jake finds love

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It was a normal day at state farm. Jake sat at his desk feeling depressed when suddenly, he heard the most beautiful noise he had ever heard in his horrible godforsaken existence. He sat up to find where this glorious sound from heaven came from, he had NEVER heard a squawk like that before in his life.

"sQuAwK, sQuEaK, sKoOk"

He kept following where he heard the heavenly noises, he would not stop until he found the one making this harmony.

Suddenly, he saw the hottest creature he had ever seen in his life, a beautiful emu wearing a yellow polo shirt. But he was already with someone. This man child looked at this beautiful emu with the same amount of desire Jake did. Then Jake made eye contact with the man child. He gave a nod of approval as Jake started to approach him. The man child introduced himself as Doug and the angel of an emu introduced himself as Limu (it sounded more like SqUiCk but thankfully Jake had learned the tongue of the emus in second grade during that mandatory class that now came in handy).

Once Jake and Limu made eye contact, it was as if no one else was in the park where they had met each other. As if they could read each other's minds, Jake hopped on Limu's back as Limu slowly started to gallop gracefully out of the park.

Doug tried to catch up, but he knew his efforts had been vanquished by this handsome man taking off with the one he loved more then anything else. Not long after, Limu's gallop turned into a sprint. Doug knew he would need to get his dream and future back, but he had no idea how. Why did he have to introduce himself to Jake?!

Suddenly, the greatest plan sparked his mind. He would have to kill Jake (or severely hurt him), or he would never get Limu back.

jake from state farm X limu emuWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu