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Quackity was walking around his Packs camp, his fingers twitching anxiously. He did not feel safe, something was off, Quackity sped up the pace until he got to his house. He quickly opened the door and shut it behind him, being inside his house made him feel more secure. His body pushed up against the door as he dozed off.

Quackity found himself asleep on the floor, his head hurt like hell. He had fallen asleep, he groaned as he pulled something out of his neck.

A small dart laid in his hand, his eyes went wide and confusion washed over his face. He looked at the small dart. It was pale blue with a black tip "I knew it" he said to himself. For Quackity it was hard to fall asleep so he would constantly be tired.

"It's a sleep dart..." he mumbled to himself, getting up right when he stood up, a wave of pain rushed through his body as he lost balance and his body met with the floor once more. Quackity groaned in annoyance getting up again and his headache did not subside.

He pushed himself up against the wall as support and held his head "i don't think that was just a sleep dart". He made his way to the door before grabbing the door handle and he heard something... fighting. Quackity quickly reacted, shoving the door open looking over the battlefield, his eyes soared across the many people fighting. Blood he saw blood and so much of it but it wasn't the enemies, then quackity realized they were losing. His eye landed on something and his eyes widened once more. Rae had a blade to her throat.

The one who held the blade was a tall male with fluffy, dark brown hair and brown eyes. His outfit was that of a leader he guessed this was the one he would need to kill. Ignoring the effect he was feeling he ran towards them Rae turned towards Quackity then back at him. She spoke to him but Quackity couldn't make the words out.

The male pulled the blade from her throat, facing him the brown haired male pointed the blade towards Quackity. Quackity pulled his blade out, his sword colliding with the brown haired males blade.

"WHO ARE YOU!" he demanded answers "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH MY PACK" at this point Rae had fled hiding in her house.

    He felt somehow weakened. Was it the sleep dart? Was he still feeling the effects? Or was it something else. He coughed up a green liquid which spilled from his mouth. What the?!

Quackity had been snapped out of his thoughts to a blade that had been pierced through his heart. Blood had fallen down his chin from his mouth mixing with the green liquid, obviously a poison. As his eyes collided with the brown haired males brown eyes.

"Me?" The male said his voice sounded calm, too calm for a battle. "My name is Wilbur Soot, leader of Blood Pack, the most powerful Pack on earth." Quackity's eyes widened as the blade was pulled from his chest he lost balance hitting the ground. "y-ou ba-st-ard" was all he could say before coughing out a pool of crimson and Green. Wilbur walked away leaving an injured, poisoned Quackity to bleed out.

Rae's POV 40 minutes before

Rae woke up still slightly tired; she checked the time it was 6:23pm, Rae groaned, annoyed. Rae is a Bloodpack spy whose job was to find out everything about the group called the Wildfire pack. Rae's job is not easy if she messes up; it could cost her life, the only thing she knew outside of the pack was that her friends were placed in packs too as spies of course.

As far as she knew Lizzie was placed in the Ocean moon pack , Jessica and Squid were placed in the Forest pack. Callum was placed in the NightSky pack, and Nihachu and Eret were placed in Electric star pack.

To be honest Rae hated Quackity, Quackity is the leader of Wildfire pack he always made her job harder.


Rae sat by the entrance to the camp with a smile on her face. It was 6:48, she tapped her foot impatiently on the quartz tile floor. They should have been here by now, she thought and kept anxiously looking out the window beside the door.

"Rae?" she heard a voice behind her making her jump when realizing it was Alyssa she untensed "What are you doing?" Alyssa asked "expecting someone?" "NO" Rae quickly replied, taking Alyssa by surprise.

Alyssa held her bow in hand and her quiver on her back "Sorry" Rae apologized. "I'm not waiting for someone i'm just standing watch" Alyssa looked confused "ok? But you looked like you were waiting for someone." she asked again. Rae felt the sweat build up on the back of her neck and her forehead.

"I'm not," Rae said calmly, Alyssa stared at her for a few seconds. Rae gave a sigh of relief as Alyssa shut the door behind her, she stood there for a few minutes checking the time once more at 6:55 she thought about leaving until she heard the faint sound of horses finally she thought looking out the window to see seventeen horses each with riders. She slowly opened the door, stepping out and shutting it again.

The leader of the group of horses was a black stallion she recognised as Nightfire. His rider, she knew all too well Wilbur Soot just the thought of his name sent shivers down her spine.

"My king" Rae dipped her head in a gesture of respect. Wilbur did the same, bowing his head but only slightly. "Hello Rae," Wilbur spoke, finally breaking the silence that she felt lasted forever.

"Is the plan set?" His calm, royal voice was quiet making sure not to get caught. "Yes my king the Wildfire pack will be ours by the end of the night" Wilbur smiled looking at the large wall behind Rae "the horses can't go in we'll have to leave them out here Elixir, Sparklez. Dismount your horses and climb the wall, take out anyone on their defenses and turn them on the wildfire pack". The two males nodded and dismounted, tying their horses to trees, then approached the wall and started climbing.

"Rae" another male spoke. Rae turned toward the voice and was surprised to see Max on a horse, sky next to him with a smirk on his face. "I got him to come along" sky spoke "But isn't Max scared of horses" Rae replied "I was, but the months you've been in the wildfire pack Sky's made me realize horses aren't that bad" Max spoke softly Rae nodded her head.

Wilbur dismounted his horse, and stared up at the top of the wall Rae did the same, putting her arm just above her eyes to block out the sun. Then five figures appeared by the light silhouettes each holding weapons and two holding swords. Most likely Elixir and Sparkelez, however the other three held bows.

The five silhouettes jumped down landing gracefully on the ground, Sparklez and Elixir put their swords away. "Everyones dead besides these three we managed to get these ones on our side apparently they hate their leader. They say he's too demanding" Rae recognised one of them as Alyssa "Alyssa?!" Rae's confusion shot through the roof.

"Hey Rae..." Alyssa replied awkwardly Rae was so confused "i thought you liked Quackity" Alyssa's eyes met with Rae's anger in her eyes "Quackity deserves to die, you may not know this but before you came here three months ago...

Quackity executed three of my best friends right in front of me, while my other two ran away". "..." Rae was speechless. She thought Quackity was a good person but now she knew the truth.

Quackity needed to go and he needed to go now. Wilbur spoke this time "Quackity needs to go; he obviously doesn't have the attitude or skills to run a wolf pack properly".

Everyone nodded and went back to their daily duties except Rae. Quackity pulled his blade out, Rae turned towards him then to the male she knew very well. The blade to the neck was just a ruse "Wilbur, attack him" she whispered "Quackity's weakness is when he's caught up with an enemy, Quackity is strong but he's also not very smart when it comes to fighting".

The brown haired male smiled at her pulling the blade from her neck and pointing it towards quackity. Rae ran to her house not out of fear but to carry Blood Packs' plan out once Quackity was dead Rae had to take over Wildfire pack.

Rae shut her door behind her and grabbed a permanent marker out of her desk. She then pulled a scroll out, unraveling the ribbon she threw it to the side. She opened the marker and held the paper down and started marking names out Lizzie, Squid, Aphmau, Patrick, Callum, Niki, Eret.

Every. Single. Last. One. She wanted to ensure this plan didn't fail.

Words - 1530

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