Ch 25 - Truth Without Compassion

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When Rui was 3 years old, Zelma have started her pastry shop business. She became the source for cakes and sweets in the surrounding restaurants and lodgings in the countryside which caters to tourists and vacationists alike.

Daniel Ash is the son of the owner of AshWell Inns. He had openly declared his interest in her. He is a charming handsome man, around the same age as Zelma and already preparing to take over the management of the Inn.

Zelma never hid her son to anybody. To her, Rui is a part of her whole being. So even then, Daniel knows she has a son but still continued to pursue her at that time.

She'd normally receive flowers on almost a weekly basis at her shop. She would go on lunch with him and sometimes dinner. He is a sweet gentleman whenever they are together. During that time, Zelma is also considering opening her heart and giving him a chance to enter her and Rui's life.

One cold day of delivery, Zelma finished unloading her pastries at the receiving area of the inn. The kitchen staff told her Daniel should be having an afternoon tea with his mother at the garden at the back.

She walked along the pebbled pathway while appreciating the meticulous landscape of shrubs and flowers on the side. She heard voices before reaching the corner and decided to stop because he heard the conversation.

"That pastry girl, I heard you were seeing her?", said the woman's voice.

"I have been asking her out on meals, yes." Zelma heard Daniel's voice.

"Am I pastry girl?", Zelma thought.

"Why? Don't tell me you ran out of choices? Aren't there other women you can date? I heard she's an unwed mother and her son is around 3 years old. That kind of woman may have had a scarlet past. She may have slept around and not know who the child's father is! Daniel I will not allow this foolishness. Stop seeing her!", the woman bellowed

"Wow...", Zelma felt sad and angry at the same time.

"Mother, don't worry. I am well aware. I just find her interesting but I am not serious with her. I intend to play around with her... probably in bed too hahahaha!" Daniel laughed.

"No! I still don't want you to see her. We can maintain our business relationship with her but go no further! That's final!"

"Alright mother. Calm down. I will have the staff handle the transactions with her moving forward." Daniel heeded his mother's wishes.

At this point, Zelma decided to walk back to the reception area. She sat at one of the tables and sent Daniel a message that she is waiting for him to complete the delivery transaction.

"Oh were you not able to see him?", asked the staff.

"No, I went back. You said he is with his mother so I figured they may be talking about personal stuff. I just sent him a message. Thank you. I will just wait here".

Not long after, Daniel met with her and they completed the delivery transaction.

Few days after that, Daniel told her another person will be assisting in the orders for the Inn moving forward.

Zelma never asked. It was a definite blow to her self esteem. She never knew she will be perceived harshly that way. She slept with just one person in her life. Yet she was considered to have slept around. How cruel these people are. Since then, she once again closed her heart to prospect of love and the happiness it may supposed to bring.

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 25÷÷÷÷÷

Author's Notes:

1. Truth without compassion is cruelty - Antero Alli

2. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

3. Pinterest Image:

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