doug finds help

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Doug knew if he wanted Limu back, he would need a team. He hit up many places across the multiverse to get the people he needed.

First up was the Kingdom of Far Far Away. This is where he would get his most important people such as Shrek, Farquad, Fiona, Puss, and Dragon. It turns out each and every person in that group had dealt with Jake from State Farm. He apparently scammed them when they applied for car insurance! That all agreed IMMEDIATELY to join this riot against Jake, even if it was for different reasons.

Next place they decided to go was Hogwarts. They needed to recruit some Slytherins to do this. It would be simple to get them, as long as they pretended they were apart of Voldemorts team. They put cloaks on and strutted like the queens they are into that school like they owned the place. No one interfered, as they were VERY afraid. As they approached the lunchroom, they saw Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and some other fellow Slytherins dealing drugs to some innocent muggle Hufflepuffs who assumed it was crushed up smarties mixed with fun dip. They didn't sell smarties OR fun dip in the wizarding world (who knew?!) and they were having MAJOR withdrawals. Doug and his group managed to convince Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and the drugged students to run away with them and join their team, as long as he gave them each 10 bucks afterwards.

The last place they needed to hit up was Bricksburg. Emmett and his gang were ESSENTIAL to this mission. Emmett didn't agree immediately but once he heard that Jake was involved, he got VERY mad. As it turns out, Jake had tried to marry Unikitty at one point but Emmett and Wildstyle had thankfully stopped the wedding. They were surprised Jake had fallen deeply in love with another animal. Who knew he was drawn towards them?! Emmett, Unikitty, Wildstyle, Benny, President Business, Batman, and the Ghost of Lord Vitruvius all joined Doug's Team.

Doug was thrilled about the fact that he managed to recruit every person he needed plus more but one more person was needed that he forgot about. The hairless gopher of a child, Cailou. They drove up to Cailou's house in a big white van offering candy and hugs. Turns out Elmo was at Cailou's House too! Elmo and Cailou both came out of the house ready to help! They had managed to recruit a mafia boss AND a screaming child at one stop!

Everyone was ready to go and get Jake. Doug quickly pulled up the tracker which was connected to Limu's shirt, but it said the park! Jake had managed to remove it and fled with Limu. Jake had chosen to do this the hard way, and Doug was ready to mamba.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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