Chapter 84. Retribution for the Shattered

Start from the beginning

The most it did was ruin his suit since his powers was clearly better than hers. She then kicks the chest and uses the force to fly back and open fire from the air. Once more Xin Zhou deflects the bullets but each shot this time obscured his view. This was so Sonya could through another proximity trap and hit it with her Lightning Spike. The resulting blast was increased by almost triple the power. Xin Zhou was blown into a wall while Sonya flew out the base and into the sewer water. As she came up to catch her breath, she winced in pain. Her landing in the water just to happen to get her impaled with a rusty nail in the thigh. As she pulled it out Xin Zhou threw his spear at her. She parries it just enough that it doesn't cut her head clean off.

It ends up embedded into the edge of the walkway near the water, which is where Xin was heading. Sonya stops him mid leap by stabbing him in the chest again. This brought her with him and ruined his leap, leading them both to land in the water. Though movement was slower, Sonya still find the speed and strength to throw a punch across his face which sends him to a wall. He then comes back with a palm strike after kicking off the wall which gave him extra momentum. This sends a blast of mana through her body then came back. Sonya took no chances and held up her hand and slamming it into her palm. The shock wave was weak but they were in water, electrocuting them both. Xin Zhou took more damage as Sonya was more naturally resistance to her own powers.

She felt a sharp pain creep into her head as the Shattered Eye began tearing her body apart. Xin smiled at this and reached up to latch onto his spear. Not letting up, Sonya sends a bolt of lightning up only for Xin to surrounds his leg in that gold aura and kick it away. Sonya was quick to swim up and fire at him the moment the barrel poked out of the water. This makes him roll back to avoid a bullet to the head. Sonya used that time made to get out of the water and reload a single bullet into the chamber.

When she took aim, she didn't fire cause Xin Zhou was ready to block. Secretly, she stashed away one last bullet. Xin didn't need to know that. He smiles and points his spear at her.

Xin Zhou: We could've done such good works together, you and I.

Sonya: Too hell with your plans! You killed so many people in ways that only a sadistic madman would perform!

Xin Zhou: Please Barret. You know what you went through before was just as bad. You had nineteen different shrapnel wounds and were literally half the person you were. What I gave you is something rightfully owed to mankind.

Sonya: Rightfully owed!? You stole from the planet just to fuel your sick dreams!

Xin Zhou: Insult me and my dreams all you want but they will have no effect. You should know this Sonya.

The two changed poses as the leaned upward into something more relaxed. Then slowly they walked down the same path, deeper into the underground. Sonya never stopped aiming at him and not once did she blink.

Xin Zhou: Mankind was created from the dust of the earth. We are born from it and molded by its terrain, its weather. Day after day do we toil and fail to survive mother natures wrath. If she is the reason for our existence then how come we cannot freely take from her?

The two then stop at a few wooden planks placed as a makeshift bridge. Sonya's finger was mere inches from firing the bullet out.

Xin Zhou: If man is to survive the world, man must take the world as his own. My work to control Runeterra's mana source will not stop until I have succeeded, and when I am done, mankind will praise me as its one true savior. For bringing an otherwise cruel world to its knees! That is why I perfect Project: Shattered!

He yanks off his sunglasses and reveals both his Shattered Eyes to her. Just as she wanted to pull the trigger right then and their, her arms drop down and even let go of the bayonet. Xin Zhou while was cautious, took this as a sign of relenting. What he wasn't paying attention to though was her eye. It was still active and in between her pocket was the extra bullet. She would only need a moment.

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