Chapter 1

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"I love you."

You opened your eyes. "What time is it?" You thought sitting up and looking at the clock. You still had time. You had a meeting at 4 o'clock regarding the next hit game of the Deus Machina. You got up from the sofa. You hummed quietly as you made yourself a cup of coffee. Your office was a good size. The backwall was covered by huge glass windows and you could see the scenery nicely. You felt the phone in your pocket buzz and took it out. Jude had sent you a message. "Hey, (Y/n)! Me and Thomas thought about heading at the Simulatte after the meeting. Would you like to come along?"

You knew Jude didn't really like you, but you and Thomas were close. You had both worked closely on the Matrix. Pretty much all the credit had went to him for the game. You didn't mind. You had merely given him ideas and helped him with choices. "Yeah I'd like that." You sent the message to Jude and he sent a smiley. You smiled and shook your head. You hadn't gone out in a while. Last time you had gone out the date had been a disaster. But you didn't remember when you had gone out.. Who had you even been out with. You were startled by a knock. "Hi, bestie!" It was Kayla. "Kay!" You smiled. "What did the boss think of your design?" You asked. "He thought it was great. But well.. I got help from the best." Kayla laughed. "Stop it! You'll make me blush." You chuckled.

"Oh also, the boss wanted to see you." Kayla stated on a more serious tone. "Oh alright. I'll go visit him then." You said. Kayla walked with you. "I'll see you later then." "Bye now." You waved after her. You opened the door. There he stood. Looking out at the city. Your boss, Mr. Smith. And you had to admit to yourself, you did fancy him. He turned to look at you. The small smile as his crystal blue eyes spotted you. You felt your heart soar. "Thank you for coming here, (Y/n). Go ahead sit down." He pointed at one of the chairs. You nodded and sat down on one of the dark leather chairs. "Did you need me for something?" "I was just wondering how your therapy has been going.. And is your therapist nice." He sat on the opposite chair. "He seems nice enough." You smiled. The therapy had helped you with your... weird dreams. "Ah that's good to know." The dreams bothered you and they felt so real. "I've still only gone a couple times." You explained. Mr. Smith nodded. "Well I think we both need to go. The meeting will be starting soon." You nodded.

The best way to describe the meeting was boring. You felt like you made no progress, but atleast you'd get to go out with Thomas and Jude after it! "It's been a dogs age since I've gone out." You smiled. Thomas chuckled. "I go here pretty often. Simulatte is the best." Thomas explained. "He totally has the hots for that one lady who goes there. But to be real she is really hot.." Jude cut in. You gasped dramatically. "Tommie! You do!? And you didn't even tell your best friend." Jude frowned. "I thought I was his best friend." "No way!" You answered teasingly. Thomas shook his head. "Why does everything have to be a competition with you..."

"Why does everything have to be a competition with you?"



Darkness. Nothing. 

Where is he? Where is Smith?

"I won't let you take her!" Smith roared. "Please. You need to let me go.." You cupped his face. His eyes were watery. And you knew yours were as well. He kissed your palm gently.


"(Y/n)!" You shook your head. "Thomas?" He was holding your shoulders. "You just spaced out. And you were crying I think?" Jude looked at you worried. "Uhm." You were SO embarrassed. You wiped the tears running down your face quickly. "I'm sorry, we should continue." "Are you sure?" Thomas asked gently. "Y..yeah." You nodded. Your face was probably bright red! You thought that stuff only happened in your dreams. Nothing like that had happened before. 

"What did I say?" Jude chuckled. Thomas was staring at the lady who had come with her kids to the coffee shop. "You should totally go say hi.." You urged. Thomas was such a nice guy. He had always been more of a loner but the look in his eyes was one you had never seen. Thomas shook his head. "No way." "Come on! Dude, if you won't I will." Jude announced. "J-Jude! Stop." Thomas tried hurriedly. You chuckled. "I know this is all a bit unexpected. I'm Jude Gallagher. I work for a game company called Deus Machina." The woman looked at him questioningly. "Hi Jude. I'm Tiffany. And just so you know I'm in a bit of a hurry." She looked like she'd have a more kick-ass name. You waved at her. She nodded at you.

"Oh, sorry, but this is my very good friend, Thomas Anderson. He is a bona fide famous person and considered by most to be the greatest game designer of our generation." You saw the same sparkle in Tiffany's eyes. She totally looked at Thomas with the same look as the one Thomas looked at her with! "I'm sorry about this.." Thomas said, embarrassed. "Come on talk to her." Jude whispered. "Yeah, you can do it! Be brave like Neo!" You whispered. He smiled slightly at your refrence. "Hi, Thomas. Everyone calls me "Tiff." And you are?" "(Y/n)." You smiled slightly. Tiff nodded and then looked at Thomas. "Hi." He greeted awkwardly. Total introvert. 

"I just feel like we've met before." Tiffany said. "We both come here often." Thomas stated. Tiff nodded understandingly. "Uhh. Babe what's happening here?" A man walked next to Tiffany. "Oh, and this is my husband Chad." You frowned. Thomas and Tiffany both totally had that soulmate look in their eye whenever they looked at each other. "Tiff, darling, we gotta get Callie to practice."  Chad said. "Right, sorry." Tiffany shook her head. Her kids had stayed quiet but the oldest was giving Thomas quite the mean stare. "We'll hopefully see again?" Tiffany suggested. "I'd like that." Thomas smiled.  

"Way to go my guy!" You punched Thomas' shoulder. "Totally. Hey, you guys know what? How about we go to the bar, Miracles?" Jude offered. "But.. We have work tomorrow." You tried. You were still a tad worried about the way you had zoned out earlier. "Pfft! We just don't drink too much."

Jude was totally wasted. He was pretty much yelling the lyrics to "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi into the karaoke machine's microphone. You shook your head and laughed when he winked at you and pulled Thomas on stage. You had drunk enough to great a sort of soft buzz in your mind and for some reason everything was funny. The voice of yell-singing was fading. 

I miss you, beloved. 

Come back to me.

You felt yourself bump into someone as you walked. "I'm sorry." You quickly apologised. The man looked like one character from Neo's game. Morpheus, wasn't it? "I.. I need to go." You explained before he could talk to you. You ran out of the club. You were losing your mind. This couldn't be happening. What was happening?!

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