go home now" Callum explained. Fundy muttered something, "what was that?" Callum questioned, "what if i wanna stay?" Fundy whispered. "Are you sure?" Callum asked.

"Look, it's my fault my fathers dead. I didn't know who my father or my mother was. I was an orphan, I had no one and I found out now that the man I killed was my father. I'm just... confused" Fundy sighed, Callum understood where he was coming from. "Yes, finding out you killed someone you're related to without knowing can be hard. But sometimes you have to accept it" Callum smiled.

"But hey us fox buddies gotta stick together right? As fox enthusiasts, we should be raising each other up. not competing fundy, High five!" Callum giggled "yuck" Fundy said with a frown before he softly smiled.

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