kashvi - Covid-19 Vaccine

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I couldn't describe the feeling I had today. It was a mixture of happiness, a bit anxious and a lot of fear. One could guess why. I was about to get my Covid-19 vaccine.

This pandemic had been running for 2 years now and the whole world had been driven crazy because of it. While the vaccination started early in the previous year, I being 14 years old had became eligible to receive the first dose of the vaccine by now.

You know I am extremely afraid of injections, I just cannot tolerate even the sight of injections. I am just totally opposite of my dad. Well he is a doctor and I am scared of injections. He really has a hard time dealing with me whenever I am ill.

The last time I was ill just 2 months ago I avoided a checkup from him that my condition worsened so much that I had to get an injection from him to be better again. I refused getting checked up that left him no choice but to give me a shot without me noticing it. I wasn't even aware he was going to give me a shot. He told me that he gave me an injection after he was done. I realised that he is so good at giving shots that I didn't even feel it.

That day he took a promise that I won't make a fuss when I recieve my Covid-19 vaccine. He saw this was coming. So he took a promise and I had to agree. I just hope that he is the one who gives me the shot tomorrow. It would be painless if he gives it.

Time skip - Dad comes home.

"No my princess I cannot be the one who gives you the shot. A Nurse will do it." My dad tells me when I ask him to give me the shot.

"Why dad can't you make an exception. I want to take the shot from you only."

"No my baby we have to follow the protocol. I can't override rules. I am not even given duty at the vaccination centre. I can't give you the shot. Just try and understand."

I sighed not knowing what to do.

"My baby I know you are afraid but trust me the nurse will give you the shot very nicely. You won't even feel it. They are trained and experienced."

I nodded even though I didn't want too.

Kashvi's Dad (Dr Mishra)

She asked me something I cannot do. She agreed to me even though involuntarily. I promised her that I would be present there to support her morally. She felt happy hearing that.

Time skip - The next day - Vaccination time.

I was working when it was her vaccination time. I decided to take a small break to be present there for her.

"Dr Mishra the kids have come for their vaccination." My nurse came to inform me as I had asked her to.

"I am coming. Thanks for informing." I replied her.

I made my way to the vaccination wing of our hospital and meet my lovely daughter Kashvi. I am here as a parent and not as a doctor. Along with Kashvi there are many adolescents accompanied with their parents for their vaccination.

Kashvi came in as I had asked her. She had worn double mask on her face that is a cloth mask above a surgical mask covering her nose and mouth properly as I had asked her to. She had carried her sanitizer. The sleeves of her dress were short that can be pulled up easily. The only thing missing was her confidence. She was extremely nervous. I need to boost up her confidence.

"Did you eat before coming here?" I asked her as vaccination shouldn't be taken in an empty stomach.

"Yes Dad I ate before coming. Are you sure you can't give me shot. I don't want to take it from someone else." She asks me the same thing again.

"No Kashvi this shouldn't be going this way. You have to take the shot from the healthcare staff accountable for it."

She stays silent hearing my answer.

"I promise that I will be almost painless when you receive it. Just believe me." I reassured her.

"Just sit here. I need to get you registered. You need to wait." I told her to wait.

I went to the registration table to do the formalities showing her ID card to concerned personnel. Paperwork is necessary to carry out such a mass inoculation drive. After completing these tasks I waited with Kashvi till it's time for her to get the jab.

She started getting nervous this time the sight of the needles the nurses preparing and giving it to the kids.

"Remember Kashvi the injection you are supposed to get now won't be painfull. You just need to be a little brave. Okay."

"Yes dad"

"Ms Kashvi Mishra" someone spoke.

Her name was called in.

"Be brave Kashvi you can do it." I smiled getting one in return.

She sat at the stool she was supposed to sit. The nurse at her left to jab her. So I stood at her right.

"Please roll your sleeves up. This will take just seconds." The nurse spoke to her.

She rolled her sleeves up and looked at her upper arm which the nurse was wiping.

I held her face and turned to it to the other side so that she couldn't look her being jabbed.

The nurse immediately administered the shot in a matter of seconds without her even noticing it.

"All done pretty girl. It's over." The nurse spoke pressing a cotton over the spot.

Her expressions told me that she was suprised and ofcourse happy.

"Go and sit in one of the chairs kept there as you have to stay here for another 30 minutes." The nurse spoke to her.

The observation time is critical for every vaccination. All the adolescents along with their parents waited patiently after their shot.

"Dr Mishra your daughter is really sweet" the nurse told me making me smile.

"Yeah I am the lucky one" I replied her and leaving with kashvi to sit for the observation time.

We both had a chat while waiting. We both talked about her school and other stuff going on in life. It was nice spending some quality time together as we don't get such time much often.

"Is your arm paining?" I asked her.

"No it isn't. You told me it won't pain" she replied more like a question.

"I said it won't pain during the shot but in some cases it can pain later on." I explained her.

"Hmm for now it's not paining. Did it hurt when you had your vaccination.?" She asks me about my shot.

"Hmm No it didn't hurt me. Well that was more than a year ago."

"Observation time for all recipients is 30 minutes. If it's over please come and collect your gift hampers." Someone announces.

"Gift?" She questions me.

I placed my fingers on her wrist to check for her pulse which was normal.

There were some residents and interns checking the vitals of the kids before letting them go. They came to see her too but the intern understood that she is fine as I was sitting beside her.

"Go see what it is. Your observation time is over and you seem fine."

She went to the counter to grab her packet. She immediately rushed to show me the contents. I already know what it contains.

It was a face mask, a pen, a small packet of Chana Gur and a healthy drink. It was a was a way of cheering up the kids by applauding them for their work they have done by getting vaccinated.

The last thing left to be done was a selfie corner. I took a picture of Kashvi which says she got vaccinated by showing the V sign.

"Go home with your mom. You did very well today. I will come after my shift." I told her and her mom as she came in to pick her up.

"Yes Dad" She says leaving with her mom.

"Bye" - "Bye" - "Bye"

I grabbed her a box of sweets on my way home since she loves sweets and I wanted to make her happy.

Did you recall you being vaccinated reading this? I certainly did. Share your experience if you want to.

I have an idea of 5SOS as doctors for a oneshot. I will keep 2 guys in the oneshot. I hope you would like to read it.

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