"Err, I have English at this hour, but it isn't that important. Why, is there somethi-" She unexpectedly got cut off by Ms Yoo.

"This shortie here, is called Son Chaeyoung, she's the new student of Ms Park." She ruffled my hair, "And you're going to lead her around." Ms Yoo declared upon her. 

"This is Myoui Mina, a student of mine. She's going to lead you around. Have fun!" She spoke quickly before running away, probably to her class. The bell had gone off 3 minutes ago or so.

"Aah, uhm.. this is unexpected." I heard her soft voice speak up, causing me to turn my head towards her. 

Wow, she's stunning even up close.

"Son Chaeyoung." I spoke and reached my hand out, not knowing what else to do except for this- an introduction of my own.

She smiled at me and took my hand, "Myoui Mina."

She has a gorgeous smile too.


• Myoui Mina• Bisexual - Currently dating Kim Dahyun • 16 years old, to be 17 years old• Student of Yoo Jeongyeon• A person who knows her boundaries

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• Myoui Mina
• Bisexual - Currently dating Kim Dahyun
• 16 years old, to be 17 years old
• Student of Yoo Jeongyeon
• A person who knows her boundaries. She is a kind girl and is great to be around, but she has her own desires that she follows
• Life is something that she lets be as it is. The blonde goes with the flow
• Mina is known for being a big help in the school, but besides that, she's a quiet kid. Every so often she is called 'the other half of Dahyun'


"Shall we get started then? I don't want to miss my class by like 30 minutes, the English teacher doesn't really like students who come in late.. but all in all she's great!" Mina said to me and looked me in the eyes, before looking above my own eye level. 

Her expression changed and suddenly her hands were on my head, "Ms Yoo messed up your hair." I felt her fingers stroke through my hair as she fixed it.

"Oh, thanks!" I said with a chuckle when she finished with my hair. 

I like her already.

"C'mon, let's go. The school is really big, so it could take some time." Her hand took hold of my wrist and she pulled me along with her. She took quick steps.

This probably was something that wasn't meant to happen. I noticed that the second that Ms Park told me she couldn't lead me around and put the burden on Jeongyeon, who put it on Mina. 

But from what I heard, it didn't matter that much. The English teacher actually seemed quite laid back. I couldn't wait until I'm having my lesson from her.

Mina started showing me around TDoong High and telling me fun facts about the school. She's a really good guide, even though she didn't sign up to be one.

She made me feel at ease, which was something unexpected. I didn't think I would be able to feel comfortable so quickly at a new school.

"May I ask you a question, Chaeyoung?" Mina asked me midway the tour, turning her head to look over her shoulder- at me.

"Of course, ask away." 

"Why did you change schools? It doesn't happen frequently that a new student flows in with us in the middle of the year, so I would like to know the reason why you joined us" She asked with notable curiosity when we walked up a pair of stairs. 

I followed her up the stairs with a quick pace. "My family and I moved nearby because my father and mother found a better job here. And TDoong High seemed like the best school for me, so that's why I'm walking here with you right now." 

The hum I received from her told me that she understood.

After 20 minutes in total, she had showed me around most of the classes that I had. Now we were standing in the middle of a hallway on the lower floor, near the stairs. 

"Which subject do you have right now?" Mina had asked me once we stood still and faced each other. 

I opened my mouth to tell her, only to remember that I didn't know it on my own. My hands grasped at my bag and set it down on the floor while I kneeled down infront of it. I opened the zipper and got out my schedule. "Science, from Ms Yoo." I answered her question. 

"Do you want me to take you to her class, incase you forgot where it is?" She requested while tilting her head to the side. 

I shook my head no, "I know where her classroom is, but thanks anyway! Hopefully we'll see each other again sometime soon." 

She smiled and kept silent for a few seconds before coming back to her senses, "Alright, well, goodbye Chaeyoung!" Mina waved me goodbye before turning her back to me and sprinting towards her English class.

My hand lifted up to wave her goodbye back, but she was gone before she could see it.

I took a long breath and put my schedule back in my bag, closing it up afterwards. My feet took off to the classroom of Ms Yoo, which was on the upper floor.

I took my time on walking towards the classroom. I was late either way, and Ms Yoo would understand why.

As I opened the door and walked in, I saw pretty much all heads turn to me, including that of Ms Yoo.

She put a smile on her face and walked to me, "Ah, Chaeyoung, you're here. Welcome to your first science class." Ms Yoo put her arm around my shoulders and took me to her desk at front.

"Everyone, this is Son Chaeyoung, our new student!" She said with a cheery tone. 

I heard the students greet me all at once, making me smile and wave to the people. 

"She's so cute!" Someone in the back said and people started whispering right after.

"Alright, alright. Remember kids, this is still my lesson. You can talk to and about Chaeyoung after my class or during break times." Ms Yoo patted my back and pointed to an empty seat next to a girl with the most joyous smile on her face.

"You can sit next to Ms Minatozaki right over there." 

I nodded my head and began walking to the desk. The girl pulled the chair backwards for me to sit on, "Thank you." I whispered and sat down, putting my bag on the ground.

"I've heard about you, the new student.. I'm glad you're here. I'm confident that you will have a great time here." She said with a soft-spoken voice. "My name's Sana." Her hand reached out to grab mine.

"Ms Minatozaki!"

Sana giggled lowly and I grabbed her hand before shaking it, "I'm Chaeyoung." I whispered to her. 


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